America-The Price for Union


Feb 14, 2009
Iowa USA
The date is April 14th, 1860 and Major Anderson, commanding federal forces at Fort Sumter has surrendered to P.G.T Beauregard, commander of Confederate forces at Charleston, South Carolina. Anderson endured the bombardment which opened at 4:30 AM on the 12th, that was devastating and ferocious causing the fort's ammunition to catch on fire. The major fought back with his limited garrison, which consisted of 68 soldiers, and a group of civilian workmen. A 34 hour lop-sided artillery duel ensued, with the federals getting the worst of it. The next day low on supplies and being bombed from all sides, with no chance of reinforcements arriving, Anderson surrended. He and his men formally left the fort on the 14th and were transported to New York City. The American Civil War had begun...

Major Anderson commander of Fort Sumter

Fort Sumter Burning

Right after the surrender of Fort Sumter, Union troops are placed on war readiness alert. Here troops and artillery move south of the city of Cincinnati to strategic defensive positions.

Also, on April 14th, 1861 Secretary of State William Seward finalized some dipomatic deals with the leaders of Portugal, Sokoto, and Brazil. From Portugal we will recieve 4 gold per turn and open borders for open borders and one hit musicals. Sakoto agreed to a simple open borders agreement, and the Brazilians agree to mutual open borders along with bananas, and 4 gold per turn, for coal. Chile asks for declaration of war against the Turks, Seward refuses.

East of Richmond along the coast, a fleet led by the ship of the line USS Connecticut, bombards and destoys valuable farmland important for keeping the Confederate capital's people from starving. Captain Ramsey on board the Connecticut, orders his three ships of the line and four frigates to plaster the coast line with round and hot shot. This bombardment continues all day destroying several farms, along with houses and out buildings. Crops and livestock within range are destroyed and laid to waste. Displaced refugees from Richmond's outlying towns begin to stream towards the city for protection.

Without mercy the USS Connecticut leads the way destroying everything along the coastline to the Southeast of Richmond. Captain Ramsey is exhilarated at the accuracy and effect his guns have had on the enemy's countryside. Ramsey remains overconfident that this war will be all too easy.

North of Richmond, another fleet led by Captain Worden commanding the untested new ironclad warship USS Monitor, proceeds to bombard the Rebel capital's defensive works with great success. They bring down the defenses to 2%. However, the Monitor's untested guns miss wildly as her green gunner's try to set the right gunpowder charge limits, while trying to aim her innovative turret properly, housing her two, 11 inch dalgren smoothbore guns.

Wow, :goodjob: I'll be paying attention to this one. But What mod are you using?

I added some techs and units to the 1860 AD scenario from GEM. Basically, I took the scenario and I am using it as a mod, to try to make the game more true to life. I plan on eventually getting to World War One technology. I will play this game until around 1871, ten years of game time. Then I will update Technology and continue where I left off for the next ten years of game time or so. It should be interesting. While writing the story I will have an imaginative overview, nothing too complicated, because I will have alot to cover. But for some parts I may go into writing stories more in depth about certain events that take place. I will have an update soon.
On April 14th, the smoke of cannon obscured the shoreline as the fire was kept hot and intense most of the day. Grimy powder monkeys' kept bringing powder forth from the hold in determined fashion; their soot covered faces could be seen traveling up and down the starboard side. Hitch, a young boy of nine from New Hampshire, just on board as the fleet set off, brought a bucket of cool water from cannon to cannon, handing a cupful to any gunner who may have time to take a quick swallow, reviving them from an ungodly thirst, along with the choking acrid smoke filling their lungs from the ongoing cannonade. After a lull in firing, the fleet led by the USS Connecticut, of three ships of the line escorted by four frigates, sail south and easterly along the rebel coast, the crews are secured from battle stations and sent below for a meal.

