Bug Report (English)

Admiral Armada, regarding the first issue you mentioned (adv. culture), Thomas SG said he will look into it.
The second one, IIRC, is a feature: animals are now able to enter borders.

I apologize, i did not know.

In any case i have some new ones, there is something wrong with the hover text over plots, lower left hand corner. Its only on some plots, and works fine on other plots.
Spoiler :

Spoiler :

First: Awesome mod, I really like how it adds to the complexity of Civ4. :)

A few issues I came across:

I can confirm the hovertext problem Admiral Armada posted above, I also noticed that its only over plots that have 1% influence of any faction (If you look closely you can see the 1 but not the % and then what I believe is the path to the flag image) or maybe its <1% and the < is not properly put into quotes (or however you escape special characters). Well just some speculation hope it's of some help. :D

I was also puzzled about the extra food at first... but then thought it was a feature. :lol:
Because it follows the formula:

netfood = foodfromtiles - (2*population + (unhealthiness - healthiness))

Usually the (unhealthiness - healthiness) part could not become < 0 , so now small cities with lots of surplus healthiness literally explode population-wise.
IMO this makes kind of sense because if a population is really healthy fewer people die of disease or old age and even if your birthrate stays the same it grows faster.
I also always wondered why city A with lots of food production (and because of that lots of population and unhealthiness) can't just transport some of that food to city B that can't even sustain the lowest populations, so now we would have some sort of food trade mechanism (Yeah I know there are corporations for that but I like big cities even if I can't yet have corporations).
Maybe you could implement some sort of factor that reduces the food gained from surplus healthiness and goes up with certain techs (refridgeration comes to mind).

I'm unable to raze cities when I capture them... most of the time there isn't even a popup asking me whether I'd like to, the game just asks me what I'd like to build. :(
And the one time the popup did come up, pressing "BURN BABY, BURN!" had no effect whatsoever (and when I first inspected the city, I could no longer raze it... the "BURN BABY, BURN!" button had vanished! Which left me the "choice" of keeping or inspecting the city....). I thought that maybe it had something to do with the IDW component, so I started a new game and with the help of the map editor conquered a city where my influence after combat was smaller than the defenders influence, but still nothing (my thinking behind that was that maybe you can't raze your own city and because of IDW most cities I captured where mostly of my own nationality when it came to the "choice"). I didn't try it with IDW disabled though...
Oh and auto-razing cities with population 1 did work.

Could you change the civilopedia entry of Drill2 to reflect hat it does require Drill1 AND Combat1? Took me quite a while to figure that one out :D (same with Drill3 and Combat2)

And my units keep getting XP out of combat... (but just up to the next promotion) not that I want to complain about free XP... just wondering (also the harbor in my capital seems to have leveled up as it now gives 4 XP to new ships).

Also my privateers can't transport spies, in contrast to what the tooltip tells me.

When I set DCM_STACK_ATTACK to 1 in GlobalDefinesAlt.xml there is no effect, only the "best" unit of the stack will attack and not all of them together (dunno whether thats intended or not... but reading about stack attack in the DCM topic you linked in the feature list gave me that idea).

And lastly THANK YOU for the tech trade fix... I was beginning to think I must have overlooked something blatantly obvious for me not to be able to sugest techtrad :lol:
Keep up the good work, really apreciate it. :goodjob:
I apologize, i did not know.

In any case i have some new ones, there is something wrong with the hover text over plots, lower left hand corner. Its only on some plots, and works fine on other plots.
Spoiler :

Spoiler :

First: Awesome mod, I really like how it adds to the complexity of Civ4. :)

A few issues I came across:

I can confirm the hovertext problem Admiral Armada posted above, I also noticed that its only over plots that have 1% influence of any faction (If you look closely you can see the 1 but not the % and then what I believe is the path to the flag image) or maybe its <1% and the < is not properly put into quotes (or however you escape special characters). Well just some speculation hope it's of some help. :D

Exactly. Bug found. It happens if the influence is < 1%.
First: Awesome mod, I really like how it adds to the complexity of Civ4. :)

Thank you. :)

I was also puzzled about the extra food at first... but then thought it was a feature. :lol:
Because it follows the formula:

netfood = foodfromtiles - (2*population + (unhealthiness - healthiness))

Usually the (unhealthiness - healthiness) part could not become < 0 , so now small cities with lots of surplus healthiness literally explode population-wise.
IMO this makes kind of sense because if a population is really healthy fewer people die of disease or old age and even if your birthrate stays the same it grows faster.
I also always wondered why city A with lots of food production (and because of that lots of population and unhealthiness) can't just transport some of that food to city B that can't even sustain the lowest populations, so now we would have some sort of food trade mechanism (Yeah I know there are corporations for that but I like big cities even if I can't yet have corporations).
Maybe you could implement some sort of factor that reduces the food gained from surplus healthiness and goes up with certain techs (refridgeration comes to mind).

