AI giving away techs


Jul 17, 2010
The Capital of the Confederacy
Never seen this before. This is only about my 3rd game on immortal, so maybe it is something that only happens at the higher levels? And it's not like Brennus is way ahead of me technologically. Aesthetics and theology were the only techs he has that I don't have.


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For gifting, the AI values techs based on the total number of people that have that tech. (Perhaps it's a percentage, and not a quantity, but I'm not sure.)

Also, IIRC, there is a research bonus for a technology based on how many people in the world know the tech already. I've always wondered if this is related to the above.
In a hurry now.
Simply you are in a situation AI's know few Ai's and they seems to like each other due to religion¸.
"We don't to trade it away just yet" is a XML based value for each leader where they accept to release info of a specific tech if the tech is well known. Mansa is known to disregard this.

My guess of what I interpret of this single screenshot is both german and celtic nations are friendly to each other, so one teched Aesthetics (115 AD is late BTW) and trade it away, meaning the tech was known by 100% of the world (point of view of the singualr continent). You don't the Aesthetics secret, but in the "We don't to trade it away just yet" type of tech trade, you are not counted in the percentage of AI's knowing the said tech.
And it's not like Brennus is way ahead of me technologically.

Maybe it's not tech lead but overall score? He clearly feels supperior in some way and in need to support a friend...
I had Churchill once offer me a gift of a city that wasn't remotely near culture flipping.

Was in a MP game, too. Enraged my opponent no end XD
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