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The West colony

Turn 104, 275BC
Spoiler :

Caravels (2 total) on the southern border, triremes retreat into bubble gum.

Still no sign of the Amazon city, I think that puts the city on the first desert tile in from the Merlot jungle.

Turn 105, 250BC
Spoiler :

Nothing new with the caravels.

I can say that I'm really not to concerned with what Quatronia's got here. In graphs they have a history of being ahead of us in pop (though we pass them next turn) and with our relatively weak army, they aren't far ahead. Nor does is look like they're building up to much.

And we have another city on the mainland (the one closest to the capital), no screen

Put espinage on Dutch.

Overall, outstanding micro, I must say. This turn alone we had (1) the mine complete for pop 6 in AP city, (2) chop finish gran in bubble gum, and (3) had i played the turn before a workboat on the clam in jumbo.

It does seem like it's ready for a slavery switch. I know CS is just about in (by the time you read this the next turn is already played) so I held off for that but if we're to continue in Police state we'll want more than one +50:hammers: unit available to build: we'll want to be able to build one and 2-pop whip the other. And so I think we want construction ASAP. I still went 100% on compass this turn and next, but after Merlot finishes CS I'd recommend Merlot goes construction fed by Mav money (if Merlot needs it - currently Mav has ~100 gold and can get 45:gold:/turn at 0% sci)
Turn 106, 225BC
Spoiler :

So I open up the turn to this, I guess sometimes you can't catch a break. Leaves me no choice but to turn around. I rename the thing and fittingly I find an enemy caravel coming the other way. And that's a lone mace in the city btw.

Up: Bubble gum

Down: Poison

And stuff like this may be the story for Quatronia's power graph. There's also another instance of a warrior of theirs, I thought I took a screen but i'll try to explain anyway. In the first screen shot, there's a Quatronia warrior on the fogged desert tile heading towards the center spoke from the spoke going due south (where quatronia and CDZ live). I saw him with our chariot which ended the turn on the most Northeastern jungle tile of our spoke. His next move is up, on the desert tile and we can move 2E and end 1NW of him, trapping him for the kill for the turn after. (my original intention here, after seeing the lastest of the Amazon units, was to just least him as a scout on the desert tile 1E of where he is now, a good retreatable spot that gives us an extra turn if something's coming). Now, there's a few things i'm torn between doing and some feedback we be nice, we can (1) go 2E and kill him the turn after (he could end up gifted to amazon, worst case), (2) go 2E, name him something like Non-violent civil disobedient and don't move the turn after in a "we could have killed you but chose not to" act, (3) go 1E to scout, showing our hand and naming or not naming him, (4) go 2E and name him somethin like "up = alive, NE = dead", or finally (5) send them a diplo message with whatever. Oh, what to do.

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