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[BTS] and [BTS] Larger City Radius and Open Borders Tech Trading

This is not the modder you are looking for. *handwaves*

Seriously though, I was banging my head against the wall last night trying to compile my old mod for 3.17. But that's just a warmup. I'll probably be making some FFH variant because vanilla Civ4 feels far too bland.
Hi Mylon,

Welcome back.

Does this mean the Cvgamecore file I downloaded earlier in this thread (page 8) will not work with 3.17, or that it will simply make my game back to 3.13?

good to know one of my favorite modders is back,

expanded culture city size mod, is the flag ship of my mods!

if you wish i have this mods code with notes - like //mylon mod on the sdk code for 3.17.

if your intersted im building a new mod - dune wars.

Hi Mylon,

Welcome back.

Does this mean the Cvgamecore file I downloaded earlier in this thread (page 8) will not work with 3.17, or that it will simply make my game back to 3.13?

Warlord is the one that provided that DLL. No idea how that works, can't really help you. I should have a version of my own out once I hammer out getting my compiler set up.

Tell me more about this dune mod?
dune wars -
its a total conversion mod, based on frank herberts novel, both on the movies the miniseries and the books.

there are two development threads, created not by me though,

im on creation stage,
so far:

im sure you heard of dune 2 :)

someone named meliko joined me, he will do some python and sdks.

im building the mod itself.

i would more then more then more be happy you decide to assist in some ways.

if you gonna do the code of enhanced city for 3.17, hope youll note the changes, cause if you gonna do some updates on the code, i would be sure wnat those in my dune wars.
I like the idea of Civ4:Colonization where the radius is always 1, and 9 tiles is enough to feed the settlement. If I change all city culture levels to 1 in CIV4CultureLevelInfo.xml, is AI going to build cities compactly as a human player would do?
I see now that it is actually commented, just difficult to see (some of the comments are way over on the right).

It's difficult when it isn't commented even when you've got a difference analyzer like Winmerge or something. It's fine if it's just a single merge you're doing, but if you're doing a merge of three or more things, it gets very tricky!
I figured it out - maybe.

This is from merging it with RevDCM2.5, which has been updated to 3.19. The involved parts are not RevDCM changes, or at least they aren't commented as such.

This hasn't been thoroughly tested at all. It compiles, the game runs, and if you put a bunch of Great Artists in the city, the workable radius expands and the defense bonus seems to be normal. For all I know, it might crash when a catapult attempts to bombard city defenses or when a unit with city raider promotion attacks or something ... it needs more thorough testing and I haven't got the time. Be forewarned, that I just deduced this from other differences and error messages I got trying to compile, and I really have no idea at all what any of it actually means!

First problem is CvInfos.h.

Select all this:

// Mylon Mega Mod
	DllExport int getCityRadius() const;                // Exposed to python, hopefully
	DllExport int getCultureHappiness() const;
	DllExport int getCultureHealth() const;
// Mylon Mega Mod End

And paste this over it:

// Mylon Mega Mod
	int getCityDefenseModifier() const;
	int getCityRadius() const;                // Exposed to python, hopefully
	int getCultureHappiness() const;
	int getCultureHealth() const;
// Mylon Mega Mod End

The other problem is CvGameTextMgr.cpp. You CANNOT winmerge that file, it is vastly changed from 3.17, it will show practically all yellow and winmerge will put the Mylon code in the wrong places. You have to manually figure out where it goes based on the code that precedes and follows it.
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