SGOTM6 Celts. Maintenance Thread

Yep the save works and I see goats and incense, when moving I see more goats and olives etc. So it's all good... *Rubbing her hands together waiting with anticpation for her first SGOTM*
In the hope of circumventing any confusion between the C3C version and "legacy" version...

The C3C version is exactly the same as the normal version of conquests with two changes.

1. The C3C resources have been replaced with GOTM resources. In your team threads there is a link in the first post to the GOTM reference thread. You can find everything you need to know about these resources there. You will NOT find Oases or tobacco or sugar Cane on this map.

2. You will not get settlers from huts. Instead you will get workers.

All the other changes listed are for vanilla and PTW only, and are designed to make those two versions of the software as fair as possible within a competition. The Conquests game is a separate competition, with a different award to play for. The two different games are not comparable, and not do I have any clue as to how I could possible make them comparable in the future. I use the same maps for both because it's easier to manage and it might offer some entertainment later in the game....
Saw the goats ... seems ok.

Wow - just for fun, I played that map a bit... how on EARTH does anyone play on SID level?

By 1600 BC, I had 3 cities, and America had about 14, and the entire land mass was pretty much taken.
Just curious.. is the goal of this game to have the fastest 100k victory (like the 100k award in GOTM) or to have the highest jason score?
Due to only poprushing available, a fast victory will mean more unhappiness from rushing, plus lower pop.. which will lead to a lower jason score than if you move a bit slower and milk score while reaching 100k
It's a race. Pure and Simple. The fewest number of turns to get the 100K victory.

Score is only used graphically to "indicate" how well other teams are doing.
mad-bax said:
It's a race. Pure and Simple. The fewest number of turns to get the 100K victory.

Score is only used graphically to "indicate" how well other teams are doing.
Good.. that was what I hoped for :D
Note that the first post doesn't include the all-in-one installer that is now available for Windows as well as Mac. See the links in my signature for both, or find them via the GOTM Mod Installers link on the GOTM Site main menu.
Yes. Just one job too many this weekend. I'll add it to the first post.
What is the barb setting?

Aah... I'm glad you asked me that. It's set to raging and in crackers words "with regionally intense barbarian activity" :)
The Saves are now available. I will be offline for 8 hours.
Post 1 of your game thread has a series of links. One of them is the "download save" link. Hit that, and you will see a table of all the teams and their saves. Pick your own. :)
Possible Bug involving movement cost for rivers

I have been informed that in the vanilla version of the game that workers can cross rivers without incurring the normal movement penalty. I have asked for a save from the team concerned (though I suppose I should just download it from the server).

If anyone notices this in PTW or C3C (or indeed in another vanilla game) then I would be grateful if someone could supply me with a save and a picture to show me where it happens.

As yet I have been unable to replicate it, and am unsure whether there is a problem with the bic or the map. Since the bic is identical to SGOTM5 I suspect the latter.

Just for information: It is not necessary to PM me about bugs to save my blushes. I prefer that issues like that are dealt with in the open. The only exception to this is if a method of cheating is discovered (as happened recently), in which case I wouldn't want it advertised. :)
Meli, SGL's are turned off for all GOTM games. It is staff policy.

The "worker crossing rivers" thing has not been replicated. I have checked a save of each software version and the correct mumber of movement points are deducted for crossing rivers on road and otherwise.

Because the map is handbuilt it is possible that there is a location where a river "looks" joined up but actually isn't. It's just a theory ;) Lets just call it a ford and leave it at that. :)
Is there anywhere a lurker could download a fresh 4000BC save to try out some of the techniques used by the teams?
mad-bax said:
I set it manually to 100K - Well actually I changed the standard map size to 100X130 and changed the OCN and tech cost to mid-way between standard and large.
The tech cost in our (offa) game seems to be like on a huge emperor map. Does this then also apply to the OCN?
Klarius: The only difference between your game and every other game is that the save was generated a day later. There is a bug in C3C that imports the last played games settings into a game generated from a scenario irrespective of what the scenario settings are. To the best of my knowledge I didn't open C3C in the intervening time, but confess that I didn't check before generating your save. However I am confident that your game is the same as everyone elses.
For peace of mind, I'll ask your team not to play any further until I have checked for sure. I will get back to you
Klarius: OCN is 20 and tech Rate is 280 for everyone. For C3C OCN for a standard map is 20 anyway, and remains unchanged. Tech rate is 240 for 100X100 and 320 for 130X130.

I do have a concern though, which is that the software I use to check it is reporting SGLs are on and Civ specific abilities are off for C3C (Can't be true BTW ;) ), so I think I need to find a different method for looking at saves. I might have to start using a Hex editor, which I hate.

If you really think there is a problem with your save then PM me and we'll discuss it privately since to do so here would involve spoiler info. :)
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