Late that afternoon, a lookout aboard the USS Connecticut, noticed a pall of smoke rising from the horizon as the sun began to take cover for the night. He bellowed out, "Smoke on the horizon bearing off the larboard bow, ship over the horizon!" Soon after, the captain scanning the horizon for some shape handed his glass to young Lieutenant Crissby saying, "Lad your eyes are young, can you see the enemy?" Crissby put the glass to his eye and stared intently. Suddenly out of the haze of dying sunlight he could see a shape, his imagination started running wild, it looked like a gray monster, a sort of giant crocodile, coming towards them at a pretty good rate. After looking on for a moment, Crissby answered, "Sir it's flying the rebel flag, but I have never seen the like. It bears a long black smoke stack and it's gray in color. Cannon's protrude from all sides.” Captain Ramsey pondered for a moment and rubbed his beard. He responded after a moment of thought, “Let me see that glass my young lad." After a long hard look, he began again, "Ha, it looks like it is barely able to stay afloat, with one good broadside, we shall knock it off it's beam and send it tumbling over like a turtle in distress!" With that he slammed the glass shut with a flash of anger. Turning to his his 2nd, Commander Todd, with a glare in his eye, he said, "Todd we shall beat to quarters!" Todd, who could not believe what he was seeing, quickly replied, "Aye Aye, sir." Turning so the crew could hear, he yelled out, "We shall beat to quarters, and run out the larboard battery!" The gun crews, experienced from much practice and toil, had the guns run out and prepared to fire in eight minutes.

The Gray Monster

As the gray monster came steadily on, the forward rifle on the ironclad fired a shot, which smashed into a twelve pounder amidships, on the main deck of Connecticut. The gun carriage lifted up, and blew into pieces with a sharp flash. The gun flew up and slammed down on top of the rammer, killing him instanstly. The pointed wooden shrapnel went flying about the air with deadly precision, killing two marines, and wounding another. The hot shot bounced and ignited several explosive shells, after an upturned powder bucket ignited, causing a deafening explosion, which rocked the ship with a terrible force, sending several men floundering into the sea to meet Davy Jones, some on fire and screaming. A huge billowing cloud of black smoke undulated into the dying daylight, from the injured Connecticut, which could be seen clearly for miles around.

USS Connecticut on fire

Captain Ramsey began shouting orders to get the fire out. He then turned to his Gunnery Officer in charge of the larboard division, 1st Lieutenant Granger, and screamed through the fire and smoke, "Fire as your guns bear, and send them to hell, Granger! Granger wasting no time ran from battery to battery yelling fire. The first shots that rang out missed wide, splashing a hundred yards past the monster. Soon the second and third gun decks were answering the call. A 24 pounder got a hit on the smoke stack, knocking it to one side. Soon after, a 32 lb. carronade smashed into the bow right next to the forward seven inch rifle, bouncing off with a great metallic thud. Soon a couple of balls hit very close to the same spot an unhinged a layer of two inch armor plating, which fell an hung helplessly to one side. Most shots however, hissed and streamed past the gray hulk splashing into the sea far behind.

The rebel ironclad now turned away, with a steady stream of smoke billowing out of her disfigured smokestack. She was soon out of the range of the Connecticut's long guns, which desperately kept firing in an effort to stop her. Soon, it was felt onboard Connecticut that all was over, after all the rebels were steaming away at full speed. A cheer of victory began with Union sailors and marines waving their hats, their swords, many doing far more rude gestures, and shaking their fists. The officers' soon got the men under control, though a few men that had lost friends had to be put into submission, until they calmed down. There was a definite feeling of invincibility on the flagship of the fleet. However, for those wounded or dying below decks, waiting for their turn to see Doctor Maynard, or his assistant Mister Doyle, the situation was far from promising. Many would die before they would be properly attended to. The fire was fought with great fervor and though under control, it's spread caused many casualties. Most of the ship's sails were severrely damaged, and new canvas would have to be put in place before the ship would be able to maneuver. The Connecticut was in short, a sitting duck.

Below decks on board Connecticut the situation was grim, many sailors were burned and disfigured. Many young boys and midshipmen tried to help the injured and dying men, at least feel comfortable, with the smoke of a pipe, or a cool drink of water. Most were trying to lift men in an out of surgery, which was continous, and the screams of the injured terrifying an unendless. Mister Doyle sadly reported that the ships supply of laudanum had expired, and wine or rum was being used for pain. Doyle, just on board since the ship sailed from New York, is a volunteer, who practiced as a civilian physician. A practice he had been in for ten years, with his wife, a nurse who worked with him. She had also taken up the call for her country, and was at the moment in Washington D.C. He could not think of that now, there was too much going on, too much work to do. Right now he had to saw off a leg that had been burned beyond repair, the rest of the precious laudanum used up on this brave lad who could not be more than sixteen. He was screaming for hearth and home, but the medicine began to tell, and he was quite calm during the operation. Afterwards two young midshipmen took him away to the recovery area.

