Absolute Capitalism

Then we'd have lost millions of lives finishing Japan off. Better them then us, if we have to choose.

Actually, Japan had a fairly reasonable peace treaty on the table before we dropped the A-bomb. There wasn't really much of a job to finish. And quite frankly, your elevation of American lives above Japanese ones is disturbing, especially considering that the Americans who would have died at least had some idea what they were getting into (not that it would have justified the Japanese in killing them.)
By the way, theoretical issues aside, how would you justify such an attack? Or put differently: would "you become too powerful for us" suffice as a justification for you?

Your communist regime that has take over the country for the past 60 years has absolutly destroyed the people. Prepare to die.
Also I said we have to have more power then them.
In a war China would kick our ass. we would both sign nuclear treaties (as nuking would end the world) and China would enforce conscription. 1.4 billion people will enter America and just destroy everything. That is y i dont support a war with china.

China is very quickly poised to take over America's role as the sole superpower. They have us by the balls in debt, roughly double our population, a massive military, and are effectively impervious to any effort of invasion by virtue of their sheer numbers.
since when is 1.38 billion twice as large as 0.32 billion

We have enough nukes to destroy the world, so, we could at least tie the world in a war, I don't think anybody will touch us.
Russia has enough nukes to destroy the world 5 times over
America has enough nukes to destroy the world 4 times over
England, France and China all have enough nukes to destroy the world 1 time over
Canada has enough nukes to destroy 2/3 of the world. GO CANADA
I think he may be listing Canada's nukes as part of the Commonwealth's nukes? I dunno.
Also we currently are storying 1200 nukes for america.

No, we aren't. Not since '84.

Perhaps, but I don't think the U.K "shares" its Nuclear Weapons with Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Belize.. etc.. :confused:

The UK didn't. Canada was once host to American Nuclear Weapons, including outfitting Canadian aircraft to deliver them, but we haven't had any for 25 years.
Unless Canada is holding nukes for the Commonwealth, which according to History Buff and ZeletDude it is not, then I doubt there are any nukes in Canada at the moment. The Cold War is over, so the govt. would probably be wise to return unnecessarily-held nukes back to our borders.
Well, if that's what it said, the textbook was wrong. The actual warheads were 'purchased' American, and under the change of American troops in Canada, while they would be turned over to Canada were a war with the USSR to really get going. Getting rid of all these things was a big reason why Diefenbaker lost his re-election bid. The last nuclear weapons normally deployed in Canada were the Genie missiles for our Voodoo aircraft. When we retired the aircraft, we scrapped the missiles as well.

What there may still be at any given moment is American bombers with nuclear payloads transiting through Canada, or at Canadian airbases, but the weapons are neither ours, nor are they stored by us.
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