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[BtS] DIPLOMACY: a mod for Diplogames!

As i understand. Combat engineers are not contructors. they are used to attack heavy fortifications or dug in enemies.
Those who build fortifications are behind the frontline units (workers)
So i would say that a C.E could attack withouth suffering the defensive % from a fort or city.
NO paradrop capability as the usually have heave material, big guns or SPG. Like the german had a 200mm gun.(brummbar or something like that)
Russians had big Sp Guns (no armour)
I just wanted to point out that I think I have found some potential new ships. One I will, most likely, use as Polynesia's Trireme (and may make a good model for a new UU actually, if we go in that direction). The other, I kinda don't know what to use it for but it looks awesome. I realize the "Polynesian" ship may not be accurate at all, but who cares? It looks awesome.

I did have an idea though, and maybe if anyone around here knows if this is possible that would be cool. Going back to Xyth's suggestion that the Polynesian UU be a ship. Is there any way, using python, to make it so that I could give Polynesia a naval UU that works like the old Civ Trireme worked? In that it can cross ocean tiles, but if it ends it's turn on an ocean (and I might give it three movement points just to entice you) it either sinks, or has a high chance of sinking (like 75%). Anyway here are the new ships.

Any chance you can release these boats separately?
I don't release things I didn't make myself unless they are otherwise unavailable, and this is available. It is from Total Realism for Warlords, which is an awesome mod by the way so I'd suggest you download it.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I nearly forgot to mention that GeoModder is working on the South-Pacific/Polynesian (I'll probably use it for the Philipenes too when that comes out) city artstyle. Here's a preview.


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I don't release things I didn't make myself unless they are otherwise unavailable, and this is available. It is from Total Realism for Warlords, which is an awesome mod by the way so I'd suggest you download it.

I downloaded that and was looking forward to playing it so much, but my brother lost the Warlords disk so I didn't have the necessary .exe files to start it. GRR!!!!!!
I don't release things I didn't make myself unless they are otherwise unavailable, and this is available. It is from Total Realism for Warlords, which is an awesome mod by the way so I'd suggest you download it.

Didn't know it wasn't your work. I'll try looking for that mod.
I don't release things I didn't make myself unless they are otherwise unavailable, and this is available. It is from Total Realism for Warlords, which is an awesome mod by the way so I'd suggest you download it.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I nearly forgot to mention that GeoModder is working on the South-Pacific/Polynesian (I'll probably use it for the Philipenes too when that comes out) city artstyle. Here's a preview.

Also works for Caribbean nations (at least Haiti.)
Alright, so I just wanted to run this by you guys. I was thinking of adding this ship (with either sail, I don't know which yet) as the African (Ethiopian, Malinese, and Zulu. Although I might leave the Malinese ship as the Islamic style) Caravel. First, which sail do you guys like first and second do you think that is a good idea. It is used as the Dhow in Total Realism, which is a ship common to the Indian Ocean (basically used in East Africa, the southern Arabian coast, and India). To me, the style/decor on the ship looks a bit more African than Indian but I am by no means an expert on such things. So what do you all think?

Oh yeah, there's a third sail that is in the last pic I posted of it (along with the ship I am going to use as the Polynesian Trireme).


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I don't know why, but I think the second one suits african ships better.
I would add that to Zulu and Ethiopia, and leave Mali with arabian style ships.
Also, don't forget to scale down the size of the african galleys
Holy crap those ships are awesome. I'm am definitely going to need to raid TR for units! I've wanted a decent looking waka for so long. The dhow is very cool too. Dhow were used extensively in the Red Sea and East African coast as well (especially by the Swahili) so it would very appropriate for Nubia, Ethiopia and the Zulu. Mali would be better served by a xebec I imagine.

I think having a chance for ship to be lost on ocean tiles could be done in Python BUT I'm almost certain it would require enabling one or two Python callbacks that would slow the game down drastically. Best to ask in the SDK/Python forum to be sure. However, Kathy put out a modcomp recently that allowed for 3 different types of ocean tiles, though I'm unsure if it supports random maps or not. Could be worth a look.
I don't know why, but I think the second one suits african ships better.
I would add that to Zulu and Ethiopia, and leave Mali with arabian style ships.
Also, don't forget to scale down the size of the african galleys

