A Spiritual Odyssy

Otherwise I'll try to keep an eye on worst enemies and cancel trades ahead of time. I personally wouldn't have caved to Bren's demand to cancel with Washington. We're in bad water with Bren no matter what so no reason to have two enemies close by. Canceling the deals doesn't give you any + diplo, just negatives. Unlike other demands for money, maps, or techs, the cancel deals request doesn't grant a 10-turn enforced peace.

Sorry about that, diplo is still one of my big weaknesses. I'll remember that for next time.

Good set though. Going Currency, CoL, CS is probably the the best route. We can trade for Calendar and get those :) resources going.
Good old GW is still pleased with us, so we shouldn't have to worry about war with our co-religionists. Mostly the impact has been not being able to trade two outdated techs (Mono & Aesth) to him for currency.

What do you think about trading away Theo Cripp? Or would you self-research currency with the gold we have saved up?

We don't have nearly enough gold for both currency and CoL at 100% research, and we don't build up our gold reserves very quickly (break-even was 50% during the GA, so probably 20-30% now). We could also research CoL ourselves and hope to trade for currency without spreading Theo I suppose.
I think If we trade Theo away now we still stand a chance at the AP if we chop those remaining forests and then build up a big pop (even into unhappy) so we can end it with a whip.

Its not a varient nessesity but controling the AP would be a massive boost for us on the diplo front and also we can "declare war on the heathens".

I'd be happy with currency ASAP as we need to increase our gold rate by a lot. Liz is a teching moster and we need the gold to try and keep up.
Thinking more about it going straight CoL is probably the most reliable. We can keep the Theo "duopoly" and enough people have currency so that even if one of them goes for CoL we should still be able to trade it for currency. Huzzah for pillage gold!

War with heathens sounds like fun if we can nab the AP. I'm sure Shaka will go along! :lol: We need to be careful and not spread islam to our intended targets. Based on our rules we couldn't capture their cities though, but maybe that would be the perfect time to backstab our co-religionists??? We also need to be sure that we can control it. Shaka could be trouble with his preference for farms.
How about those thoughts White Dragon? Its been 72 hours (nearly) since your got it. If you need a skip just ask.

If you can't play in the next 24 then narri is up.
Thanks for the bump. Just plain forgot I was up.

Here is my plan.

1.) Continue military buildup.
2.) Peace with Brennus ASAP.
3.) Chop/whip AP ASAP. Plan on chopping forests in Dye citiy's future BFC.
4.) Settle oversea city.
5.) Trade Theo & 145 gold to Pericles for both Currency and Mathematics. Since Theo was researched by someone over 240 years ago it is most likely they are the only ones that are going to beat us to the AP anyways.
6.) Research COL then turn slider to 0% for the rest of my turns for CS run.
7.) Where possible, construct courthouses & markets.
8.) Where possible, construct temples & courthouses for AP hammer bonus.

Will play later tonight.
At this point a market is probably only worth it in Constantinople and hybrid horse city, the first of which will be busy with AP.

Any reason you are trading for both "bigger" techs with Pericles? We could do Theo + $$$ for Lit/Currency with the Greek, then do Theo for Math + $$$ with Hammy and get all 3 techs for less gold.
There are three reasons.

1.) We aren't building the GLib or heading for Drama so Lit is just about useless at this point. Also, for me it is just about useless as trade bait.
2.) It would add +1 to WFYABTA for a seemingly useless tech. Note: Someone in a different SG I was playing commented about this to me so since then I have become more careful trading for/away techs.
3.) It is one more civ out there that could beat us to the AP, even though I hope that won't be an issue.

Edit: I also normally don't play with tech brokering because I hate giving into demands then have them trade it to everyone and their mother.
I wish there was an ingame no tech brokering agreement you could make when yopu trade indervidual techs. You could include it and make the tech cheaper or something. That way allies and Vassels wouldn't trade away you key techs.

I would look to courthouses before markets as they are useful in more cities that markets right now. However over and above that I would consentrate on the religious buildings, not for the AP bonus though its nice, but for the culture to help in the borders.

I also think Lit is abit usless ATM as we can't build HE and we're not ready for the NE either.