Back on the quarterdeck, Captain Ramsey stood tall watching the enemy ironclad through his glass. Soon he put the glass down and stood in disbelief. After a moment of shock, he bellowed out, "She is turning about!" Continuing on with a fury he screamed, "Stand firm by your guns men, she means to ram us!" In a moment the clatter of powder being primed was heard throughout the ship. The Virginia was steaming at full speed, her menacing ram, ready to impale her defenseless prey. At three hundred yards out the Connecticut's guns rang out with a thunderous broadside, everyone on her felt a rush of adrenaline, as the crash of fire echoed throughout the stillness. The ship jerked back suddenly from the power of twenty-five guns of all sizes going off in a well trained succession. Cannonballs ripped through the dark waves, some smashing into the monster, with a dying thud, sending a metallic twang through the air. Nothing slowed down the enemy vessel, she was impervious and impenetrable to the cold steel of the old wooden man o' war. Within fifty yards, a group of remaining marines fired a volley of musketry, along with grape cannister from some guns on the main deck. This too, was thrown aside as if Poseidon himself laughed at the gesture with a slap of his hand. On she came with fury from hell behind her, nothing on this earthly ocean could stop her.

At full steam, she punctured the Connecticut's hull amidships below the waterline. The giant ram ripped through wooden timbers with a sickening crack, that seemed to shove the keel back as if by a blow from Thor's mighty hammer. Angry seawater rushed in, with no mercy, many men were drowned with no chance to escape, as they were trapped by debris, only able to struggle in a futile gesture, until death throes took them to a better place. Many were overtaken, so quickly, by the sudden onrush of flooding water, that they had no time to react. Most perished, without ever knowing what hit them. On the gundecks fire was kept up against the monster, as shot and ball bounced off her without doing any harm. Some men, lit fuses, and threw bombs at her, trying to aim for the opening in the hull, where the forward seven inch rifle protruded from above the bow. One such bomb exploded close to the opening, and shrapnel richocheted inside with a loud bang. Screams were heard from inside the wicked craft, as a force of flames and a belch of smoke came bursting forth, from the forward gunport. The ironclad's engine seemed to creak and strain as the ram was thrust unforgivingly into the hull of the stricken ship.

On the horizon, the sun was touching very low in the sky, as the battle reached it's zenith. Not far away from Connecticut, were her support ships, who were trying desperately to get into the fray. Events had happened so fast, it seems that steampower, easily took what for hundreds of years was the deciding factor in any naval action, the weather gage. Captain Ramsey, at first was not worried about protection for his flagship, on the contrary, he felt nothing could touch him. If it did, he felt his fleet was more than close enough to give him due support. He was never more wrong, a new boundary of naval warfare has been crossed. The old days at this moment, were gone, and naval battles from this day forward, would be fought quite differently, as the capabilities of steam powered ships had to be taken into consideration.

Helplessly, the proud Connecticut listed badly to port, her lower gundeck long since underwater. Captain Ramsey kept up the desperate defense against the enemy, though brave and futile, he had now to think of his men. He gave the order to abandon ship. After that a sharp metallic bang rose up through the hull like a storm. The ironclad's ram had snapped in half and the rebel ship was backing away, with as much steam as it could muster. On the injured Union vessel, there seemed for a moment that the ship thrust back up almost to an even keel. And then quickly began to list hard to port again and men began sliding from one side of the ship to another, along with anything not tied down, from sea casks to gun carriages. An effort was made to send the cutters' down to the choppy waves below. Two boats were able to be lowered on the starboard side, and one on the port side. Men began to jump into the almost freezing water, as the sun was being replaced by the black of night.

