Anyone up for a high micro SG?

Does anyone mind that with a water map some AIs won't be near their team mates?

If not, then we have a mapscript and will be a leader away from starting.

(I'm counting Kossin as voting for water, since it was Kossin's suggestion. If I'm wrong here please correct me.)

Perhaps it's time to start discussing leaders/civs.

I'd rather play with a leader without any strong early game advantages to keep anything we learn more relevant to general games, but I'm not strongly for or against anything. One preference would be for a spiritual leader for increased micro options.

Given that my preferences are for Saladin, Montezuma, Justinian, Brennus, or Isabella. noting that we have listed Monty as taken, so that would mean extra work teaming the AIs.
Kossin, I took all the spiritual leaders, and then eliminated Mansa Musa, the Indian leaders, and the egyptian leaders, because of their strong and early UUs. That's how I got those five.
I would prefer Isabella.
How is the roster looking now?

I'm now debating signing up since we have enough to make a game out of it.
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If you're looking for another player who's micro needs vast improvement I could give it a whirl. I'd say Saladin for the extra challenge but Isabella's fun if we play her as a religious fanatic.
I hear some momentum for Isabella. She certainly doesn't have a lot going for her in the early game, so we'll have our work cut out for us from turn 1.

Does anyone have an argument against Isabella? (like having played as her recently, or hating citadels, or a strong distaste for Spanish Inquisition jokes at every backstab)

While we iron that out, let's start pulling together the roster for team micro.

I'll start by saying that I'm in.

Team Micro Roster:

I'll keep this updated as well as the OP

Also team micro is looking for naming suggestions.
Hmmm...Izzy. Nope. I'm not really pleased with her because she's got two very powerful things: citadels and obviously, the broken Conquistadores. That'll feel like a beeline to MT just as, like, almost all other games.

What about something pure? Sid leaderhead. I never played him (nor most of here I am sure), but I think he doesn't have any starting techs, no traits, no UU, no UB, basically, a no flavor leader. No surprises, it's the leaderhead chosen for the tuto. I don't think it was for play. We arrange the strategy around what the map gives and not around flavors given to the chosen leader.

Of course, it's up to all of you. Anyways, I am glad I triggered the momentum for attempting something new in the mapscript department. And, I also back up Kossin's suggestion because it gives a nice feel regarding chokes and variety.

Regarding your past question, IIRC, water tiles aren't counted towards land target function.

I'm in as hinted originally.
I'm going to suggest something (and I repeat "suggest") changing the regular BTS experience.
First, just tell me clearly your opposition (as I strongly expect from almost 100%).

It's a mod that adds more leaderheads and civs. It could flavor the game by adding new civs and leaders we aren't used to. And the mod has exactly the same mechanics as the original BTS.

Here is a sample:

Spoiler :

Just suggesting that.

Tachywaxon, I think we could benefit a lot from the depth of understanding currently held for the existing AIs. I'm voting against, but as usual, not very strongly.

I do like the argument to play as sid though. I really wanted to get better at working with spiritual, but your points about the potential power of Spain are noted.

Something to question is whether there will even be large numbers of pikes around by the time we can field conquistadors. It is quite possible that even with a hard military tradition rush we could still be facing grenadiers by the time we hit, which would suck. I'm be much more worried about citadels and the added power of trebs/cannons.

Other people's thoughts?

(oh, and I added Tachywaxon and water map script to the OP. the latter is up for debate. The former is not.)
not very sure new civs/leaders are needed.
There are already plenty of them.
I did not tried them all yet...

lets take the worst recognised leader (i don't knwo who it might be - toku? ) and play an uphill battle.

if you want a spiritual, there must be a spi-pro somewere...

ho saladin... can't say this one is broken...

The problem with sid is there will be no specificity in the game. no trait, no UU, will make the game like any game without the small flavour of diferent personalities (that need for flavor make me add events in my games)

another possibility is to let computer decide our leader by randomisation.
I'd like to join (if it wasn't clear before).

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