Any way to make desyncs less likely? (LAN, 2 players + AI, standard size)


Jun 21, 2008
My brother and I like to play together over our physical LAN. We play on standard size maps (we'd like to use bigger ones but they don't tend to work in MP).

Unfortunately, once we get so far in the game (early 1800s), it starts giving us sync issues every 2 turns. Every time it resyncs, neither of us can move units until one of us drops out and rejoins. It's making the game take twice as long and is generally pretty awful. Is there anything we can do to help with these issues or at least make it so it resyncs properly and lets us move our units/continue with the game?

edit: we'd prefer not to drop a map size. I just don't like the game where we clear out the map within the first 150 turns and don't get to advance to the higher tech levels.
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