America: The Ironclad Oath

The Ironclad Oaf

Fair and Balanced Election

Our glorious leader Forrest: having vanquished the evils of Bavy and suppressed his lust for Lincoln, for the betterment of our people, has seen it in his infinite wisdom to allow the American people the right to vote in the first truly free election since the start of the War. Certain limitations have been set on this election. However, this newspaper has been ensured that it was minimal and completely necessary for: "The Continued Hegemony of our Great Nation"
Nathan Bedford Forrest

I'm technically not a Clan member yet right? Also, as I failed as a hired assassin, is my role in the story done?
Well your role is definitely done if you vote for Adams :lol:
Horatio Seymour, Changed to David Farragut because of his polices to remove the KKK Influence
Horatio Seymour
Running secularism bugs me. I thought Forrest would propose this. Which civic does Horatio propose? Organised religion?
Charles Francis Adams

I'm technically not a Clan member yet right? Also, as I failed as a hired assassin, is my role in the story done?

You were a clan member, and thus you have a full vote (instead of those not in the clan, who get a half vote). However, since you voted against the Clan's suggestion, after this election you will be exiled.
I change my vote then as I thought I was only a "hired gun" so to speak and not an official member. I only wanted to show some sort of opposition because no one else was and I thought there wasn't any harm to it as I wasn't part of the clan. Now it's only the first election and I'm already kicked out! :(

I guess I'll have to unsubscribe. Goodbye, it was a fun first few chapters everyone.
Hey. You are not being fair to those who aren't a member of the KKK. And if it keeps going like this, it's going to be boring REAL soon,
You people are being babies. Read the rules. If you want to change your vote, just ask. Don't fit about saying you're going to unsubscribe like we owe you the privilege of entertaining you.
You people are being babies. Read the rules. If you want to change your vote, just ask. Don't fit about saying you're going to unsubscribe like we owe you the privilege of entertaining you.

And you are being a jerk about it! I wasn't throwing a fit nor did I even imply that I would be so rude as to suggest that you have to entertain me. I was trying to be civil but you just have to be plain rude! I was saying I was going to unsubscribe simply because it makes me feel sad whenever I see other people partaking in fun that I also like yet I can't participate for whatever reason. You said I was going to be kicked out so why should I assume you wouldn't do that. Why do you hate me?! Anytime you have any comment or message directed towards me, it is always hostile!
And this one is less fun. It's really unfair that the secession didn't last at all. I wanted an earlier Independence when there was only the south. Not when America is united. Plus this election thing is boring and can get repetitive. I may unsubscribe too
Fine go ahead. I'm a busy person and I don't have time to tailor my interests to yours.

Addendum: And I don't want you to flood the thread with your drama. So a silent leave would be appreciated.
Oh god no more fighting. We haven't gotten close to communism and this story is become a cesspool of insults and hate. To DKVM and VGL, you both have a fair point about unfair, but that is the point. It's like the Browder election but for every election. Vote for the right person. That's supposed to show how suppression and autocracy and stuff would rule here. To RT, you don't need to change your writing style at all, but perhaps that was a bit too aggressive right off the bat. If anyone gets mad at me for what I said I'm sorry, I just don't want the same thing to happen here as what happened in Write Your Own History, with people being offended and getting mad and what not. On another level, we don't want this story to be reported. That would not be fun. I'm not trying to be the great mediator, I just don't want things to get out of hand.
Sheesh calm down. You all expect this to be exactly like the last story from the very beginning. DKVM: change your vote and it'll be fine. RT wasn't insulting you. VGL: stop whining.

Thank you. Looking back DKVM did change his vote to Forrest, but a heads up would have been helpful and knowing who he originally voted for (since I already recorded it) would be, too.
And this one is less fun. It's really unfair that the secession didn't last at all. I wanted an earlier Independence when there was only the south. Not when America is united. Plus this election thing is boring and can get repetitive. I may unsubscribe too

Just for the record, I don't think an earlier secession was an option. This story follows history closer than Write Your Own History (which I appreciate), so really it was a stretch for RT to allow a Texan secession at all. Note how he only had Bavy Texas secede after the Civil War, when a departure from history is actually allowed.
Forrest Wins Election!

Backed by the highly respected Kuklux Clan, and standing tall with a grand prestige of reuniting the nation and defeating the tyranny of Abraham Lincoln, Nathan Bedford Forrest has won with 94.7% of the national vote!

Democratic Party 9
• Forrest 8
• Seymour 1

Republican Party 0.5
• Farragut 0.5
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