18 Civs; the Mongol Version


May 22, 2008
So, after a month or two away from Civ, I finally felt ready to return to the game. And also, I decided to write another 18 Civs story, the third in the series! It will be subtly different again from the last one.
I will be playing as Genghis Khan of Mongols. Enjoy!
The next part: XVI
Expected Date:29th October 2012!
18 Civs ; the Mongol Version
Played on Noble
The hunter was in his element.
He was crouched down in the long grass, hidden from the untrained eye, in a patch of long grass by the southern end of the lake. The fierce glare of the sun forced him to raise a hand to shield his eyes as he surveyed the deer; just three of them, a male, female and what he presumed to be their child. It had a gash across its leg, and was struggling to stay standing as it bent down to drink alongside its parents. Stupid creatures, thought the hunter. He must be less than 20 yards away now, all the while closing in. They don’t suspect a thing. Just as well really, he thought. His strength as a hunter owed little part to subtlety; it was his sheer ferocity and courage that had led him to his position as chief of his tribe, elevated above those that were perhaps cleverer or sneakier than he.
The deer straightened up. The hunter gripped his club with his right hand. It’s going to be now or never, he thought. He tensed, about to make his move . . .

VOICE: Gen – ghis!
The deer, spooked by the yell, scattered. Blast, and friggin double blast, thought Genghis. He straightened up and looked for his caller. A distinctive fat figure of a man was running – no, skipping towards him. He grimaced.
GENGHIS: Griznakh, you son of a weasel! Can’t you see I’m busy, hunting so that you can stuff your fat face day after day?
GRIZNAKH: O – oh, I’m sorry, but . . .
GENGHIS: I know you’re sorry. You always complain when there’s no meat at dinner.
GRIZNAKH: Well, really,Genghis, I . . .
GENGHIS: Enough. You bore me already.
GRIZNAKH: Well, its quite important actually.
GENGHIS: What, there’s no honey left, and the bees have gone off on one again?
GRIZNAKH: WHAT? That’s tragic! My news can certainly wait.
GENGHIS: I was joking, you dolt.
GRIZNAKH: What? Why I don’t believe you, Genghis. A regular guy . . .
GENGHIS: I’d say you were more of an Extra Large myself.
GRIZNAKH: . . . like me comes down to report to you on pressing matters . . .
GENGHIS: If it’s so pressing, why don’t you SPIT IT OUT!
GRIZNAKH: W-well, it’s about that penchant for settling down you have.
GENGHIS: (interested) Ah. Go on, my friend.
GRIZNAKH: Well, you asked me to make some discreet inquiries among the tribe about it, and I mean, really, the whole idea is preposterous . . .
GENGHIS: Back to the point, fool.
GRIZNAKH: Oh. Yes. Well, I did my job, and actually, I was shocked by what I found. Most of the people are fed up with moving around all the time, as if a ghost was chasing us. I don’t think many of the people would object to your idea. Although, I might add, a few people were against it of course, myself included, it sounds so far-fetched . . .
GENGHIS: Griznakh! Your opinions aside . . . ?
GRIZNAKH: Well, really, Genghis, I mean, it’s tradition, isn’t it? Nomads our ancestors were created, and so shall we stay nomadic until the last of our tribe should die. In fact, I am quite fearful that the gods would punish us severely for going against our ways!
GENGHIS: What utter bull you talk, Griznakh. You’ve made up my mind. We settle, and build permanent dwellings. Unless anyone wishes to take the issue up with me and my club, of course.
GRIZNAKH: But surely a well-reasoned argument would perhaps persuade you . . .
(Genghis raises his club)
GRIZNAKH: OK, maybe not.
(Back at camp, Genghis makes the announcement)
GENGHIS: Yeah, so any troublemakers?
(The crowd is still)
GENGHIS: Thought not. Alright then, bugger off. I don’t want to see anyone again until their yurt is finished.
(The crowd moves off)
GENGHIS: Griznakh, a word.
GRIZNAKH: Pumpkin.
GRIZNAKH: That is my word of the day. I thought it might satisfy you.
GENGHIS: You idiot, I just want to notify you that, seeing as we need at least SOME image of democracy on my council, I’ve appointed you as Advisor of Culture.
GRIZNAKH: A most honourable, well, honour, my lord! May I ask what it entails?
GENGHIS: Do you want the honest version?
GRIZNAKH: Why, honesty is the best policy, my dear Genghis.
GENGHIS: Fine. The other advisors and I, after having made our meaningful contributions to the meeting, invite you to stand and report to us on the state of our culture, that’s crap like art and music and religion and, yeah you get the idea. While you’re waffling on, we sit there thinking about other things. Once you’ve finished, we make our decisions, which were actually already made before your little soliloquy, and then go get drunk.
GRIZNAKH: Ah. Well . . .
GENGHIS: On the plus side, you will be fairly well paid. And well fed.
GRIZNAKH: (brightens) Well, have I any option but to accept? May I ask who else is on this . . . council?
GENGHIS: Three others, apart from myself of course. There is the veteran warlord Kolai, he will be my military advisor and top warrior. There is the young Ishak, who takes the role of domestic advisor; stuff like expansion and happiness. And finally, I decided to appoint Ialbuk.
GRIZNAKH: Ialbuk? The murderer? Why?
GENGHIS: He is the last of a noble and ancient line of warriors. True, he has proven himself to be villainous in the past, but I believe he is a reformed character.
GRIZNAKH: True, he seems to have turned over a new leaf. And, true, he is the cleverest in this tribe, past and present. But does he deserve this? I gather that you have put only your most trusted officials on this . . .council.
GENGHIS: If anything can inspire trust and loyalty in the man, it is this. He will prove to be a competent advisor, I am sure. He will be in charge of technological advancements and decisions.
GRIZNAKH: I trust your judgement my lord.
GENGHIS: That will be all, Griznakh.
And from such lowly origins, the Mongol Civilization was born.
Expecting for it with pleasure.
I – The Chinese Threat

