Turn Chat 2800 BC, Sat May 10. 12:00 GMT (8 AM EST)

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Also, sorry about not posting any instructions in the last T/C thread. I lost my internet access (storms).
Please settle Gorina in here based on the polls.

@Strider - that's understandable because of the storms you (and Padma) had this past week.
Military Instructions

Continue Exploring the Southwestern area, but dont wanter to far from the city site since that unit would be used to defend the city that will be founded
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Turn 5

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Notes: Not the best military performance we've ever had. A conscript barb defeated our fortified regular warrior scout to the west (and he was behind a river too). Noshuret was hit with another conscript barb defeating our fortified regular warrior there. We lost our entire treasury.

On the plus side our second city (Gorina) was founded and is doing splendidly. We doubled our military strength and now have a warrior garrison in each city as well as 2 warrior scouts. New terrain exposed is gorgeous. Lots of grass and hills. There's a coast to the SW of Noshuret which could indicate we're on our own island. We'll need to spear to mapmaking as fast as possible if this is the case.
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Note: This is a turn 5 screenshot
Sorry about not posting instructions. I thought it wasn't until 8 PM.
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