A game experience (SVN 10589-10686)


Aug 11, 2010
Hi guys, I thought I should post my experience here from playing the game for a month now, having reached nanotech era.

I started a continents map, standard speed, with revolution on, and the more costly buildings on also, victory condition mastery, starting difficulty noble, set to deity progressively, reached there around classical age I think, and kept it on deity.

Regarding the map
I know copper is supposed to be rare in the game, but I think there should be some more. From the 3 games I''ve played so far, I need a huge early expansion to ensure I get it, and I prevent AI from getting it, making it too hard for them.
Also, with so many resources, there should be at least 2 of each on the map, some of them where not even found, anywhere! Only when I built a miracle I solely could access them. I can't see why strategic resources (except for sea oil which was also missing entirely) are not rare, and others are so scarce.
When I got to the industrial era, I found out I couldn't build hospitals cause I was missing drugs. Good thing I found spices and something else I can't remember from other civs for trade, and had my Great Farmer build two of those that could enable me to make drugs. The civilopedia was not that clear though about it, that the two of them had to be planted in the same city vicinity so that I could make drugs, and it took me extra 15 turns to replant a seed.

Regarding the economy
I found my economy running efficiently from the start, at 100% research rate all the time, not a single turn turning the slider down. Always gaining surplus income, and reached at nanothech era gaining half a billion a turn, with the slider 100% on research. That's hillarious! I couldn't even spend that much money! And yes I was ahead in game (1 era ahead to be exact), but still, it felt like pointless.

Regarding the happiness
Happiness was deemed unnecessary from early on, even expanding too fast. I was about 5-10 cities above my civic limit, and only then I would reach the happiness limit in cities just being built. So that felt pointless also.

Regarding the unhealthiness
It was also pretty much useless. Not a single unhealthy city in the industrial era. I only saw a couple of those across the other continent, on the AI, but they where in dire conditions due to war issues.

Regarding the food
The wasted food! Oh man, a lot of waste! 500 food/turn on a city and growing in 10 turns...
Also, I felt there was no real difference in farming a grassland tile vs farming a desert tile, it was like +1 extra wasted food. So cities in desert vs cities in fertile lands would grow pretty much the same, with no big differences.
Same thing with cities on polar regions. My neighbor Gandhi had cities there with 50-100 pop in modern era, eating just fish.
I think the entire food/unhealthiness model has to be revised/rebuild.

Regarding the AI
I found the AI weak in guarding cities, and obsessed with stacking tenths or even hundreds of dogs or entertainers in them, instead of better defenders like archers and infantry.

Regarding the buildings
As the game progressed, I found the properties to concern me more than anything else, it became a game of stats cause I wasn't warring around, only Gandhi left on the top polar region of continent after Isabella willingly joined my state. But I found the properties gained by buildings to be nicely balanced up to nanothech era. Just as soon as a property would fall empire wide, I had a tech in front of me helping me build stuff to further advance that property.

Regarding the units
The guerrilla forces that come after the partisans are too strong for their era. 60 strength compared to 40 I think of the infantry or marines of that era is too much. I used 10-12 of each, with a couple of commanders to starve neighbor cities, or easily raze them from the map because they would mess my city planning.
I couldn't build agents anymore when the special agents (5 national units only) could be built, they got obsolete.
Some upgrades were not logical, some units which by built favored city defense, could then be upgraded to units that favor attack, I remember some robots in particular. Some other upgrades would downgrade the strength of the unit, like the frigates, just to counter subs. Never built one of them.
I found that making a ship unit invisible with a couple of different invisibilities (+2 each, don't remeber which ones exactly), allowed me to blockade sea cities to starve, even when the AI had much stronger ships it couldn't detect them. They had like 10-15 ships around my blockading unit and not do anything about it cause they couldn't see them I guess.That felt silly.
The interceptors felt very strong, so much that when attacking them, 1 enemy interceptor lying in an airport being attacked by 5 planes of 1 era above would only lose 10-20% of its health. So I'd need 20 attacking planes to take down one defending plane, not even on intercept mode. Maybe that has to do with the mechanics more though.

Regarding the revolutions
No revolutions appeared until I started starving cities of my opponents, and that happened in late eras. The interesting fact about it was that when the revolutionaries appeared on my opponents, they often razed the cities!!! Only in late eras I saw revolutionaries keeping the cities they attacked, and forming states with cities. It was fun but also a bit silly, not logical I guess.