:eek: This is not intentional. I'll change and remove it although your idea is a good one. But there should be a food exchange system in the future... :mischief:

I'm unable to raze cities when I capture them... most of the time there isn't even a popup asking me whether I'd like to, the game just asks me what I'd like to build. :(
And the one time the popup did come up, pressing "BURN BABY, BURN!" had no effect whatsoever (and when I first inspected the city, I could no longer raze it... the "BURN BABY, BURN!" button had vanished! Which left me the "choice" of keeping or inspecting the city....). I thought that maybe it had something to do with the IDW component, so I started a new game and with the help of the map editor conquered a city where my influence after combat was smaller than the defenders influence, but still nothing (my thinking behind that was that maybe you can't raze your own city and because of IDW most cities I captured where mostly of my own nationality when it came to the "choice"). I didn't try it with IDW disabled though...
Oh and auto-razing cities with population 1 did work.

There must be something terrible wrong as it seems. But I've done no changes and have no idea at the moment where is the problem in the code. :(

Could you change the civilopedia entry of Drill2 to reflect hat it does require Drill1 AND Combat1? Took me quite a while to figure that one out :D (same with Drill3 and Combat2)

What can I do here? :crazyeye:

Spoiler :

And my units keep getting XP out of combat... (but just up to the next promotion) not that I want to complain about free XP... just wondering (also the harbor in my capital seems to have leveled up as it now gives 4 XP to new ships).

This is a feature! No bug! Units are trained slowly by barracks, airbase, harbor,... if there current XP level is lower than the level of a new created unit could be. And this feature is also teached to the AI.

Also my privateers can't transport spies, in contrast to what the tooltip tells me.

This is a bug. Units with hidden nationality are not allowed to carry units! So there sould be no cargo space for the privateer. Removed the wrong entry.

When I set DCM_STACK_ATTACK to 1 in GlobalDefinesAlt.xml there is no effect, only the "best" unit of the stack will attack and not all of them together (dunno whether thats intended or not... but reading about stack attack in the DCM topic you linked in the feature list gave me that idea).

You know I don't support DCM features. But the entry in GlobalDefinesAlt.xml is just the standard setting. Maybe it is overwritten later. If you want the DCM features back edit RevDCMOptionsTab.py in Assets/Python/BUG/Tabs. There are some out commented lines.

Spoiler :

			col1, col2, col3 = self.addMultiColumnLayout(screen, right, 3, "Military and War 8")
			self.addCheckbox(screen, col1, "RevDCM__CCV_REQUIRE_INFRASTRUCTURE")
			self.addCheckbox(screen, col2, "RevDCM__CCV_ADVANCED_SUPPORT")			
			self.addCheckbox(screen, col3, "RevDCM__CCV_LOST_BATTLE")
			#self.addLabel(screen, left, "RevDCM__RevDCM_military_and_war_9", " ")
			#col1, col2, col3 = self.addMultiColumnLayout(screen, right, 3, "Military and War 9")
			#self.addCheckbox(screen, col1, "RevDCM__DCM_ARCHER_BOMBARD")                        
			#self.addCheckbox(screen, col2, "RevDCM__DCM_RANGE_BOMBARD")

			#self.addLabel(screen, left, "RevDCM__RevDCM_military_and_war_10", " ")
			#col1, col2, col3 = self.addMultiColumnLayout(screen, right, 3, "Military and War 10")			
			#self.addCheckbox(screen, col1, "RevDCM__DCM_OPP_FIRE")
			#self.addCheckbox(screen, col2, "RevDCM__DCM_FIGHTER_ENGAGE")

