America: The Ironclad Oath

Gustavus was still in shock about Gordon's promotion. Even days after it had happened. His house servants noted his seeming insomnia and walking around the house at night. Unable to get these thoughts out of his head. His slaves assumed that he was upset about losing his right-hand man position, but his feelings were complicated than that. Much more complicated in fact. He hadn't been this depressed since the loss of the wife, now that he thought of it, this night seemed just like the night he lost his beloved Annabelle. That wasn't what bothered him though, it was the pure matter of things. In the middle of his thoughts he was interrupted by his servant, Anna.

"May I get you anything to drink sir? You look parched, I have some lemonade if you want."

"Not right now Anna, but thank you. Leave some out for me and put the rest in the icebox." She nodded and left to do what she was told. And Smith went on about his inane thoughts. He couldn't get these things out of his head, these, illicit images. His vivid imagination served him well on many accords and this was one. His scandalous thoughts had been provoking anger at himself. "Why am I like this? Why??" Smith slammed his fist on the office desk, knocking books to the floor, but this didn't bother him. He sat down and groaned in frustration.

"Maybe it's normal, maybe everyone thinks about things like this. Not that I would ask anyone, that's one way to get killed around here." He muttered to himself. Yet still, he couldn't get the images of Forrest out of his head. Ever since the loss of his wife he had been like this even fiercer than before, he had anonymously sought help, but none of it ever worked. He finally came to terms with it and just accepted it. There was no way he could tell anyone though, his career would be ruined. When people start asking questions about things like that, that'll be the end. He cursed under his breath that the world had to be this way. He couldn't help it! He's been this way since he could remember! In fact it was the result of several beatings, before he decided to repress the urges of curiousity, but they resurfaced after the terrible events that still plague him. He knew he shouldn't but he just can't help it. He's always had a fancy for beards.
Sheesh calm down. You all expect this to be exactly like the last story from the very beginning. DKVM: change your vote and it'll be fine. RT wasn't insulting you. VGL: stop whining.
You stop being a Jerk.
Just for the record, I don't think an earlier secession was an option. This story follows history closer than Write Your Own History (which I appreciate), so really it was a stretch for RT to allow a Texan secession at all. Note how he only had Bavy Texas secede after the Civil War, when a departure from history is actually allowed.

Yes it was. I thought that the Texas Independence will be in update 3 or 4. I wanted an earlier Independence so that the confederacy had to fight Union too. Not when the whole america (Or Most of America) Is united
I'm going to be very honest: what you put into a story is what you get out of it. Complaining that the story sucks is whining. You have to overcome shortfalls. Texas couldn't have possibly beaten a victorious CSA. Wait for the story and your character to develop before making brazen moves.

I putted a lot of time on it. And complaining ISN"T whining. You're just being a Jerk right now. i know that Texas would be beaten but it would survive more if it was BEFORE america became United
Stop! Everyone just stop! This argument was over yesterday! VGL, let it go. Now let's talk about Woodson's homosexuality something else!
I'm just tired of fighting. If you have an issue with someone, PM them, don't publicly state everything, that's the point of PM.
the point of PM is either chatting or complaining to a moderator or the leader of the moderators ( i forgot it's name).
PM doesn't have to be happy chatting. The point of PM is so it is a Private Message. Once the argument is no longer directly about the story or even if it is, it should not be held here to spam the thread.
That isn't spamming. It's complaining about this thread.
That isn't spamming. It's complaining about this thread.

did somebody call?

I heard the word spam...

Have I been summoned?
I just noticed that: I want to vote against freedom of religion, and KKK is against it! :lol:

Good guy KKK, it respects the rights of catholics, muslims, buddhists etc in USA.
For the sake of this story! STOP IT. There is already one page filled with people complaining at each other for a FICTIONAL story. FICTIONAL! If this would have happened in reality then you might have a point, but this is FICTIONAL.
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