Regarding the interface
I played on a 2k resolution (1440p), but the builds available below where obscured by the horizontal scroll bar, which only dissapeared when the available builds could fill less than one line. That deemed the 2nd line practically useless, so when I was searching for builds it was irritating harder.

Regarding the fauna
I found the fauna addition very nice, helping the cities grow with hunters. But in late game the ocean would be filled with it, practically making each turn to take more.

Finally my game would crash occasionally, but a restart would usually work. Only once I couldn't advance a turn no matter what i tried, but some people here helped me and gave me the next turn save game. In late eras when the turns started taking above 10', I razed some cities from the map, including two of my own, all awkwardly placed or too close to others and the turns time dropped a lot, the crashes also. I wish there was a minimum 3 tile distance option for cities, the AI does place a lot of cities 2 tiles next to each other, making the map too dense and the game veeery busy.

Overall I liked the mod, but because of the "more is more" philosophy, I think it has turned too unbalanced for my taste, and I thought I would write about my experience so that the modders may be helped in a way. I saw that in a recent build something was done about the economy, don't know the influence that has on a new game though. Maybe some of these above had to do with my rapid and successful expanding, but I felt that most of it does not.
Regarding the fauna
I found the fauna addition very nice, helping the cities grow with hunters. But in late game the ocean would be filled with it, practically making each turn to take more.
Yea, we need to rethink the sea critters. I am currently thinking of having them become "invisible" from smallest to largest as you get techs so they don't get in your way. There will be "hunter" ships that can see all of them but as long as they are not in your stack you should be able to get where you want quickly.
Thank you for the feedback, these are always needed!

About your issues with the economy. @JosEPh_II has been hard at work rebalancing civics to make it harder to make ends meet.

My revision of the prehistoric era buildings will also try to curb the excess of health and happiness you will get in this era.
Regarding the revolutions
No revolutions appeared until I started starving cities of my opponents, and that happened in late eras. The interesting fact about it was that when the revolutionaries appeared on my opponents, they often razed the cities!!! Only in late eras I saw revolutionaries keeping the cities they attacked, and forming states with cities. It was fun but also a bit silly, not logical I guess.

In late Information era, I had a civ (Siam) re-emerge, take back one of 'their' cities (Pattaya)... and raze it.:crazyeye:

Strategically it was probably the most impact they could have, rather than losing it again after a few turns, and I'm all for revolutionaries maximizing their impact. It's just a shame their behaviour can't be both impactful and realistic...
I saw after I posted the thread that v39 was also released a few days ago and some new deals come with it, some of them regard issues I encountered! You modders have been busy!!! :)

I forgot to mention the civics, I found many of them not worthy to change to, once certain civics became available sticking to them was an obvious choice. For instance, changing from a civic giving you +10%food +10%hammers to newer giving you just 20%food which is going to be wasted anyway is a no go.

And there was a time in nanotech era, I think it was androids or droids, where you could upgrade a droid fighting unit for +10 strength, and in the immediate next tech you could upgrade it again for another +10 strength.

Strategically it was probably the most impact they could have, rather than losing it again after a few turns, and I'm all for revolutionaries maximizing their impact. It's just a shame their behaviour can't be both impactful and realistic...

Hmmm, If I'd be a rebel nation conquering a city and remaining with only few forces vs razing a city and remaining with the same few forces, I'd go with keeping the city and take my chances. Razing a city may maximize the impact to its previous owner, but doesn't help my revolution at all.
And a few last things that I forgot to mention above.
  • Some units appear far to larger than others in screen size. For instance nuclear subs almost take 1.5 tile in length!!! In ground units for instance, shockwave APCs are big enought to cover the detailed city info when fortified in a city.
  • Are police cars supposed to be available in a later tech after already using police APCs with an older tech?
  • The dams tile improvement (worker action) seems to be on the opposite side of the river rather than the one it is placed on.
I found the AI weak in guarding cities, and obsessed with stacking tenths or even hundreds of dogs or entertainers in them, instead of better defenders like archers and infantry.

