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If you entered a password to your civ, it says "worng password", but its right, ENTER


Jan 1, 2006
There isnt an exect fix for this problem, beacus you entered some password, if you didnt enter any password, go to this thread - http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=151721
if you did, send your save file to Daniel_Yahi@yahoo.com (its an underline, not a space) and most likely ill wont be able to fix your problem (failed one time, and succeeded one time), but i can always try =D.

Stargrove is on the right track, the problem is that the game know he edited the save file, and the game crashes. if any1 can complete what Stargrove started, he'll have many civ4 player's thanks!
Stargrove's thread -http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?p=3529270

those who have atlist one slot that they can get into the game with, got to this thread - http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=151343 , read the message Zwidar posted and most likely it will help!
Earlier today I came across this problem for the very first time. I have been playing an MP game with a couple of friends, and during the last session I changed the name (long, short and adjective) of my civ. Now, every time I try to choose my civ and type my password it tells me the password is incorrect.

I have tried the solutions presented here, but it seems directly modifying save files does NOT work, as there's seemingly a checksum at the end of the files. Loading the game as a computer player before the beginning of each session is not very graceful at best, and at worst has disastrous effects of an AI moving your units during war-time.

This is a very serious issue, I would like to know if Firaxis knows about it and whether it's flagged it for its next patch (when is that by the way?). If this is not the case, should I bother emailing the Firaxis support with regards to this issue or has someone beaten me to it?
its not a big issue if you dont care about protecting your civ.
i personaly dont care about that cause i only play direct ip games with my friends and AIs.
and when this bug happends to me, i just put this password - d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e - and it works like a charm.
this password works perfectly for everyone that used it.
so take my advice, dont put a password on your civs, and if the game askes you for one, put this password and you can continue playing.
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