• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The Tribal Elders of Delphi

Greetings. I am Melda, and I come from a far-away land far beyond your Southern borders where it is always winter.

I have travelled far to reach Delphi Nova in search of both warmer climes and to see for myself of what I had only heard: your civilisation's greatness.

I was hoping to partake in your election however I am unsure as to who all the candidates are. Can you please enlighten me? I would like to place on the record that I have no interest in being a candidate; I just would like to vote or participate as a loyal subject.

Other than that, as an outsider I have some views to share which might not benefit from your local knowledge, so please only consider this if you deem it feasible.

I think we need to neutralise the Siamese as a threat at the earliest possibility. To this end I suggest we enlist the aid of the city-state nearest to them.
I'm assuming that if anyone had a problem with what Dostayer had going on before, it would have been changed. So, here we go!

Following the newcomer Melda's advice, a diplomat was sent to Milan, but the Delphian Empire did not have the funds to convince the city-state to join the future fight against Siam. CaesarKyros did appreciate the sciences, so he ordered the research of philosophy in the interest of a so-called "national college". He also ordered the production of a barracks in Delphi Nova to train troops for the upcoming war. He also noticed the unhappiness among the population and he ordered the construction of imnes on salt deposits. Feeling very tired after 3 hard turns, CaesarKyros went to bed, where he was visited in a dream. The visitor told him that great change had to come in the form of a new social policy, and then the visitor disappeared. Kyros awoke in the morning and decided to enforce a monarchy to make him the supreme ruler. The power made Kyros order slaves to work on the cotton fields until everyone was happy, which of course, under Kyros, would never happen.

So, council, decide the best course of action for me to take!

(next expansion site)

(I think this is Malda's homeland)
Dostana has few hammers resources around it, we can use it to our advantage (and I also put on build a caravan just for the purpose of growing Dostana fast enough)...
Sorry about the late post. I didn't have access to my computer.

Kyros the Magnificent's advisors told him that the training of a caravan and donkey would help with the transfer of production to Dostana. With this production, Dostana would construct Petra and become the shining jewel of the desert.

Border Patrol sighted a Chinese scout and a Siamese warrior west of Mt. Kailash. In return, our scout found territory the Chinese had not claimed and bravely chose to proceed through it, knowing he may never see the glorious walls of Nova Delphi again.

Poland's diplomats approached the diplomats of Delphi with a proposition. Kyros would send all of the cotton acquired from the plantations to the Polish city of Warsaw. Poland would then send Iron from her mines to Delphi Nova's storehouses. Deeming the Cotton to be more important than the already-abundant iron, Kyros declined.

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I see our wise anax has discovered my frigid homeland of Islandia. I'm sure you can appreciate now why I have travelled north.

And my thoughts are with our brave adventurer Pytheas. May he uncover the unknown and return to us safely.

(Bloody hell. I thought there hadn't been any activity but the email notification thing seems to have fallen over. /me kicks it. :) )
The Delphian Empire was going smoothly, producing great wonders like Petra and the Hanging Gardens. The diplomats of the Shoshone Empire approached us with a proposal. We would give them our excess cotton and they would give us their excess copper. The dirty Chinese approached our diplomats shortly after the Shoshone left with another offer. We would give them cotton for 4 gold per turn and open borders. We accepted both offers.

Since I am completely free today (finally!), I will do both parts today. I will return in 6 hours and do the last part.

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