Building lots and lots of entertainers or storrytellers is a known bug @Thunderbrd should take another look at this.
Building lots and lots of entertainers or storrytellers is a known bug @Thunderbrd should take another look at this.
Pretty sure the problem is that these AI types can't board boats to get to the cities calling for them. It's something I know needs to be addressed sometime soon.
Are police cars supposed to be available in a later tech after already using police APCs with an older tech?
Yes, APCs are supposed to be arrest take down units but not necessarily the most cost effective way to put units on patrol to reduce crime.
Pretty sure the problem is that these AI types can't board boats to get to the cities calling for them. It's something I know needs to be addressed sometime soon.
that can't be the only issue because it also happens then all cities are on the same landmass.
that can't be the only issue because it also happens then all cities are on the same landmass.
May still be that pathing is failing - that the problem is that they cannot get where they need to go. This also doesn't seem to be an immediate problem as many games I see aren't struggling with it and its working as designed. So yes, there's stuff to look into there but the fact that it's working sometimes and not at others is a clue and that's about the only clue I've got at the moment, outside of KNOWING that there's likely an issue when a city is calling for help but the cities reacting to it aren't able to send the help they are training. I do know nothing is in place to make that possible for them, which is going to cause problems. You could well be correct that there are other problems taking place with it as well.
Yes, APCs are supposed to be arrest take down units but not necessarily the most cost effective way to put units on patrol to reduce crime.
What I meant was that APCs come earlier in game than police cars,which come with a later tech in same era, and that seemed strange to me.
What I meant was that APCs come earlier in game than police cars,which come with a later tech in same era, and that seemed strange to me.
The police cars are not supposed to obsolete the APC. The cars aren't as tough a unit but are better at countering crime passively. Thus they are best at different roles in the crime control process. You'll find this is a prevalent theme in how the modern Crime Control unit structures are designed. You start unlocking units that are meant to work together for differing roles (including for seeing different unit invisibility types) rather than just obsoleting the previous version. The Police Helicopter also fits into this scheme in its own unique way. As do the dogs still.
What I meant was that APCs come earlier in game than police cars,which come with a later tech in same era, and that seemed strange to me.
Kation is looking into that. He recently rearranged a lot of techs.
You sure Police cars come earlier? They are unlocked with Radio+Motorized Transportation (Industrial Era) and APCs are at Mechanized Warfare (Atomic Era).
You sure Police cars come earlier? They are unlocked with Radio+Motorized Transportation (Industrial Era) and APCs are at Mechanized Warfare (Atomic Era).
In the SVNs I played, police APCs came earlier than police cars. Not military APCs but police APCs.

The police cars are not supposed to obsolete the APC. The cars aren't as tough a unit but are better at countering crime passively. Thus they are best at different roles in the crime control process. You'll find this is a prevalent theme in how the modern Crime Control unit structures are designed. You start unlocking units that are meant to work together for differing roles (including for seeing different unit invisibility types) rather than just obsoleting the previous version. The Police Helicopter also fits into this scheme in its own unique way. As do the dogs still.
I had no idea about the different role of them in fighting crime, all I needed to use them for was the minus crime property points in my cities. I understood police cars do not make police APCs obsolete, but I thought that they should come in a later time historically. I'm not sure I'm correct about it, maybe it's just the idea I had about APCs. It was mostly a question/inquiry rather than a historical issue I found.
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In the SVNs I played, police APCs came earlier than police cars. Not military APCs but police APCs.

I had no idea about the different role of them in fighting crime, all I needed to use them for was the minus crime property points in my cities. I understood police cars do not make police APCs obsolete, but I thought that they should come in a later time historically. I'm not sure I'm correct about it, maybe it's just the idea I had about APCs. It was mostly a question/inquiry rather than a historical issue I found.
I haven't questioned the accuracy of your feedback on the timing on availability, but I am aware that I made things much more complicated in this regard in the Atomic Age through Information Ages with differing LE units standing for differing purposes, though many can perform other roles.
Regarding money, this mod has always had a tendency to have too much of it.
However, it seems that inflation has been turned off recently, which increases the money surplus by a lot.

As a player, I wouldn't mind inflation being tied to tech level, e.g.. research sedentary lifestyle, get a permanent +10% inflation. I think this would be much easier to balance than tying inflation to civics or turns played. Perhaps link the rate of inflation increase to difficulty level, too, so the AI doesn't suffer as much from it.
Inflation is a rough mechanic because visibility into how it works is really lacking. I've never looked at it in the code personally and I think the XML modding of it is much more limited than to adopt what you are suggesting. I'd have to first understand how it works to start with and where it's taking place in the coding. THEN I could consider some ways to adapt it. But another consideration is that it's only a factor on that particular option for Advanced Economy and the game needs to be able to function fairly close to the same balance with or without it. Might be good to isolate it into its own option... I dunno. It's just a seriously mysterious side of the mod for me still after all these years.
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