Beyond The Sword

Yeah, the initial variant was space, but to be fair, I didn't expect constant warring pretty much all game :lol: Even Asoka declared on us!
That seems alright then. Let's go for Dom.
I'm not gonna be able to play before christmas. Feel free to go ahead...
Looks like this died out, but I wanted to thank you guys for this thread.

I've been stuck for a long time with one win on monarch and really no idea how I got it since I've been steamrolled more times than I can count since...but on prince I haven't finished a game in ages because I am the steamroller and that's no fun. Now I'm in a very challenging but I think winnable monarch game, and it was what I learned in this thread that made the difference.
Glad this game could help :) Shame indeed that it died out. I might pick it up later on.
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