			#self.addLabel(screen, left, "RevDCM__RevDCM_military_and_war_11", " ")
			#col1, col2, col3 = self.addMultiColumnLayout(screen, right, 3, "Military and War 11")
			#self.addCheckbox(screen, col1, "RevDCM__DCM_ATTACK_SUPPORT")                        
			#self.addCheckbox(screen, col2, "RevDCM__DCM_STACK_ATTACK")
			#self.addCheckbox(screen, col3, "RevDCM__DCM_ACTIVE_DEFENSE")			

			screen.attachHSeparator(left, left + "SepDCM1")
			screen.attachHSeparator(right, right + "SepDCM2")			
			self.addLabel(screen, left, "RevDCM__RevDCM_espionage", localText.getText("TXT_KEY_CCV_MAINOPTION_ESPIONAGE",()))
			col1, col2, col3 = self.addMultiColumnLayout(screen, right, 3, "Espionage")
			self.addCheckbox(screen, col1, "RevDCM__SS_ENABLED")


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3.) Is it correct that I cannot promote my units to City Raider II anymore? :(
Spoiler :

I think it is correct. Your unit must have additional experience with city combat. Just level 1 is for "free". Attack a city with the unit and after the battle City Raider II will be available.
What can I do here? :crazyeye:

Ooops! :lol: Ok I'm sorry... dunno how I overlooked that... propably just went to Drill1 and assumed that "leads to" means "only needs". But thanks for pointing that out! :D

This is a feature! No bug! Units are trained slowly by barracks, airbase, harbor,... if there current XP level is lower than the level of a new created unit could be. And this feature is also teached to the AI.

Yeah I thought as much, but the strange thing is... my new privateer started with 4 XP (not 3 as the harbor tooltip says... but previously my new naval vessels started with 3 XP). Then I ordered it to sail to my enemies.. and on the way it got to 5 XP (the "on the way" part is strange... I can understand if units in cities get trained by the training facilities there... but just going around is a bit weird). I do have to add that I did capture some Carthaginian cities previously and had Assimilate turned on... so if I had a cothon I could build 5 XP naval vessels (I'm not quite sure whether i did already own one). And IIRC it started only after I had captured those cities. Dunno if thats intentional... but would of course alter my conquering focus to those civs that have UBs with XP boni. :D

You know I don't support DCM features. But the entry in GlobalDefinesAlt.xml is just the standard setting. Maybe it is overwritten later. If you want the DCM features back edit RevDCMOptionsTab.py in Assets/Python/BUG/Tabs. There are some out commented lines.

Ok thanks. :)

Dunno if this is a bug... but I'm unable to get the religious promotions mentioned in the civilopedia (I built temples, monasteries, cathedrals, shrines... but still). Or do units have to fight in cities with a religion to be able to get the according promotion? (Or is it settler-only, but then the civilopedia says otherwise)

And regarding balancing... I find it strange that an AI opponent currently at war with two other factions is willing to sell me his best artillery units (culverine, needs 135 production to build) for 64 gold each... while he wants 1060 gold for a worker (only 90 production)... with 405 gold for hurrying the production of a worker you could exploit this for a lot of money (if the AI pays you 1000 gold and has no limit on the total number of workers it keeps). I'm also unable to sell my units, but thats propably because the AI does not see my units via espionage. Would be cool if I could sell them regardless of sight.
EDIT: Just read in the general thread that you don't really support unit trading so forget about it. :)

And according to the features thread towns should remove forests completely (upon becoming a town?) but I can chop down forests on towns (that were built on forests) and the town gives 0.9 unhealthiness, so the forest bonus seems to still be there (see screenshot).
Yeah I thought as much, but the strange thing is... my new privateer started with 4 XP (not 3 as the harbor tooltip says... but previously my new naval vessels started with 3 XP). Then I ordered it to sail to my enemies.. and on the way it got to 5 XP (the "on the way" part is strange... I can understand if units in cities get trained by the training facilities there... but just going around is a bit weird). I do have to add that I did capture some Carthaginian cities previously and had Assimilate turned on... so if I had a cothon I could build 5 XP naval vessels (I'm not quite sure whether i did already own one). And IIRC it started only after I had captured those cities. Dunno if thats intentional... but would of course alter my conquering focus to those civs that have UBs with XP boni. :D

It would be hard to teach the AI that a unit must return to a special city. And do you really think that all sailors live 200 years? Even if a ship is far away on the sea there is support for the ship. It gets food, fresh water, spare parts, fuel, ammunition and new (experienced) sailors. But the main reason is the AI for me to do so. ;) And the XP limit depends on your best city that could build this unit type. This city will train the new soldiers.

