Autumn 2017 Patch General Discussion

or 3 great admirals like in my current game, sadly a captured privateer does not turn into a sea dog
Current game, in Modern now and only Harald has navy... 7 caravels, nothing else.... not very intelligent
Great Admirals still slow down fast ships and move still gained even if not starting within 2 tiles

In my island plates game the AI didn't build much navy either, and still have no clue how to defend against a human players navy. Oh well back to Pangaea for me...
I was very underwhelmed by my island plates game. It's a real shame. I prefer naval maps and the programming for naval AI should be much easier from a programming perspective.
Played a bit more with last patch. AI made an army and attacked me, lost everything and didn't do any damage, then sent two crossbowman AND A SETTLER which of course I ended up capturing. The AI in CIV 6 is hopeless. See you till expansion.

Had an island plates game. I had a reasonable landmass to myself, Spain also had one for himself, a bit smaller but still room for 4 cities. He never settled another city on his home island, but kept sending settlers to my island, which I took, thank you. Russia eventually did settle 3 cities on Spain's home island. No idea if it's random but some Civs seem a lot better about settling sensible than others.
Had an island plates game. I had a reasonable landmass to myself, Spain also had one for himself, a bit smaller but still room for 4 cities. He never settled another city on his home island, but kept sending settlers to my island, which I took, thank you. Russia eventually did settle 3 cities on Spain's home island. No idea if it's random but some Civs seem a lot better about settling sensible than others.
probably because of mission bonus?
The diplomacy seems to be back to normal or a bit better now. AI comes forward with joint war requests and accepts alliances if they are friendly. All in all AI seems to act reasonable. :)
Things I noticed are:

a) AI wants to trade great works really bad! I got trade requests for Work of Writing for Work of Writing or Writing for Relic and later the sameRelic for another Writing back (from the same AI).

b) AIs seem to have much more focussed and different strategies. Maybe depending on what they are after, have researched or which city states they have influenced. In the spy mission city list I could see that one AI Cib had Commercial Hubs in nearly all cities, the others not. Another AI civ had many Theater Districts another had many Industrial Zones. Each Civ had decided to spam a particular district.
Kahuna1234, I also had the problem I was unable to locate districts (or wonders for that matter). I tried disabling various mods without success. I then deleted then reloaded the game and all was then fine.
AI trying to trade writing for writing gets kindda annoying as it's pretty pointless. I have AIs offering me a relic for a luxury but when I try to get a work of art from them it's always no. Just give us back the art trade window from Civ 5.
AI trying to trade writing for writing gets kindda annoying as it's pretty pointless. I have AIs offering me a relic for a luxury but when I try to get a work of art from them it's always no. Just give us back the art trade window from Civ 5.
Maybe they’re trying to get theming bonuses? Difficult to know, though.
Yes, you should be able to change your default settings.
I still think the restart button was great and saves me so much time,
I mean you make your game choices once at the beginning of a 10-20 hour game. If you have an unfortunate start location restart really helps. If you decided you had a wrong setting sure you have to go back an mess around a bit but the restart was the real killer.

The restart button is handy as you say, but I frequently have this situation: after 2-5 restarts on non-playable locations (which happens over and over again on island plates with only 1-3 land tiles in tundra to me anyway), the settings start to change. When I have originally set the game at 18 civs and 26 city states for example, eventually I look at the victory panel (I think that is what it is called), and there are often only between 11-16 civ before I found my first city. I am not sure why this happens, but maybe it is because the map regenerates with not enough space when playing with YnAMP.
i've been using the restart button nearly every game the dumb game always wants to put my in the snow even though i'm Australia. does it look like we have snow here (only in one part in NSW) you stupid game?!
For those interested, a summary of my first experience with the patch:

I played Indonesia on SEA TSL on Emperor last night, up until renaissance. I Found it very hard to get production going on the tiny starting island and the Kampung feel a bit underwhelming in that regard. The additional Production per adjacent Fishing Boat only kicks in at Civil Engineering, despite the loading screen toolltip suggesting otherwise. Civilipedia clearly states that it's only later on, but I had already gone out of my way to purchase some 3rd ring sea resources just to be able to get extra production going.

Trying to tackle the production problem, I went for Meeting Houses, which seemed the right choice given the pantheon belief I chose of +1 faith per tile with charming or greater appeal (can't recall the name). I produced so much faith, that I could quite easily build a 'free' navy thanks to the Indonesia trait to explore and try to settle surrounding islands, though they were swarming with barbarians..

Trying to spread my faith to another civ for the first time, I ran into Khmer, who founded a religion the turn my missionary arrived at his doorstep. Which leads me to believe that getting a religion should be more realistic in this build on higher difficulties. Going further north though, I ran into the real problem called China. By the time I was about to reach renaissance, they had just hit Modern, had double my science (I was 2nd/7) and out cultured me like crazy. Obviously pumping out wonders like madmen.

Im not sure I chose the correct path in this game, but I feel it will be very hard to ever compete with China on this TSL map. At least with Indonesia.

Literally word for word exactly what happened to me (except I ignored religion and got god of the sea to help with production). No idea why but China seems to run away with science on TSL SEA.
i've been using the restart button nearly every game the dumb game always wants to put my in the snow even though i'm Australia. does it look like we have snow here (only in one part in NSW) you stupid game?!

That's the placement bug.
I just discovered an interesting little glitch phenomenon.... PHANTOM CITY STATES!!!! Yes, you read that correctly, apparently there are now City States in my list that aren't actually on the map, with city tasks like trade routes that you can't do since they aren't actually there. At first I couldn't figure out why when I clicked on them in the City State list, that the screen wouldn't scroll to them, but then I realized, THEY AREN'T THERE!!!!

This is too funny... :lol:
It's not as funny as knowing those extra CS have always been there visible in firetuner, they have just accidentally shown them.

Ooh - maybe there will be a mechanism coming in the expansion for 'revolting' cities (or potentially even barb camps) to become independent cities and then full-fledged city states! That is like my dream.
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