Karakorum is completed


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GENGHIS: Welcome all to the first meeting of the council.
ADVISORS: It is our honour, my lord.
GENGHIS: First item on my arbitrary agenda is: man, did it take those losers long enough to build a simple yurt, or what? You spent so long planning it out, we wasted a whole turn. I could have built Stonehenge by now.
GRIZNAKH: Really, Genghis, it is just the sheer importance of the task. We all know heads would have rolled if we’d got it wrong.
GENGHIS: Heads are still gonna roll, if you ain’t careful.
GRIZNAKH: Anyway, I didn’t think it was too bad for a first shot. Of course, the idea is still ridiculous . . .
GENGHIS: Shut . . .up. Right? Second item . . . erm, Ishak, you said there was something of the upmost importance that needed to be discussed?
ISHAK: Erm . . . yes. Erm . . . oh yeah, I remember now. You know them scouts what we, like, sent to like explore?
GENGHIS: Surprisingly, yes.
ISHAK: Well, you know they were looking for, like, other civs and that?
GENGHIS: Yes, for crying out loud, I remember!
ISHAK: Well, it seems that they, like, found one. Well fluky, weren’t it?


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There is a ripple of interest throughout the advisors
ISHAK: I know. It’s well cool though, cos’ I had a bet with Oggy, like, and I bet that they’d find one within 100 years, and he was like, no way dude, so I was like . . .
GENGHIS: SHUT UP! Is that the extent of your fascinating report?
ISHAK: Well, yeah, but I brought along Haselof to tell you more. He’s like, a traveller and that, so he’s well experienced in the ways of these Chinese weirdos – that’s what they call themselves by the way.
IALBUK: (gruffly) Weirdos?
ISHAK: No, Chinese.
GENGHIS: Stop arguing! Invite him in then.

