new fictional civ


Dec 5, 2010
The United States Air Force as a playable civilization!

I think i've come a long way from my xmas mod. This one is fairly bug free.. please let me know if you find any. On to the good stuff

Pretty warlike in nature since it is an actual military branch.

Leader: Paul Airey; The first Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force

Unique Trait: Physical Conditioning (thanks to the Air Force's New fitness standards, all melee units get +1 Movement)

UU: MQ-9 Reaper (replaces the bomber, costs less to build, starts with evasion I; still requires oil;)

UB: Recruiting Station (repaces the forge; does not require improved iron and improves aircraft production as well as land troops; increased maintenance cost)

This is available from the ingame downloader;

As always, feedback is appreciated.

Disclaimer: This mod is neither endorsed by, nor affilliated with the actual US Air Force, the Department of Defense, or any of its agencies)

Have Fun

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