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A thread for small ideas

Anyone have any ideas for an early Sheiam hero? How about a half demon named Nestor who starts off as a divine (or arcane, or both?) and can be upgraded (similarly to Alcinus) with later techs like Malevolent designs.

Nestor passes himself off as a agent of Ceri-whatever-her-name-is. He is feared by Arbandi but despised as a poseur by Os-Gabella. In reality Nestor is an opportunistic creep who thinks he'll get street cred with Agares for helping bring about Armageddon. Maybe give him entropy affinity?

I was thinking of a Profane hero for them, but a little stronger. Maybe make the AC go up whenever he gets a kill. Regardless of the final choice, their hero should be a Summoner.
In my version, I added Malchiavic as a hero. He is a Summoner with Sundered, Extension, Twincast, Prophecy Mark, and Unholy Taint. His <iMaxGlobalInstances> is 0 instead of the usual 1; thus, he can never be built, but he can be brought back through the Resurrection. (The dragons have a different way of being brought back, and no longer count as the civ hero for the purposes of this spell.) This seems appropriate as I'm pretty sure he was an archmage from Patria who, like Tebryn, is long dead but makes a comeback.
I like the idea of a hero that you can only get through rezzing but he does sound too cool to be a minor hero. This dude would be a minor hero with the option of being upgraded when prereq techs are met.
I'm not really sure of how Malchiavic 'returns' to the world (or who he is, really :x), but how about this:

The early hero can be some noteworthy Sheaim warrior (not the FFH unit) that is Human and mortal, maybe available at the beginning or something (no building prereqs). After some sort of caster-tech requirements are met (perhaps Necromancy), he can become Malchiavic's 'vessel;' that is, the body Malchiavic's spirit inhabits, bringing him back into Erebus to terrorize the land. This upgrade would turn him from a non-casting warrior to an adept -- after all, his vessel has to become proficient at spellcasting -- becoming a wizard and archmage when the tech prereqs are met.

The way I see it, this'll give me the Sheaim some might so they can survive long enough to tech both the magic and melee tech trees.
A random note that I figure I'd post somewhere... do the Cualli have any sort of "healer"? Seems like they should as other civs do, to cure diseased and the other maladies that silly dungeons will inflict.
A random note that I figure I'd post somewhere... do the Cualli have any sort of "healer"? Seems like they should as other civs do, to cure diseased and the other maladies that silly dungeons will inflict.

Right now, no. But their Shadow Priests will have Medic II next patch.
May I humbly suggest changing the great person requirements of Master Rancher and Master Outfitter to great merchant? The way things currently are, all "outfitter" buildings are constructed by great engineers, which is terribly inconvenient in many situations and doesn't make much sense - I mean, come on, ranch is a place where horses are bred and sold for a hefty profit, not assembled from spare parts!

Same with Master Outfitter, really. He's the guy with that little something in the back of his store, or so his Civilopedia entry says. :mischief:
They're generally designed to make Great Engineers more useful, though. whereas great merchants deal with corporations.

I'd support allowing GMs to build some of them as well as great engineers, but not instead of Great Engineers. Like the Song of Autumn, which can be built by a bard or prophet.
I may be wrong, but right now Great Engineers seem a bit too useful for me. One for Stonefire Guild, one for Mines of Gal'dur, one for Master Blacksmith, one for Master Rancher, one for... oh dear...

Whereas Great Merchants are good for, what? Farmer's Guild. Definitely a must have, no denying it, but that's pretty much it - after you have it, best thing you can do with Merchants is settle them down in your Bazaar city. Kingfisher's fleet is... underwhelming, since its effect is limited to coastal cities only, and Stonefire guild can't be built by a Merchant.

Anyway, your idea is mightily awesome and I'd love to see it implemented - it would give us a little breathing space when it comes to micromanaging great people birthrates. Having to crank out an Engineer when all you get is Merchants is a major headache and a setback. :(
Mines of Gal Dur is a wonder which requires RoK. If you have the state religion, you van build it. An engineer makes it go faster, certainly, but it's by no means required

Merchants are awesome for far more than the farmer's guild. If you're playing archos, Clan fo Embers, or either lizardman civ, Masquerade is pretty much essential due to the massive overflow of dye/silk you have. Kingfisher brotherhood can be very useful for lanun, and Fabricaforma is truly and utterly awesome for the malakim, due to the fact that gold spawns more often in deserts. Merchants can also found Nox Noctis, which is nice, and perhaps most importantly of all, they're the single and only specialist that can give food, allowing a marginal useless city to become incredible. In some ways, I prefer merchants.

if you want to talk about crappy great people, try looking at bards, not merchants :)
Hey, hey, Bards can found BOTH Masquerade and Fabricaforma and the abovementioned Song of Autumn... but that's it I guess. And I never called Merchants useless, just... boring. Very very useful and quite boring, which is, come to think of it, quite realistic. :D

As for the Mines, yeah, they can be built normally, but take forever for any hammer-challenged civilization (like the Jotnar I love so much), and the Engineer literally pulls them out of his writing case with a whoop and a sing-song. Yum yum. :crazyeye:

Actually, I think this game needs more guilds. I love the guild mechanic, and the ones already in almost do not compete.
A completely crazy idea. What about guilds that consume mana?

An evil version of the Masquerade, consuming wine, gold, silk (so that it competes with both Masquerade and Fabricaforma) and body/entropy/enchantment mana? Dance Macabre, morbid and decadent, guilty pleasures-themed guild providing gold AND commerce?

Or some religious-themed, Sacore-university themed, consuming incense and gems and ivory (competes with Fabricaforma again) and providing culture and research? A monastic, desert order of scholarly sages? Also Spirit/Mind/Enchantment mana dependant.

If my ideas ARE crazy, please let me know what exactly wouldn't work game mechanics-wise so that I could better direct my creative impulses.
Corporations are capped at I think four resources.

Also, merchants can build the CoE building thing, too!
One idea I always had was to change the Svart ability to manage terrain.

They're elves, and after having my fun with Ashen Veil I still think they look pretty sad without their forests. Being evil (Assuming you choose Faeryl, who otherwise fits her role as leader as well as she fits into that bathrobe thingy) the AC counter won't let you keep your trees past 50 iirc.

So maybe they can keep their trees, but they become warped and twisted because of hell terrain creep. Maybe treants keep spawing, but they're nuts and need to be taken care of before they do some damage on your units and improvements.

It would sound better than seeing them go the way of the Veil. Even evil, their nature seems more akin to some forest living...
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