Ishak went to the tent door, and opened it. Through the entrance stepped Haselof, a small and wizened old man, in fact, the oldest in the tribe. Clasping his staff with both knarled hands, he made his way towards the table of advisors, a bright grin lighting up his face.
He is obviously delighted to be of some use to us, thought Genghis. He was fond of the old man, once a traveller, who finally decided to stick with the Mongol tribe some years ago. Now a well-known healer and mystic, Haselof was considered the nearest thing the Mongols had to a celebrity. In fact, he was so popular, thought Genghis, that many of the tribe would follow him over me.
In fact, Haselof had been the first person Genghis had invited to sit on his council. The old man had politely declined. It is not my place, he had said, to carve the fate of future generations, of my descendants. You need younger blood, my friend. However, Genghis had a sneaking suspicion that Haselof had not told him the entire truth. Ah well, he had thought, I must have respect for my elders.

HASELOF: Ahem. It is an unrivalled pleasure to be invited to address you at this, the inaugural meeting of the Council of the Mongol Tr . . . Civilization.
He chuckles.
HASELOF: Ahem. Like I said, a pleasure. So . . . the Chinese civilization.

He stops for a moment, seemingly to gather his thoughts

HASELOF: The Chinese are lead by a man named Qin Shi Huang. A fine man, if a bit . . . eccentric. He rules the Chinese well though – appreciates their strengths.
GENGHIS: Ha! These Chinese have no strengths.
HASELOF: The Chinese are numerous – this allows them to undertake momentous tasks, tasks which might seem impossible to us upstarts. They also build formidable fortifications. A Chinese city is approximately twice as hard to take as, say a Mongol city.
GENGHIS: But our Warriors are five times as fearsome!
HASELOF: Indeed, in a one on one battle with a Mongol Warrior, all but the most skilled Chinese Warriors would be bested. However, the Chinese prefer to take up defensive positions, and only fight when they have some sort of defensive advantage.
GENGHIS: In other words, these soft, effeminate southerners are scared of a fight, and instead cower behind their walls. I say, easy pickings!
HASELOF: I had thought that would be your reaction.
KOLAI: Mine too, m’lord. I say, we mass our warriors as quickly as is humanely possible.
IALBUK: Humanly.
KOLAI: That’s what I said, ain’t it? So I estimate training about 400 warriors for this assault.
GENGHIS: Sounds reasonable. Devote all our resources to building military.
GRIZNAKH: I really must protest . . .
GENGHIS: Overruled.
GRIZNAKH: What? Why . . .
GENGHIS: I said, OVERRULED! Thanks Haselof, you may leave. See you soon.
HASELOF: Indeed. Indeed I will Lord Genghis. Thank you for your time.

Haselof turns and exits the yurt.

GENGHIS: Right, third thing, what are we gonna research? Ialbuk, perhaps you can recommend something?
IALBUK: It would be my pleasure, my lord.

Ialbuk stands up, casting a shadow across the dimly lit yurt

IALBUK: The logical choice to me seems to be Animal Husbandry.
ISHAK: You what? That sounds well sick!
IALBUK: I was referring to the process of harnessing the true power of the wild animals around us, rather than some sick fantasy of . . . well, . . .
GENGHIS: Carry on.
IALBUK: As I was saying, the plains around us are barren, apart from being abundant in those large fluffy animals that look like clouds with a head.
GENGHIS: And you propose to study this abundance in our surroundings? Sounds logical enough.
GRIZNAKH: Yes, well, Animal Whatsit is all very well and good . . .
GENGHIS: Glad you agree Griznakh.
ISHAK: And I, like, concur.
GENGHIS: And so do I. That’s done then. Until next time.

And so the Mongol Civilization geared up for war. Genghis, of course, took a personal interest in the training of his warriors, teaching them combative skills that were a closely guarded secret of the Mongols and were the chief reason why Mongol warriors were far superior to all others. Before long, the Mongol army consisted of over 100 of these supremely skilled warriors. However, Genghis could see in their youthful naivety that they were far too inexperienced to face China yet. And so, he decided to lead them in a hunt. But no ordinary hunt.
WARRIOR VISLAZ: You ‘ave gotta be kiddin’ us, sire!
GENGHIS: Do I look like the joking type?
VISLAZ: You want us killed or summat? Hunting giant bears on the borders of our lands sounds like a deaf sentence to me.
GENGHIS: And your complaints fall on deaf ears. Within a week, each of you will have slain a giant bear, therefore eradicating their presence and blight on Mongol lands.
VISLAZ: Wiv’ all due respect, I still says you’re crazy.
GENGHIS: Of course you also have the option of being fed to the bears . . . alive. Either way, you will meet the bears.