I didn't forget. Right now I'm using the sail from the first pic (not in that post, but the one prior) because it is the "vanilla" sail, the other two are just using other skins, but I'll probably change it to one of those. Anyway I'll probably put out the next playtest right after Geo gets finished with the south pacific city-style, I didn't expect it right now so I didn't plan on having it in, but since he appears to be close to finished with it I might as well wait until then. In the meantime I can change the Iroquois and Polynesian diplo-music (which I didn't like that much, not because it was bad, but because I don't like when there are people singing in the music. Yes, the Celtic music annoys me when I hear it). Anyway, so you guys realize how much I have actually done, and why the update took so long here is a list of the changes I have made to the units alone since the last playtest:
  • Updated China's unit set
  • Updated Spain's Unit set
  • Updated Portugal's unit set
  • Updated Arabia's unit set
  • Updated India's unit set
  • Updated Celtic unit set
  • Updated Korea's unit set
  • Scaled Meso ships
  • Scaled Sioux Mechanized Infantry
  • Updated Iroquois unit set
  • Updated Sioux unit set
  • Scaled American Modern Armor
  • Scaled Chinese modern armor
  • Scaled Ethiopian modern armor
  • Scaled Ethiopian mechanized infantry
  • Scaled Korean modern armor
  • Scaled Japanese modern armor
  • Scaled Persian modern armor
  • Scaled Dutch modern armor
  • Scaled Japanese mechanized infantry
  • Scaled Israeli mechanized infantry
  • Scaled Israeli gunship
  • Scaled Netherlands' gunship
  • Scaled Vietnam modern armor
  • Scaled Vietnam tank
  • Scaled Portugal mechanized infantry
  • Scaled Turkish modern armor
  • Scaled Russian modern armor
  • Scaled portuguese bomber
  • Scaled portuguese Jet fighter
  • Scaled Persian gunship
  • Scaled Russian gunship
  • Fixed Israeli Machinegunner heads
  • Fixed Khmer spearman animations
  • Replaced Korean Anti-Tank infantry/uniformed Korean "early" modern units
  • Scaled Mediterranean ships
  • Updated Russian units
  • Updated French units
  • Updated English units
  • Updated German units
  • Gave Spain a new tank
  • Used Snafusmith's "tanks for every civ" for civs that needed them
  • Fixed Roman modern armor
  • Fixed Portuguese modern armor
  • Added damage states and glossmap to American F-15 (Jet Fighter)
  • Gave Turkey a flavored Jet Fighter
  • Gave America a flavored Mechanized Infantry
  • Scaled Chinese bomber
  • Found new mediterranean caravel
  • Reskinned French Musketeer
  • Added new Gunships, made by Snafusmith, to appropriate civs
  • Added new Asian trireme
  • Added new African caravel
  • Added new "dark age" caravel, used by Franks, Byzantines and Celts (for Celts only because I didn't have another one)
  • Flavored American Destroyer
  • Gave Polynesia flavored naval units
  • Gave Japan a flavored Gunship

I got tired of writing it, there are two and a half other pages of changes just like that (i.e. some general and requiring a lot of changes, and some small and requiring only XML changes) that I have been doing the whole time for this "unit update." I thought it would go quicker, but I'm a bit of a perfectionist sometimes. So I apologize for the amount of time this is taking, but it is a lot of stuff, and scaling a unit may seem easy, but it requires constantly loading and unloading the game and working with different scales, so it is pretty difficult to get them to all be the same size.

I guess I can post a screen of some of the African ships so you can see how they are scaled.
Something I just remembered that I wanted to run by everybody. What do you all think of allowing the Marine unit to be upgraded into various specialized units? I was thinking of adding five new unit types that the Marine could be upgraded into for a cost (they'd be national units and be unbuildable otherwise). The units I had in mind, with a general description would be:
  • Medic: Pretty obvious what this one would do, heal units in a stack. Can't attack, or defend (i.e. it is destroyed if attacked).
  • Counter Insurgency: Would be placed in a city to put a stop to rebellion/disorder after conquest. Can only defend.
  • Special Ops: Could conduct a select amount of espionage missions, would also be invisible and could enter enemy territory. Can see invisible units. I was also considering making it have a hidden nationality.
  • "Alpine": I could use a better name for this. A unit that would have special defense and attack bonuses on certain terrains, would also be able to cross mountain ranges.
  • Combat Engineer: Can scrub nuclear fallout, build roads (only roads), and forts. Can't attack, or has a substantial loss of strength. I was also thinking of giving it an "agent orange" action that would take out jungles, but that might be unnecessary by the time it is around.

Each would require a specific technology and in some cases may require a specific building. I think it would be a pretty cool/dynamic way of allowing a civ to create a specialized military. I'm not entirely sure exactly how it would be implemented at this point, but I figured it might be a cool and unique feature of this mod. Any feedback on this idea would be appreciated, if I were to do it it would obviously not be in the next playtest and would have to be discussed.

I'm liking these ideas :D
Currently at the Sub-Forum we are discussing new traits as well as changing traits for existing leaders and spreading out the trait combinations evenly in the NEW LEADERS thread. We are discussing the pros and cons of combining or splitting the Songhai and Malinese Empires in the MODULE PACKS thread. And finally, in the GAME FEATURES/FUNTIONS thread there is disucssion about adding new unit types; Special Ops, UAV Drone, Diplomat, and Combat Engineer to name a few!

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