Dunno if this is a bug... but I'm unable to get the religious promotions mentioned in the civilopedia (I built temples, monasteries, cathedrals, shrines... but still). Or do units have to fight in cities with a religion to be able to get the according promotion? (Or is it settler-only, but then the civilopedia says otherwise)

Those are civic promotions. Nationhood too. You must run special civics to get them! Those civic promotions are for free and a unit will have the promotion as long as you run the needed civic. If you change your civics, gift the unit, conquer a unit with a civic promotion,... the promotion will be removed or given.

But you are right. This feature is damaged. Somewhere between the merge of RevDCM 2.8 and now I have destroyed this feature. The needed entries in CIV4CivicInfos.xml are missing now. Repaired file attached.

And regarding balancing... I find it strange that an AI opponent currently at war with two other factions is willing to sell me his best artillery units (culverine, needs 135 production to build) for 64 gold each... while he wants 1060 gold for a worker (only 90 production)... with 405 gold for hurrying the production of a worker you could exploit this for a lot of money (if the AI pays you 1000 gold and has no limit on the total number of workers it keeps). I'm also unable to sell my units, but thats propably because the AI does not see my units via espionage. Would be cool if I could sell them regardless of sight.

What should I say. This is one of the reasons why this is at the moment not really an official feature of CCV. I'll improve this part asap. The reason is simple. My gift for you with the new version is "Happy Unit Equipment Trading" for infantry units as you may have noticed from the screens. You can manufacture/buy/trade now bronze weapons, iron weapons, crossbows, muskets, rifles, infantry equipment, machine guns, at weapons, stingers, gunpowder, ammunition, fuel,... ! So you may train swordsmen even if you don't know how to work with iron. You may train musketmen even if you have no idea how to construct muskets or how to make gunpowder. All needed stuff is now a tradeable resource. Manufactured by special resources in several buildings. And those can of course be spread by the trade network as usual. No need to train your swordsmen at your resource of iron or in the city with the forge. The weapons are available everywhere in the trade network. And of course you can buy and sell them! Really! In fact all you need is somebody who is willing to sell it to you. Or gift them to you... :mischief:

But heavy weapons will be dealed as single units in the future. No "flatrate" for catapults, culverins,..., tanks,..., ironclads,..., jet fighters,... ! But this part is not under development at the moment! I'm creating new art for this full version at the moment.

:D Revolution. :D

And according to the features thread towns should remove forests completely (upon becoming a town?) but I can chop down forests on towns (that were built on forests) and the town gives 0.9 unhealthiness, so the forest bonus seems to still be there (see screenshot).

Solved. You are right. Features were just removed if the command was comming from an unit build action and not if it was comming from an improvement update.


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Oh, and as promised I've changed the AND bonuses for units. But finally I've decided to use the best and clean solution of a vector. So you can now set as many AND resources as you like. And in fact this is also used for many, many units. No more modern armors without steel. :p Now you need both - steel and aluminum. And of course ammunition and fuel.

Here a screen from the stealth jet fighter...

Spoiler :



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So does the village becoming a town give the chopdown production bonus to the nearby city?
And is it intended that you get no production bonus at all if you chop down outside the working radius?

Again on the XP (don't get me wrong I really like this feature):
So it would be best to put all your military advisors + elite academy into one city (something I do all the time anyway :D ), but I got the feeling that the AI doesn't know/care about that... for example one opponent I captured had a military advisor in each of his two cities, but it would have been better to put both of them in one city. (I also saw an opponent with two in his capital and none in his other two cities... but who knows when those were founded) And judging from the number of "GreatGeneralHasDied"-messages I believe the AI uses them mostly to upgrade their units (and send those into suicide missions) instead of thinking more longterm and putting them all into one preferably easily defendable (hill, walls, castle, reinforcements) city far away from the front line.

