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C2C - Wonder Civs

That is precisely what I aim to do. I am not an expert on the inner workings of Revolutions, however. It must be understood that both the civ name and leader name are randomized; the leaderhead itself would be generic (I'm quite partial to the Civ III system of altering leaderhead appearance over time, actually). You'd also need to make sure these new names work with Dynamic Civ Names, but that shouldn't be as big a hurdle.
That is precisely what I aim to do. I am not an expert on the inner workings of Revolutions, however. It must be understood that both the civ name and leader name are randomized; the leaderhead itself would be generic (I'm quite partial to the Civ III system of altering leaderhead appearance over time, actually). You'd also need to make sure these new names work with Dynamic Civ Names, but that shouldn't be as big a hurdle.

Oh excellent! Now I understand. That would allow both systems to coexist since the resource cultures already are woven into existing civs. I also think this still allows for more playable civs to be added if we so choose to. But only a few compared to the possible "resource cultures" or "renamed cultures".
I played with the new culture system today from todays SVN, and got some questions:
- first, it feels good to have culture spreading after the wonder is built. It was a bit awkward that only the city who built the culture got it. but:
- is it really the right way to treat culture as a resource? This means
1. It feels like a trade good, like Coca Cola. You can consume it, or (maybe, I didn't try) you can trade it to other civilizations. If you do that you don't have it anymore. Feels Odd to me.
2. Culture automatically stops at your border. Don't cultures overlap sometimes? Take for example Belgium. The north ("Flamen") speaks Dutch, the South ("Valonen") French. Flamen and Valonen did not even form a government for a year or so recently, because they hate each other so much. It shows two things: A. Dutch Culture does not end at the Dutch Border, same for french. B. There is no common culture for that country.
3. Culture spreads instantly. Suddenly all cities get the idea of having one culture. This is no natural feeling to me.
I'd rather see it like a religion. Sorry, Hydro. I know this means more work for you. This could also mean that there could be some missionaries (The Heroes could do that, but maybe it shouldn't consume them). You could also have a "state culture" for that.
- Wouldn't it be great if cultures expire? Take for example the Roman Empire, which might cease somewhere after Byzantian culture evolves.

I could offer to do some things for you, like expiration values. I did my first local mod today anyway (Canute is now a Viking, hurray!). If you can give me some example code for the XML I'd be glad to contribute. I'm a Pro C++ programmer and used to SVN and XML, by the way.

Originally I wanted to make the cultures like religions and spread them that way. However the inquisition feature and the fact it would mess up religions made that option not feasible. Then I used the free building method other known as the "goods" method. This worked well but you could not spread your culture beyond you own borders.

The current method with resources has been the best so far since it can spread to cities and be traded. There has been talk of making monastery-like buildings for culture which produce more of that culture so you can spread it to others civs while still retaining it. However I personally do not plan to work on that method since I have enough to do as it is.

Also we had cultures expire before but people complained that just because it went away in our timeline doesn't mean it should in theirs. Such as what if the Aztecs never gotten taken over by the Europeans? What if they took over the Spanish and it was lost to time and assimilated into the Aztec culture like the Aztecs were to the Spanish?

Lastly its not a perfect system but its the best of what we have tried and tested so far. There is only so much I can do with my skills. Anything more advanced would take more talented modders to do.
3. Culture spreads instantly. Suddenly all cities get the idea of having one culture. This is no natural feeling to me.

I am working on something that may be used to spread disease, religion and culture in a more natural way. I have a slight block at the moment but it is progressing. ;)

This is what the Kallarani model should look like from the "World of Legends" mod.

That's a pretty detailed looking model (judging by the picture). I wonder if we are using over-polygonned models (i.e. - more detailed than is really warranted given the size they display at). If so that could be a huge contributor to the memory issues.
That's a pretty detailed looking model (judging by the picture). I wonder if we are using over-polygonned models (i.e. - more detailed than is really warranted given the size they display at). If so that could be a huge contributor to the memory issues.

Just looks more or less like they gave a sword and shield to the Indian "fast worker" to me.
Just looks more or less like they gave a sword and shield to the Indian "fast worker" to me.