Below decks the horror was made apparent as the wounded and dying were being overtaken by incoming seawater, hundreds of men met their end. Whoever had a chance to save themselves, had to take action. Some brave lads tried to save some of the poor injured souls, and carry them topside. However, in any life and death situation, it was moreso, each man for himself. Men were steadily jumpimg over the side into the unforgiving cold black water, and even though they escaped the sinking ship, their chance of suvival was not assured. The three boats did try to pick up survivors, and were able to pick individuals up out of the sea. Soon the boats were filled and could do no more to help their fellows stranded bobbing up and down in the darkened waves.

On board Connecticut, Captain Kyle Ramsey watched with a scowl as the enemy ironclad steamed away into the night. She was not in good shape, and had some distance to go to make it to safety, over the sandbars. Otherwise she would be trapped by the enemy fleet, with no place to go. Her ram was broken and she was taking on water forward. The damaged smokestack was putting forth erratic steam, as she slowly hobbled away. Ramsey, then with a salute to his brave crew retired to his cabin, where he would bravely and heroically, meet his end. Moments later the once proud Connecticut, disappeared forever into the cold deep dark depths, the top of her mainmast the last to go down, as the slap of the darkened waves, hid her from the view of human eyes for the rest of time.
Let me know what you think. I want to play some more, then I will have an update.
Nicely written. I enjoy the "history textbook" approach, and is usually the route I take when I'm writing an AAR.

Looking forward to reading more.

Extremely well written, and it comes as a huge surprise to me, considering this quality of writing is coming from an internet forum.

I'll try to follow it :D
Ummm, I've seen extremely well written stories from several different internet forums.

Many people are great storytellers around here....
Thank you all of you. I will try not to disappoint when the story continues. One thing that I have noticed that is the most difficult when writing, is not what's going to happen next, but how to explain it.
At an important meeting between President Abraham Lincoln and General in Chief Winfield Scott, at the white house on April 23rd, 1861, the direction the country would go in was discussed. The talk shifted to recognizing the Confederacy as the primary belligerent, or most important enemy of the North. The Rebel Southern states seemed to have very important diplomatic ties with other nations, due to her vast trade relations with other countries. Southern Cotton of course, was of important value, and a rare commodity. Egypt was another country with a vast cotton industry, however for now, the South seems to have cornered the market on the price of cotton. According to Winfield Scott a major hero of the Mexican War, and although old and fat, even too fat to mount a horse, he still had a brain, and felt that a blockade of the South was the only way to end the war. To the president he insisted that the rebel's trade of cotton for rifles and cannon must stop. We have already blockaded Richmond, with Charleston is next on the list, and we must continue blockading every port, until we strangle them to death like an Anaconda. So began preparations for the new approved Anaconda plan, for the close blockade of Southern ports, and control of the Mississippi River. A sub plan for the capture of Atlanta, though not currently named, this plan was set up as a plan B of sorts, if Atlanta could be taken with no trouble. Another plan called "Operation Hurricane" was also worked out for the capture of the Confederate Capital of Richmond, the heartbeat of the Rebellion.

President Abraham Lincoln

On a secondary front, the war with the Sioux Indians was diuscussed. It was unanimously decided to defend against Indians until the South was defeated. Although a small excursion into Indian territory was decided upon by a regiment of cavalry, being formed in Chicago for that purpose. This was not to be more than a raid for all intents and purposes. The major concern was the South's ability to teach the Indian's modern technology. We cannot allow the Sioux nation to obtain modern weapons.

As the meeting was set to be adjourned, the president recieved a message that Brazil's leader Pedro II had declared war on the United States. Lincoln in a cool manner, seemed unworried. He said in his singular wit, "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Upon hearing this, an expedition was planned to ascertain the strength of Brazil. It was decided to send a few privateers down there and see what Brazil is capable of.

Commander in Chief Winfield Scott

April 24, 1861-Bombardment continues against Richmond, as the USS Monitor, along with two ships of the line, and three frigates batter away at the city and it's defender's from the North. While two ships of the line wreak havoc from the Eastern seaboard. Richmond goes from a city containing 150,000 people to a city containing 48,000, as civilian and military casualties grow. The city is blocked from all trade, and food is becoming more and more scarce. The once proud city, a symbol of greatness, that stands for the power of Virginia, is slowly becoming a pile of rubble and a place where death is easily found.

