Beta test: I'm IN!!!!

Originally posted by Padma
@rgndvo: It did say just scan the last page & return it. ;) I think Hygro was just going overboard. :D

Wow, that woulda cut down of about half an hour of trying to scan page 2.

Damn I feel silly now. Oh well.

To all those who didnt get in and congratulated us, I say thanks for all your positive attitudes.
Originally posted by Hygro
To all those who didnt get in and congratulated us, I say thanks for all your positive attitudes.

Positive attitudes?:confused:
You don’t know what is going on behind the scenes. :wallbash:
Originally posted by Zamphyr
Finally got my NDA 3 hours ago. I'm in :king:

Wait a minute, you just got notified that you're in the beta test?!
Originally posted by Zamphyr
Finally got my NDA 3 hours ago. I'm in :king:

When did you get an E-mail from them that said you are in?
I had no doubts you'd get in eventually, Zamphyr.
Oh poo. Just when we get all excited, warpstorm. ;)

*grumbles something rotten about recommendations*
Congratulations, Zamphyr and every one else that got in!:)

It dose not look like me and my fellow CivCube are going to get in though.

BTW, I should change my sig. Half of it reminds me of something...
i still keep hoping that my email somehow didnt get sent and that i was really at the top of their list
I would like everyone who got the initial acceptance email to post here the date/time in GMT that the email says it was sent...
Perhaps there is still some hope? :'(
Damn, I really should learn to let go. ><
Any Australian Beta testers yet?

Has any one who got accepted for this beta test done beta testing before?
I just wanted to know if it was as much fun as it sounds....or whether it involves a lot of problem solving and retesting the same thing over and over till it works.

Congratulations to those lucky enough to be selected.
congradulations all. did they say when you would start testing?
Within a few weeks.
They might get back to it on Monday. I sent my NDA in on Friday. Must've been unnerving hearing their fax machines ring off the hook at 9:00am. :) Finally got through at 9:30am.
I don't imagine that the guys at Breakaway are hanging around on the weekend just to deal with the NDAs (even though they are game programmers, some of them do have lives). I wouldn't worry that they got it until at least Monday evening EDT.

Chill out! :)

(Warp checks his e-mail for the 114th time today to see if a confirmation has been sent back yet)
Mine was one of the first of the day on Friday, so it's probably under 200 pieces of fax paper. :)
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