The Very-Many-Questions-Not-Worth-Their-Own-Thread Thread XL

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Question: Why oh why would anyone ever use shampoo & conditioner mixed in one bottle???
I did it for a long time because I was lazy and didn't care, but then I switched and will never go back.
I didn't even switch to the good stuff, just whatever the local drugstore has.
I also see no point in using 2-in-1 shampoo, but mostly because when I've used it it makes my hair disgustingly greasy straight out of the shower as though I had made it dirtier instead of cleaner. Separating the two fixed that problem immediately.
When I have hardly any hair two-in-one or just shampoo is good enough, but my hair is long as heck right now so I need real shampoo and conditioner
But you can't use both at the same time. They do opposite things. It's like having your car going forward and reverse simultaneously, right?

I cannot convince my husband to use separate bottles, but he won't.
Listen to the sage, Mary:
Because it saves time and money, and if all I care about is that my hair is clean, it does the job.

It's been 20 years since I had to fuss with my hair for clients or SCA meetings and events.
I don't condition. No point..
(and of course I quote only those who agree with me, this is the Internet).

I'll also point out that I don't need conditioner for hair nor beard.
What's the best way to clean (period) blood off bathroom tiles and a painted wall?
Shampoo opens up your hair follicles to release dirt and oil. Conditioner closes them back up so they don't dry out.

If you're only using shampoo, your hair can end up damaged, frizzy, and dry. 2-in-1s don't work because you can't open and close at the same time. You need to open (shampoo), rinse, and then close (conditioner, which also moisturizes)

What's the best way to clean (period) blood off bathroom tiles and a painted wall?
Soak as much of it up as you can first with paper towels. Anything that's already hard, try to scrape off. Use a soft rag, like microfiber, with detergent.

You ultimately may need to paint over it :(
*raises hand* What did you do, aimee?
Oh, come now. We've all been there at one time or another. Some months are intense.
Oh, come now. We've all been there at one time or another. Some months are intense.
Most of CFCOT hasn't been there, and some others who have don't really like to remember, thankyouverymuch. Not saying the intense months aren't really awful (they are), but I wish I hadn't read that post.

@aimeeandbeatles: There are many how-to sites with cleaning tips for just about any kind of spill/stain you can imagine. But the basics usually include soap, water, baking soda, and white vinegar (in the proper ratios; you don't want to dissolve your bathroom tiles).
Thinking about learning some Greek to read classical texts. Should I do Koine or Modern Greek? Koine is what they're written in, but from what I understand Modern Greek is pretty intelligible with it and then I'd have the advantage of it being a living language (for my purposes I probably wouldn't have to reach fluency). And there's easy resources like Duolingo.

I don't want to do Attic Greek, being able to read Aristotle is tempting but it's apparently complex and seems like a more limited return on investment. I suppose I could be convinced.
Yes, I think you need to ask moderators/staff in the Staff Feedback forum or perhaps via DM
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