On that same day during a secret meeting, it is decided that the Union will research the development of improved rifling techniques. This will lead to better rifled field cannon, that will be crucial to defeat the South. The fact that the blockade should slowly strangle the Southern cause, shall also keep it's scientific intentions to a minimum. With greater technology, comes easier victory for the Union.

April 26th, 1861-Charleston, South Carolina comes under fire from the frigate USS Cumberland. This is the next city on the list for blockading the South. The city has a garrison of around 28,000 men, and contains 90,000 civilians. (Two rifleman units, and a size five city, keep in mind that I will judge numbers based on what is going on at the time, not necessarily exactly what the game says. For instance the game says that a rifleman unit contains 14,000 men, or what would be a whole army corps. Sometimes and perhaps many times I may change this to a single regiment, brigade, or division, depending on what numbers may be called for at the time. This will make for better story telling.)

The city of Charleston and any surrounding improvements will be bombarded ruthlessly, and trade will be blockaded as well.

Frigates of the Union Navy move to blockade Charleston, South Carolina

April 28th, 1861-The rebel ironclad CSS Virginia, with repairs complete, after her battle two weeks ago with the USS Connecticut, comes out and engages the USS Maine. The Maine who is blockading Richmond from the South of the city, is ready and waiting for the dreaded monster to show herself. The Virginia with a very bad stroke of bad luck, gets caught on a sandbar within range of the Maine's guns. The ironclad is helpless, as the Maine pounds her for more than three hours with broadside after broadside. The damage is only slight until some iron plates become unhinged from the constant pounding, and shells then penetrate to the inside of the ship. This causes many casualties, and confusion as smoke begins billowing out of the gunports. Then suddenly a massive explosion rocks the injured Virginia, as metal shrapnel, and various debris, fly up in a massive funnel hundreds of feet into the air. Flames engulf the rear of the superstructure, and the whats left of the wrecked smokestack, shoots red hot flame out of it's various holes. The force of the explosion sends a shockwave across the sea which shakes the Maine violently but briefly.

CSS Virginia explodes

The ironclad is however, not yet finished, and the explosion slips the keel free of the sandbar. The fiery ironclad, shoots off a few salvos from it's forward guns on the larboard side and a few shots from the bow rifle, which somehow hit the Maine, toppling the mainmast. The Maine fires back with a broadside, through the choking smoke, as the crew desperately tries to cut away rigging and spars from the broken pieces of mast, to rescue injured crewmen.

Then out of the failing sunlight the Confederate frigate CSS Raleigh, comes to the aid of the burning ironclad, and hits the USS Maine square, with a full broadside doing unspeakable damage. The Maine's rudder is knocked out and her mizzenmast is brought down. Soon the CSS Virginia starts going down at the stern, with her guns still blazing, shortly after the crew starts jumping in the cold green water. After ten minutes all that can be seen is the top of her tattered burned smokestack. The world's first ironclad has sunk. The Raleigh continues raking the Maine with broadsides until she is on fire and listing. The proud and brave Ship sinks later that evening. The South gains her first naval victory of the war.

The reason for the CSS Virginia's demise, according to Southern newspapers is a faulty boiler which exploded. The Northern papers say it was steam pressure that was red lined way beyond safety limits, which caused the boiler to blow up. Others believe if the boiler did explode there would be nothing left of the ship, so the cause remains a mystery, especially unhelpful to finding out the truth, is the fact that all the engineers were killed, along with most of the crew in the rear of the ship.
Nice. Any fighting out west? I wish I could play GEM but its for too slow on my comp.
Nice. Any fighting out west? I wish I could play GEM but its for too slow on my comp.

No fighting out West yet, just been chasing some Barbarian Dog soldiers around in circles with a unit of cavalry out of Salt Lake City. My old computer was having turn times of up to seven minutes, this new tower I bought has brought them down to around a minute give or take. At least so far.
During the month of may four diplomatic deals were finalized with foreign nations, including Spain, Russia, Austria, and Mexico.

Queen Isabella II of Spain

We give the Spanish hit musicals for 4 gold per turn, and an open borders agreement.

Tsar Alexander II of Russia

We trade hit musicals for fur, to Russia, along with an open borders agreement.

Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary

We trade deer to Austria for 5 gold per turn, and an open borders agreement.

Benito Juarez President of Mexico

We trade hit musicals for silver and an open borders agreement to Mexico.