Genghis laughs

VISLAZ: (pales) I’d rather have my club handy, thanks sire. You know what you’re doing.

The party treks on steadily, oblivious of storms, blizzards and other freak weather conditions. Looking back at the column, Genghis realized he was proud of his warriors. They were the best. But could they slay giant bears? If so, he knew it would prove invaluable for morale, not to mention experience boosting. He now hoped more than ever that he hadn’t made an error of judgement.
Suddenly Genghis stopped, and sniffed the air. The column did likewise, 10 metres behind him.

VISLAZ: What’s wrong sire?
GENGHIS: I thought I smelt something. Ah well. Continue march.

The party enters a dark forest. Tall, foreboding trees line the path on all sides. Every man in the column felt apprehensive. They also knew that they would follow their leader anywhere, so long as his nerve held.
Genghis stopped again.

GENGHIS: Vislaz!
GENGHIS: Did you just hear something?
VISLAZ: Why, no sire.
GENGHIS: Funny . . .

Suddenly, giant bears came pounding out of the trees onto the track.

VISLAZ: Bloody hell!

The momentum of the bears, their eyes glinting in the dark, carried them into the Mongol lines with a thud. Genghis himself saw a bear making to ambush him from behind. The bear was almost on him. There was no time to think, or swing a club. Quickly, he dropped to the ground. The bear ran straight over him. It stopped puzzled.
The bear slumped to the floor stunned. Genghis dispatched it with another mighty swing of his club. He turned, slowly, to see what had become of his warriors.
And was stunned at what he saw.
The Mongol warriors were fighting as one, closely packed together, clubs arcing through the air with undeniable accuracy. The bears, their initial rush long dead, could not get near the warriors without sharing the fate of many who already lay dead in the mud. Before long, the bears realized they had bitten off more than they could chew, and turned to flee. With a mighty cry, the Mongols surged forward, and routed the bears. The few that escaped would not trouble the Mongols again.
After the bears were finished, the column formed up again, and saluted. Genghis’s mind was spinning. The discipline of his warriors was way ahead of its time. He praised them in the highest way he knew how. As the party set off for home, Vislaz sidled up to Genghis.

VISLAZ: You were right, sire. Giant bears are small fry.
GENGHIS: Next time, we should take them on without our clubs!
VISLAZ: Ha! No chance. I wouldn’t take on one of those wiv’ my bear hands!

The success of the hunters brought the start of some good times for the Mongols. The fates seemed to be with them. Firstly, the scouting party came upon a friendly village down to the south, who were only too happy to aid the Mongols, as they had no love for the Chinese. A vast fortune, 90 chests of gold, was sent to the Mongols. Genghis was very pleased; he knew it would help them in the years to come. The second success came in the form of a technological breakthrough . . .
GENGHIS: Right. Ialbuk called this meeting, so I ask him to go ahead.
IALBUK: Thank you Lord Genghis. As you know, our scientists have spent the most part of 500 years studying those creatures which roam in such abundance in our lands.
GRIZNAKH: Yes, borr – ing, Ialbuk, but can we eat them?
GENGHIS: Is that all you ever think about?
IALBUK: But Lord Genghis, that is exactly what we can do.
GENGHIS: Yeah, but then they would just bugger off. Nice one, Ialbuk.
IALBUK: They wouldn’t bugger off if we didn’t let them.
GENGHIS: Oh, you mean just kill them all now? I thought of that first, actually, and I realized that they’d be gone within a month. Griznakh here could probably get through five a day.
GRIZNAKH: Genghis, I really object . . .
GENGHIS: Oh shut up, you fat flump, you know it’s true.
IALBUK: Amazing as it might seem, there is an alternative to killing them.
GENGHIS: Ha! Nice try, Ialbuk, but what are you on?
IALBUK: Well, it is clear that they thrive on the land, so we thought, why not just build an enclosure round them. Then they can’t run off.
GENGHIS: Good idea! We can herd them like . . . well . . .
IALBUK: We are calling them sheep, my lord.
GENGHIS: Like sheep, yeah.
ISHAK: Yeah, but, like, I’ve got one question. If we start killing them, like, they’re all gonna be gone eventually, ain’t they?
IALBUK: (exasperated) Well, that’s what we have been studying, you idiot.
GENGHIS: Ialbuk, don’t call Ishak an idiot.
IALBUK: My apologies, my lord. Such language is, of course, unacceptable.
GENGHIS: Well, yeah, it’s my job to insult people. Ishak, you repugnant rodent, don’t interrupt again.
IALBUK: Like I said, we have been working out how we can breed them fast enough to replace them as they get killed. And I believe we have been successful, and are ready to start our scheme.
GRIZNAKH: Oh, good show! Really excellent plan!
IALBUK: (smiles) But, enough about sheep. There is another animal which we discovered nearby, which we can use in a very different way, but using the same methods. If you’d care to step outside . . .