Try to get Math before you chop into the AP. Also remember that forestsd outside the BFC can be chopped for hammers (if at a lower rate).
WD - I agree with your three points, but doing the trade I outlined will also leave us with more gold to fund CS research. I also disagree with grandad on some of the other benefits of Lit -- We could probably get HE unlocked during this Bren war and even just running a couple scientists NE can be critical for nabbing Lib. It wouldn't be an ideal GPfarm setup, but we could stick both NE and Oxford in our cap to maximize immediate benefit and get both up and running ASAP. We will be running spec's in the capital anyway with all of its excess food.

In the end do whatever you think best though!
Its ture that runninf only a couple of Sci makes NE attractive but we aren't even doing that at the moment. Thats not to say this won't change but in the next 15-20 turns we are gunning for the AP in Con so we won't be running Sci.
Couldn't remember the set length so I played to a logical stopping point, 12 turns long.

Turn 206
Moved most workers surrounding Con to start chopping those forests. Fired both scientists as well to max growth for last turn whip. In the end, I went with the much debated two trades since I realized that Hammy didn't have currency so maybe he would give us some money back. In the end, it turned out to be the right decision. Thanks Pindrus.

Turn 207 Z

Turn 208
Bren will talk so I look for peace. Right now it will cost a city or more than 100 gold so I pass.

Turn 209-210 Z

Turn 211
COL is completed. Slider to 0%. We take back rice from Bren in Nicea.

Turn 212
Peri came offering this trade. Since we have 4 types of this resource, it will pay off in the short run. Heck, Dye City should more than pay for this really quickly with 4 instant bags of commerce. Then there is the other dye, two spices, incense & sugar.

Then with a moderately sized stack heading for our territory, include Elephants, I decide this isn't so bad.

Turn 213-215 Z

Turn 216
A little :whipped:.

Turn 217

I vote for us.

Turn 218
Shaka wins the AP vote. That dirty dog.

The Dye City settler is ready to settle city. Don't know if he is at the right spot though. Also, Moai City settler is sitting on the cows waiting for a galley, which will be completed in 1 turn. Finally, set a 15 turn BUG reminder to start researching CS @ 100%. That may go down once we get some of those Calendar resources up.

We meet this guy. Seems odd since we can't see any of his troops. But then I get the colony alert. He is GW's vassal.

And finally, current tech situation.

It looks like we could sell Lit around for quite a bit of money so Pindi's suggestion may pay off in spades. Also, GW will talk with us again so if we got Feudalism we could hold off Bren much easier.


  • A Spiritual Odyssy AD-0670.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Lovely set White Dragon.

We need to get control of the AP!

Will check out the save tonight if I can.
Got it. My thoughts/questions:

Do we want to settle Maoi using the Galley that will pop in 1 turn and the settler near the Maoi spot?
To me, it's a no-brainer to settle the dye city once some plantations are up (or even right away).

My goal is to finish the current builds, and build/whip courthouses (and get one or two missionaries as well to increase our AP voting power). Temples will be whipped with 1 turn left to take advantage of +100% production from Spiritual. We certainly have enough military to defend, especially as our EP give us city visibility on Brennus, so there won't be any funny business.

Next GP:
I'm thinking about running a priest once the temple finishes and try to get a GP next for the shrine. (or maybe priest+scientist). Thoughts? If we get a GS next, academy, settle, or bulb Philo (or even hold for Edu bulb)?

I want to cement Washington with us, so I will open borders again with him. We can get Pericles's vote too (+1 for us vs +2 for Shaka), I'm thinking about trading one of our (soon to be) dyes to him.

Soon enough we will have enough money to go for CS!
Theres a 4 gold trade you can make with Hammy for rice or clams.

I suggest priest and 2 sci as they can both be usefull.

Its a shame Pericles doesn't want any of our techs or we could trade 1 away at a silly price for the diplo.
Also Washington will vote for Shaka next time according to BUG. Maybe we need to start planning a :backstab: for Shaka.

I think only one of our cities lacks Islam.
I would love to backstab Shaka. We are in no military position to do so right now (we don't have Construction or Machinery or CS or enough economy to support enough troops). Since the deficit is only +1 for both of them:

Open Borders
Clam for free

Dye for free or any GPT when we get one

Open Borders

Sell Rice for 4gpt

How long is it until the next election? (I had to disable BUG customassets since it conflicts with BUFFY).
I think it was 11 or 6 or some other number. Ummm. I'd have to check.

I was thinking of a stab not now but maybe in another full roster rotation or so. The idea was being put out there so we could get ourselves into that postion if we wanted.

Of course Getting ready for war with Shaka could be aimed at Bren as well. I'd hold off taking Bren out though as he's universally disliked.
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