May 1861-The bombardment of Richmond continues as the city becomes a burnt out shell of it's former self. The citizens and Confederate army, continue to valiantly resist the Yankee invader.

Starting on the evening on May 1st, 1861 Charleston, S.C. is bombarded night and day, by the Union Navy blockade. Thousands of citizens are killed, wounded or made homeless by the ongoing shelling.

Charleston's citizens run for cover as the city is bombarded without mercy.

By the night of May 6th, Charleston's city defenses are destroyed(defenses at 0%). The city's garrison of 28,000 holds on grimly in determined fashion.

June 14th, 1861-The union spy network gathered the following intelligence on the armed forces of the Confederacy.

The Rebel Army has some 368,000 soldiers under arms. Along a naval force of two ironclads and two frigates.

Here is the same info on the Union army.

The Union Army has some 517,000 soldiers in uniform. The Union navy has 9 frigates, 3 ships of the line, 4 galleons, and the ironclad USS Monitor.
On June 2nd, 1861- A Sioux raiding party of two horse archers is spotted in Union territory north of Chicago. The newly formed 1st Michigan Cavalry is sent out to destroy the indians, who are led by the notorious Hawkface Bear. Hawkface is wanted for the deaths of over 1,000 settlers, many of them women and children. His disgust for the white man is very well known in these parts. He is a chief of a large clan of Blackfeet, allies of the Lakota. To the people of Chicago, he is simply known as "The Nightmare".

At 5 am the next morning the regiment encounters a group of Blackfeet warriors, and the regiment charges them. The indians are rounded up and killed to the last man (Sioux horse archer destroyed) the next day another group of Sioux warriors are pursued, and a battle commences called the battle of four ridges. Parts of the 1st Michigan are cut off, surrounded and destroyed. A battalion of three companies(A,D, and F) led by Colonel Harbringer, arrives to save a surrounded company in the nick of time, killing the indians to the last man (Sioux horse archer destroyed). The 1st Michigan suffers horrendous casualties in the two days of fighting, including all the mules and supplies in their pack mule train and 2/3rds of it's fighting strength (unit has 5.7/15 strength left after the battles)

Sadly, Hawkface Bear escapes being killed or captured, he will not get far.

Spoiler :

On June 3rd, 1861 The privateers USS Danbridge, and USS Javelin are caught and sunk by a enemy frigates. These ships were traveling south to harass shipping off the coast of Brazil, neither make it and are set upon. In the future I will use privateers for close coastal operations, where they come out of port and sink an enemy vessel, and hightail it back to port. Or I might use them for a one way suicide recon mission, to see whats out there.

Spoiler :

USS Danbridge is sunk by a French frigate en route to Brazil.

USS Javelin in a desperate no win battle in which she is sunk by a Portuguese frigate. She was also on her way to the south seas.

The bombardment of Jacksonville commences on June 3rd, 1861. Three Union frigates begin bombing the city's defensive network. Soon as more ships are assigned, the city will be surrounded and it's trade cut off.

Spoiler :

Jacksonville meets the same fate as Richmond. The Anaconda is tightening slowly around the rebel ports.

A new Confederate monster bears towards Florida from New Orleans, intent on sending every Union ship in it's path to a fiery underwater grave.

Spoiler :

Nice. Is this mod just centered around the American Civil War?

For now it is, but I am hoping to update the mod and go forward as I play further. I plan on adding technology as I go and should get to World War one techs eventually. I will start each civ where it left off in territory, as I start each new story. This first part I am on will last either five or ten years, I have not decided which yet. I am playing with weekly turns, so I will see how it goes.
Is there an acutal Sioux civ or are they just barbarians?

Yes there is, they have invaded North of Chicago. I figured I would use this opportunity to write a story about what happens. There are also barbarian indians too, they came down towards Salt Lake City, from somewhere west of Sioux Territory. I have another regiment of cavalry trying to locate and destroy the barbarian village, they just set off.

I am doing some period research, people cannot understand why the Sioux just have bows and arrows, and not rifles. It is hard to explain on a history forum, that they just do not have that technology yet... :lol:
What mod is this? Just GEM?

EDIT: Ah, found the post where you state that it's a modification of the GEM mapmod.
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