Ialbuk led the advisors, headed by Genghis, outside and round to the back of the yurt. Tethered there was a brown, sleek, four legged animal, with skin a rich chocolate brown, and a shock of black hair on its neck. The advisors were stunned. They had never seen anything like it.

GENGHIS: Now this looks interesting.
IALBUK: This fine fellow is what we now call a horse.
GRIZNAKH: He looks simply scrumptious!
IALBUK: You can’t eat him, Griznakh.
GRIZNAKH: Oh, well then, what is the use of such a creature?
IALBUK: You . . .
KOLAI: You can use them to pull carts.

Everyone turns to face Kolai.

IALBUK: You see, Kolai? I wouldn’t have thought you would be the first one to spot it. Our scientists spend ages debating their uses.
ISHAK: So, like, what do they do again?
IALBUK: They can carry a cart loaded with crops at least ten times as heavy as a human could manage.
KOLAI: To hell with that! I meant, use them to carry a cart with a human in. This is brilliant for war!
IALBUK: War? You would have these beautiful animals go into war?
IALBUK: Well I don’t know why I bothered researching these animals, if that’s all you’re going to do, you fool.
KOLAI: Hey! You starting on me?
IALBUK: Yeah! Bring it!
GENGHIS: Ladies, please! Both uses are good.
IALBUK: Bah. You wait, Kolai.
GENGHIS: Ialbuk, your research has been fascinating, but I would like you to shift focus again now. We need to improve all areas of our game.
IALBUK: Your word, my deed.
GENGHIS: And Kolai? Get back to training warriors.

The discovery of horses was to become an integral part of Mongol culture in the years to come, but for now, Kolai’s warriors still fought on foot, with just their clubs to hand. As the Mongol horde grew larger, Ialbuk continued his work on technology, and before long he was taking pleasure in instructing his listeners in the finer points of mining, a way of extracting hard, shiny, valuable substances called metals from the earth. Ialbuk was fascinated with metals, and he assured Genghis that there was no end to their uses. Shortly afterwards, Genghis decided the Mongols were formidable enough to, finally, take on the Chinese.


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The Mongol army is camped just outside of Chinese borders. They are summoned, and Genghis makes a speech.

GENGHIS: My warriors, the time has come for each of you to print his name upon the pages of history!

A general clatter of shields and cheers is heard

GENGHIS: For years, we have had to live as one of two dominant civilizations in this region. We are seen as mighty, yes, but equally so are these Chinese. Are we not far superior to these cowardly southerners, who hide behind their walls when, for example, giant bears pass by? And are we content to share our influence over the tribes with this complete façade of strength? No! So the day of judgement comes. We shall crush them as easily as we would a slug.

Another outbreak of cheers ensues

GENGHIS: With me!

The warriors yell and surge into the Chinese lands, Genghis at their helm.


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Meanwhile, in the Chinese capital, the Mongol incursion has not gone unnoticed by the Chinese. Qin calls his council together.

QIN: Ha! Let ‘em come, I say, I’ll give ‘em a bit of this!

He stands up, crouches into a fighting stance, then suddenly leaps forwards, making fancy slashing patterns in the air with an imaginary club. He promptly loses his balance and falls backwards.