Indeed. I was just observing that our models in general may be more detailed, and therefore resource intensive, then is really needed
Quick question: With the current setup (v20), is it possible to have more than one culture in your civilization, without conquest of another base culture?

For instance, if I have Middle Eastern Culture as my base culture, and I build the Assyrian wonder, am I blocked from getting the Babylonian or Israeli culture wonders?

I ask, because it appears to be this way in my current game. I have 6 cities that have all built the Middle East Culture building. I have two cities that should be candidates for Israeli and Babylonian culture wonders. If I look at the city details screen, I see 1 Assyrian resource, and 0 Middle Eastern resources. (Also the AI has not built these wonders yet.)

Quick question: With the current setup (v20), is it possible to have more than one culture in your civilization, without conquest of another base culture?

For instance, if I have Middle Eastern Culture as my base culture, and I build the Assyrian wonder, am I blocked from getting the Babylonian or Israeli culture wonders?

I ask, because it appears to be this way in my current game. I have 6 cities that have all built the Middle East Culture building. I have two cities that should be candidates for Israeli and Babylonian culture wonders. If I look at the city details screen, I see 1 Assyrian resource, and 0 Middle Eastern resources. (Also the AI has not built these wonders yet.)


1. Yes. However its impossible to have more than one Native Culture without the conquest of another civ and assimilation setting on.

2. No you can get Israeli, Assyrian, Babylonian, Sumerian etc all at the same time if you have Native Culture (Middle Eastern). However you cannot get say Chinese or Roman since they requires Asian and European (respectively).

3. Cultures like Assyrian, Babylonian have a wonder which gives a free resource of that culture. Native Cultures like Asian or Middle Eastern are unique buildings that give a free building to every city. Make sure you build the Native Culture building in at least 1 city.

4. Individual cultural wonders have other requirements besides Native Culture such as resource in the city vicinity or terrain or even sometimes civic or another culture.
Ah so native cultures are just buildings. Thanks.

I'll double check that I've met the prereqs for Babylonian and Israeli then.

Edit: found the issue.... turns out you need to work any prerequisite resources before a culture wonder becomes buildable.
The next 2 sets I plan to do are ...

1. Bandanese (Oceanian)
2. Basque (European)
3. Burmese (Asian)
4. Cantonese (Asian)
5. Chumash (American)
6. Cuban (American)
7. Franks (European)
8. Hopi (American)
9. Hattian (American)
10. Italian (European)
11. Manchurian (Asian)
12. Papuan (Oceanian)
13. Parthian (Middle Eastern)
14. Prussian (European)
15. Quechua (American)
16. Rapanui (Oceanian)
17. Saxon (European)
18. Scottish (European)
19. South African (African)
20. Thai (Asian)

1. Arawak (American)
2. Belgian (European)
3. Choson (Asian)
4. Confederates (American)
5. Dahomey (African)
6. Dene (American)
7. Haida (American)
8. Irish (European)
9. Jomon (Asian)
10. Moche (American)
11. Nazca (American)
12. New Zealand (Oceanian)
13. Sassanian (Middle Eastern)
14. Scythian (European or Middle Eastern) [Not sure]
15. Shang (Asian)
16. Siberian (Asian)
17. Spartan (European)
18. Trojan (European)
19. Xiongunese (Asian)
20. Yamato (Asian)

I have thought about splitting up the Americans into North and South, but i am unsure if its needed.
You seem to have Parthian in both sets, middle eastern in the first and european in the second. Other than that it seems like an interesting list, lots of stuff for Oceania.
Not before the freeze. The first set probably after the next version is released. The 4th set I don't know. It takes awhile do do them since they need both a wonder and a resource made for them.

UU's are still being made for the previous sets which is why I have put off doing new ones until their done. As for Heroes that's all up to SO. He is the one who add's heroes.
@ Hydromancerx

When exactly will these cultures be released and will they have UU's and Heroes already?

If you want certain Heroes, just ask in the Heroes thread and i will see what i can dig up, should really be much of a problem, just takes alot of time and effort is all.
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