EDIT: Just saw your next post, really looking forward to it :D
EDIT2: And maybe you could implement some kind of storage for weapons and stuff... would be weird if a city that gets disconnected from your tradenet could suddenly only build warriors x)
i will like to know if in multiplayer is normal the desincronation of game? cause i decided to play in lan this wonderful mode, but it keeps coming the desincronation. so the one that isnt host leaves, and rejoins the game, but later on again comes, or what made us quit the match was rejoining the match and just after rejoining again desincronation. is there anyway to solve this? does it have to do with wifi? i dont have this problems while playing a lan match of BTS. thanks for your time
Some more minor issues I came across:

I besieged this one city with a culverine and two cavalrymen (and some melee units) in my stack, I firststrike attacked with the culverine and the first cavalryman, but couldn't firststrike attack with the second one. Then I did a normal attack with the first cavalry and suddenly I could firststrike attack with the second one again... quite odd. (Also have screenshots if you need'em)

And when you look at the screenshot of said citys cityscreen (it still belonged to my opponent at that time) you can see that the revolutions tooltip actually displays my empire stability... I guess thats because my cultural influence (thanks to IDW) was already close to 90%... I don't think thats intended though.

I'm also not able to save the changes I made in the domestic advisor and revolutions watch screens. Also the revolutions watch screen doesn't actually display anything revolution related (appart from empire stability if you choose 'specialization' in the dropdownmenu) in the default configuration... in fact it shows basically the same as the domestic advisor screen (though it does not display the 'automation' and 'features' columns in the executive summary, although those are selected when you edit the screen). Maybe you could merge them and add a 'revolutions' entry to the menu?

EDIT: Ok so i looked around some more AI cities and most of the time they have maybe one military advisor not where all the others are... guess thats fine.
And now it just worked with cavalry firststrike attacking after each other :S
The second screenshot shows my knight whose commander has motivation1 being able to bombard city def. x)
When I try to play the game I get Bug Option failed to write INI file..etc.repeated line after line at the top of the screen. How do I fix that?
When I try to play the game I get Bug Option failed to write INI file..etc.repeated line after line at the top of the screen. How do I fix that?

Did you run it as admin? (right click on the CCV link and select 'run as administrator')

i will like to know if in multiplayer is normal the desincronation of game? cause i decided to play in lan this wonderful mode, but it keeps coming the desincronation. so the one that isnt host leaves, and rejoins the game, but later on again comes, or what made us quit the match was rejoining the match and just after rejoining again desincronation. is there anyway to solve this? does it have to do with wifi? i dont have this problems while playing a lan match of BTS. thanks for your time

I think I read somewhere in the BUG forum that some parts of BULL can cause desync.. though I don't know whether thats still an issue. Did you and your friends play with the same settings in the CtrlAltO-menu? Or try to disable some features.

Some more minor issues I came across:

I besieged this one city with a culverine and two cavalrymen (and some melee units) in my stack, I firststrike attacked with the culverine and the first cavalryman, but couldn't firststrike attack with the second one. Then I did a normal attack with the first cavalry and suddenly I could firststrike attack with the second one again... quite odd. (Also have screenshots if you need'em)
And now it just worked with cavalry firststrike attacking after each other :S

After some further playing I came across this issue again a couple of times, some units just won't be able to firststrike attack. Maybe it has something to do with them only being rangedcombat as secondary unit type? Because I only seem to get this issue with cavalrymen und navalvessels at the moment (but then again... those are the units I use most, so this could be biased).

And when you look at the screenshot of said citys cityscreen (it still belonged to my opponent at that time) you can see that the revolutions tooltip actually displays my empire stability... I guess thats because my cultural influence (thanks to IDW) was already close to 90%... I don't think thats intended though.

While spying on some more AI cities I noticed that all of them show my empire stability in the revolution bar tooltip, so I guess thats intended.
bonta: I did that but still get the repeated paragraph. I can't find an ini file if that is the problem.
The BUG options reminder checkbox keeps resetting to its default value of checked every time i start the game. All other values save themselves fine.
during multiplayer matches the options are determined before the match starts and cant be changed, and even so we didnt change anything during the match. graphic options are different between our pc's but i suppose that cant make desyncronation and 1 pc is more powerfull than the other, could it be that?please i would i like a solution, i rather play this mod in multiplayer than the normal BTS but with desincronation coming around its a risk to start a game if its going to annoy you during all of it.(and i'm talking about very slow speed game, so a long long game). thanks
@MafiaHun: Well, there is another thread about the exact same error message: (Google is your friend ;) )
Basically they come to the conclusion that it needs admin rights, but there are some other possible causes mentioned:

If you go to the System tab of the BUG Options Screen, you'll see all the places (search paths) where BUG will look for INI files. When it finds one, it writes changes to it to the same file. All the paths listed are verified to be valid directories in that they exist and are directories.