ZANG: Sire, not only do they outnumber us four to one, but every single one of their warriors is better trained, more experienced, and under the leadership of Genghis, Khan of the Mongols.
QIN: But the Chinese have me, Qin, executor of hundreds who have crossed my path.
ZANG: Hundreds of criminals who were bound with ropes while you so magnificently smacked them around, yes. Additionally, your fancy slashing does nothing to inspire my confidence, sire.
QIN: Just, wait, Zang. They won’t get past me; I can tell you that now. 400 warriors? Bah!

Genghis’s men are ready for the final assault

GENGHIS: Ha! Haselof was right, they cower behind their walls. Kolai, start the assault!

The grizzled warlord acknowledged the order.

KOLAI: Move, you bastards!

The men let forth their war cry, and swarmed forwards towards the town. The Chinese warriors stood on their mud walls, looking on. Genghis got himself to the front, and led by example, being the first up one of the ladders.
GENGHIS: Remember the bears, lads. Stay together!

He vaulted over the wall, immediately followed by twenty others. A knot of ten Chinese warriors headed towards them. Genghis roared and swung his club at the nearest Chinese warrior, a man with a fancy loincloth and gilded club. The richly dressed warrior managed to parry the blow with his own club in midair. Then Genghis spun around and struck the warrior in the opposite side. The warrior, caught offguard, went flying over the wall. I shall call that one the Mongol Maneuver, thought Genghis, surprised by his own ingenuity, and unaware that he had just killed the Chinese ruler, Qin. Grimacing with satisfaction, he turned towards the next warrior.
It didn’t take long before the whole Chinese garrison had been massacred. Genghis had his soldiers round up the citizens of the town. They came quietly.

GENGHIS: Citizens of Beijing, your garrison is dead, your emperor is murdered, your city fallen. From now on, you are part of the Mongol Empire. You will be spared, but will work for the Mongols, as Mongols. You will obey my rule, and acknowledge only Karakorum.

The citizens were confused. Surely they were here to be massacred?

CHINESE CITIZEN: So we are to be spared, as long as we choose to become part of the Mongol Empire?

Empire, thought Genghis? Yeah, actually that suits us.

GENGHIS: You are to be spared, yes. As for choosing to become part of our . . . Empire . . . I think you’ll find you have very little choice. The Chinese civilization is vanquished, with us proven far more mighty.

The crowd erupted with cheers. Relief at the Mongol Khan’s decision to spare them was rejoiced, and the people were happy to serve Genghis, now that their previous arrogant ruler, Qin, was dead. Above the scene, Genghis stood, delighted at having removed forever the Chinese threat. But would the peace last?


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YAY! I loved the Aztec story!
II – The Wider Picture

An enormous throng of people turned out to cheer the returning Khan.
The citizens of Karakorum, having had the news a day before by virtue of a rather flushed messenger, had been ecstatic. This, they had said, surely was a sign that the gods were pleased at Khan Genghis’ decision to settle in the first place, and had favoured him against the Chinese. We are lucky to be blessed with such a magnificent leader. And so almost everyone was now packed along the roads, shouting their admiration to their leader as he strode through the streets, and he raised a hand and waved back magnanimously.
But one man was silent.
Dressed in a black hooded cape, he was able to wend his way to the front of the crowd without attracting any attention, as their concentration was fully on their ruler. Once at the front, he crouched low, just out of sight, and waited for his moment. As the Khan approached, he suddenly darted out into the street. The crowd, distracted, saw him whip something silver out from his sleeve. It gleamed in the sunlight.
The assassin lunged for Genghis’ throat with almost inhuman speed. But Genghis’ reactions were equally fast. He dodged to one side as the assassin’s knife hurtled a few centimetres past his neck, then grabbed the arm and twisted it round behind the man’s back.
“Who are you working for?” barked Genghis.
“Why, your enemies, of course” spat back the assassin.
Later torturing of the assassin yielded nothing more, but his yurt was searched, and a half-burned letter was found on the hearth. Though all names were burnt out, one thing was clear.
The letter was certainly from a Mongol hand.
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