And then there were three...

GPS Mitchum

sorry i wasn't able to get a turn done on the weekend with the Fight on saturday and the super bowl on sunday. should be back on track now though, back to my minimum one a day. sorry bout the slowness over the last week and a bit
GPS Darren.

No worries Haggis. The Superbowl takes priority over this game (at least in North America).

We'll have to delay our attack on Sal's capital for at least 1 turn. Not only did his cultural protection go up to 40%, but a horse archer appeared in his capital. I pillaged his metal so that he can't whip any axes, swords or spears and then left my horse archer as bait. If he attacks it with his spear, we can take his capital next turn. If he doesn't attack, maybe we should take his secondary city to the southwest of his capital.

I'm half expecting a stack from Biz to show up at any time. I have a 2 team game going with Onclouds at Immortal level (1 level up from this game) and we're getting pummelled big time!
GPS Darren.

Great, we need that spear. The war is on!! Sal attacked my horse archer bait. It was a 50% battle, but I lost. I sacrificed my second horse archer against the spear, who was damaged (It's merely a flesh wound!).

Darren, you should attack Jaguar, Jaguar, Archer. Haggis will clean up. Haggis, attack with your spear last (if he's needed). Sal has a horse archer roaming around and it would be best to have a healthy spear ready to greet him.

This should break Sal's back (and the rest of his team as well). We can either take his last city, divert our attention to Biz, or sue for peace and build up for a few turns.
GPS Haggis

Gandhi asked for a peace treaty (10 turns) declined the offer :)

lost all 3 of my battles, but damaged all units

GPS Darren.

Haggis, what happened with taking Sal's capital? Did you stop for some reason? Were the odds bad? I think you should back out of the capital and pillage the horses on your way out (be sure to retreat through the woods for added safety. We need a bigger stack next time (this time with catapults) before we take him on again.

Dont forget to work the gold, we need to improve our research rate.

Darren, I noticed that you have queued up many builds in your city. I recommend against this because your build order may change based on what is happening in the game. For example, you need to mix in a few catapults now that we have Construction.
GPS Darren

That's strange that Sal had 4 units. I wonder if Sal plays his turn after Darren or me...

Darren, watch out for the barb axe coming.
GPS Mitchum

Yeah that computers play their turns between ours is the only explination I could think of for Sal having 4 units.

Darren...thanks for joining Subcritical Films group on facebook. but, add me! :p
so uh....where are we? the last turn i received (and subsequently sent) was on the 12th...Darren saying he sent to me on the 14th (or 13th since he mentions yesterday?) either way I guess I didn't receive it
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