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EFZI2 Complete - December 22, 2012

The AI pathologically builds Pile-ups anyway, and if you bomb those they keep rebuilding them instead of building units. It shouldn't be that much of a problem.
It's a real blessing to have Vuldacon around these parts. He is a true modding veteran (with +5HP). That he's channeled his many and considerable talents - and his great sense of humour - into one specific scenario is even better news for Civ3 fans. Mighty congrats on your achievement buddy. :goodjob:
I have Updated the Game to correct some minor things.
This Update will not affect the Game you are now playing but the changes will not show until you start a new Game.

New Biq
New Civilopedia.txt
New Script.txt

Corrected some spelling errors in the Civilopedia and biq.
Clarified the Wide Screen Entry in Game Concepts.
Added the Pile up for the Penal Colony
Corrected the reversed options for the "We have a Major Disaster" concerning Zoom to Building or move on.
Removed the unnecessary Defense Bonus from the HWY. Dept. Stockpiles as they are all Impassible.

The Game has been Uploaded with corrections.
If you already have the Game from 12-22-2012, you can get the 5-4-2013 Update Only Here
Is it possible to win with Company or Farmers?

The other civs die too fast and then it's over. I've tried at all but the easiest difficulty level and haven't come close. Taking away the Coast Guard and Tokagawa's house really hurts the company and farmers because now the AI civs die too quickly. And once the AI civs are all wiped out you have no chance. (unless you have conquered enough buildings but as Company or Farmers I can only get about 10 or so buildings before I become the sole target for zombies . . . at which point it's all over.)
Nwoll... Yes, it is as possible to win with the Company and Farmers as it is with the Survivors or Authorities... in Fact easier.

This all depends on What you Understand and have learned about the Faction you are playing.

Learn what to "Deal With" as you play the game... you need to help the AI factions to Help your self.

All Factions are easy to play IF you understand about them and what to do...
This game is 5 games in one and if you think you can play any faction the first time and expect to win without knowing the factors... you will be disappointed.

In many ways players can win with the Company or Farmers easier than the Survivors or Authorities.
Check out the Factions and what they can do... each are separate and Each are strong in their own way = all are equal.

Do Not give up but rather, learn what you can do when you choose to play any Faction in the game... ALL are Equal but play differently :)
You cannot go it alone in this game, at least not at first. You need to help your neighbors survive, if nothing else to be a zombie buffer. This has been my experience at least.
You cannot go it alone in this game, at least not at first. You need to help your neighbors survive, if nothing else to be a zombie buffer. This has been my experience at least.
Absolutely Correct Gojira54.

This is especially true concerning the Radio Station, Police Station, City Hall and The Wild Boar Inn... one can also consider helping out the Survivors and Company.
Help Guard buildings until You are ready to allow the Zombies to capture them... then you can capture them without having to go to War with the Other Human AI.

Place 2 or 3 Champions on Skyscrapers around buildings you want to help defend and get a Right of Passage Agreement with the Other Human AI you are Helping.

Use your Strongest Defense Unit to make Chains to block the Zombies from easy access to your Buildings. They will then go after the Other Human AI buildings, providing you more time to build your Forces as well as go after specific buildings that you want to capture as soon as possible, such as The Coast Guard, Paradise Resort, North Shore Industry and Mr Tokugawa's Home.

...Read through "Game Tips from Vuldacon" in Game Concepts :)
If you're too far away, destroying the Radio Station with a commando raid will have several benefits:
  • the nasty eggsack is destroyed (you don't notice it at first, but the extra influx of gigantic creepers with 4 movement points is terrible even after the Skreeches come to town)
  • the Company cannot win by its own special (devious) path
  • you create a No man's Land, the AIs tend to defend their cities so you can just strafe by with your cars/tanks/trucks and still keep a safe distance. Especially if confined with expendable attacks from the Chemicals plant.
Hope that helped!
Just found this error:

Turns out the Kitchen in the Fast Food Joint isn't set to obsolete at Zombification, which means it produces Survivors for the Zombies too!

EDIT: I see in the 'pedia it looks like this is supposed to be the case... Perhaps there could be two wonders preplaced here, one for the Zombies and one for the Humans?
With yet another unit -a 'Zombified Civilian', if you will?
The Kitchen is suppose to auto-produce Civilians for any Faction, including the Zombies.
This is to allow any Faction to gain Civilians from the Kitchen for use.

...When the Zombies have the Kitchen, the Civilians are infected with Zombie Virus and although they are not at the Full Zombie Stage, where they would appear the same as the other Zombies, they are infected and will attack Humans :)
Given that Civilians are nearly useless except in extremely large numbers where they can act as human shields, I wouldn't worry too much. Pathetic insects.

Civilians are good for blocking land areas around your buildings to prevent "Un-Earthing" of various Zombie Coffin Units, allowing players to use their Stronger Fighting Units for Fighting rather than stuck blocking tiles.

...Civilians are intended to be among the Lesser Units but can be put to good use. Other than that, the Zombies do enjoy using them to harass the Human Factions :lol:
I don't block tiles, just drive by and shoot 'em up. Civilians do make for good garrisons against discontent when I don't have the time or resources to bombard a city in order to cleanse out the Zombified inhabitants.
Why can all civs instead of just the Zombies exploit the Zombie Spider Eggs bonus resource?
I've personally found that the best strategy as the Authorities is to burn the Cemetery to the ground early on, make a nice fortress by the military base and defend the central part of the island, burning down the radio station if you lose it and recapture it. But then once I get the powerful units, I have only a few turns of leeway to put any plans into motion or else they make no difference.
Burn the cemetery? It establishes a three-city area that will be the key to linking your southern and northern outposts.
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