So when writing INIs one of two things happens: an INI file is found and modified, or a new file is created. When a new INI is created, I believe (check BugPath.py to be sure) that it is put into the first search path in the list.

Here are a few possibilities:

  • User cannot write to the new INI file search path
  • existing INI files are write protected or user doesn't have rights to write to them
  • no valid search paths are found
  • search paths all contain non-Latin1 characters

I didn't read all of the thread just found this in the fifth post, but maybe you'll find something (more) helpful. :)

@warko: I'm sorry I didn't actually play this in multiplayer as of yet, just assumed the BUG Mod Options Screen would still be available after start. :(
And I just meant the settings in the Optional and Diplomacy Tab in the BUG Mod Options Screen (Ctrl+Alt+O). If it were due to some graphic settings you would propably also notice those desyncs in normal BTS multiplayer (and from what you wrote, I assume you don't).
Thanks, bonta, running it as admin works now, but the game crashes after awhile. Too bad too, because it's a good one. I will search the thread to find out why it keeps crashing.
Hmm mine crashes quite often too... so I basically quicksave (Shift+F5) all the time. x)
Could be caused by the XXXL map I'm playing on though. (over 2GB RAM usage) :D
And the more often I Alt+Tab the more often it crashes. *shrug*

If your game always crashes at a specific point (even after you loaded and you come to the same round), you should try loading an earlier savegame, I read somewhere that some bugs can take a few turns before the game crashes, thus loading the last savegame won't work.... so save often. :D
So does the village becoming a town give the chopdown production bonus to the nearby city?

I've had a look at the code yesterday and fixed the problem you noticed. And I thought about this question too. I could do both! But as there are two ways to remove features it depends on your current technology level. And I must confess that I had no motivation to construct an additional check. I was too lazy. ;) So in 4.29H++ there will be no bonus. The villagers use the wood for their new houses at the moment.

And is it intended that you get no production bonus at all if you chop down outside the working radius?

BTS behaviour I think. And it makes sense to do so. If I change it we would create a human exploit! Humans could create additional forests outside the radius and use the chop down bonus. The AI don't know about it. So this is intentional and absolutly neccessary!

Again on the XP (don't get me wrong I really like this feature):
So it would be best to put all your military advisors + elite academy into one city (something I do all the time anyway :D ), but I got the feeling that the AI doesn't know/care about that... for example one opponent I captured had a military advisor in each of his two cities, but it would have been better to put both of them in one city. (I also saw an opponent with two in his capital and none in his other two cities... but who knows when those were founded) And judging from the number of "GreatGeneralHasDied"-messages I believe the AI uses them mostly to upgrade their units (and send those into suicide missions) instead of thinking more longterm and putting them all into one preferably easily defendable (hill, walls, castle, reinforcements) city far away from the front line.

I've had a look at the BTS AI but not at the BBAI. And I saw that the AI likes to collect GGs in one city. So that's fine for the system. But I also know that the BBAI uses more GGs in battle field and for great healers. But I think/hope the balance is okay.

EDIT: Just saw your next post, really looking forward to it :D
EDIT2: And maybe you could implement some kind of storage for weapons and stuff... would be weird if a city that gets disconnected from your tradenet could suddenly only build warriors x)

Archers or Longbowmen. :D And hey. The new code is (or better was) so complex that you can't imagine. My first code solution was so complex that an AI autoturn on a XXS map with two players could lead to turn times about 30-50 seconds per turn. With maybe a dozen cities on the map. But I've speeded up the code. You shouldn't notice a difference now. But before I even think about a more complex system we need to test this one! It took about 20 hours to get it producing right results in all test scenarios I could imagine. And there are many different types of scenarios. So no storage system. This would also need more changes to the AI. The current system is fine for the AI.

And what's the difference between the BTS system and the new one? In BTS you were disconnected from copper, iron and oil. Now you could be disconnected from iron weapons, rifles and fuel. And iron and sulphur are resources with a high appearance rate on the map. So it should be quite easy to be able to construct muskets and produce gunpowder.
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