C3C Zeta Epic pbem - Continents, Large.

Salamanca, Iroquois Nation (AP) - The Iroquois Space Exploration Agency is proud to announce that October 28, 1320 is a historic date for the Iroquois Nation and the world. At precisely 8:50pm, Captain SpikeIt and his crew of aeronauts successfully launched a rocket bound for Alpha Centauri from the Iroquois Space Center at Fe. Final preparations of the rocket included an astounding engineering achievement as construction on a new palace at Fe was converted into the rocket's Stasis Chamber, completing the star bound craft. Captain SpikeIt and crew, including a Portuguese scientist, report to be in fine spirits and proudly look forward to the long flight to the stars.

My thanks to everyone who played this game and helped move it along so quickly. I had a lot of fun strategizing ways to take wonders and preparing for the great war which never happened. I had a lot of luck throughout the game. My only native resources were iron, horses and uranium. I had to take saltpeter from Greybeard, oil from Cleo, and my city swap with Civnut turned out to give me uranium at Pi-Ramesses.

Ozy, thanks for being a great trading partner. Our longstanding tech trading deal throughout the game put us both solidly in the lead and kept the game between the two of us. Despite our trades, I never truly trusted the King of Kings and the conqueror of the Dark Continent and was prepared to battle you to the death throughout the game. I enjoyed stealing wonders from you and having the same done to me. Hopefully we'll play together in another down the road. I thank you for pointing me to space as well. If not for the Grand Proclamation to keep me from getting a foothold on your continent, I likely would not have pursued space quite so early.

WVCivnut, my ally, my friend. From early in the game we pledged an unwavering alliance. Watching Ozy take down civ after civ on the other continent only solidified my resolve to keep you as a close ally. After all, together we would definitely be stronger than him. All game I was prepared to battle Ozy, and kept you close tech wise to keep you a factor. If Ozy attacked you ever, I would have been there to protect you. I really wanted to take the game to Ozy at some point, but you were never in a position to help me on the other continent, so it was never to be. Next game maybe...

Greybeard. I feel bad about how things went down between us. Early in the game I was building up to take out JG Korab, the only human to have a worse starting location than myself. He seemed to be settling cities in some bizarre locations, seemed to lack both iron and horses, and had the nerve to plant a city in my first ring VERY early in the game. Then you took over. I wanted to keep the peace between us and build you up as a strong ally like Civnut so the three of use could take out Ozy. You seemed somewhat agreeable to that, but were a bit standoffish. And then I learned gunpowder and saw all of it in your borders. 3 sources. At the time I was paying for a ton of troops, and saw the balance of power potentially shifting. Not to mention it was the perfect time for a golden age. From that brutal attack to take saltpeter I knew we could never really be allies again. Later in the game I wiped you out more because I knew your allegience had to be closer to Ozy. All it would take would be for Ozy to supply you and tech you up and then I'd have a problem next to me. Special thanks for playing this and keeping it moving. You really stepped into a poor position when you took over. But you kept playing and moving the game along. I think we all thank you for that.

The replay shows the amusing plight of the Romans. The first AI to be attacked, they ended up lasting the longest. In 570AD, the Byzantines took out their last city - Neapolis, only to found Lugdunum on the mountain peninsula to keep them in the game almost to the end.

Best city names - Ozy's PVCistheLifeforMe and wtf.

Top City - Constaninople with 3 wonders at pop 14, 2nd Salamanca with 4 wonders capped at pop 12.

Final scores - Iroquoi 4241, Byzantines 2234, Portugal 1207, Inca 759. Rome 127.

Lastly, I hope the following two wonder runs really irritated the heck out of Ozy.

In 510AD I popped a Great Scientist. I kept him around. 640AD I slowed down Sistines to use it as a prebuild. Finished Smiths in 640, ToE in 680 and used scientist to get Hoovers in 690AD.

Sistines again - swiped from Ozy in 1080AD with Ozy having 1 turn left. Completed Seti two turns later in 1100AD. Ozy did get the UN out of it. Fair trade?

Anyways, had a blast. Maybe you guys will send the save back around so I can record my victory? I look forward to reading any comments you all have.

SpikeIt the Magnificent

PS. If you say nothing, I'll assume these are your final words. :p

Thanks to everyone for the quick turnaround.
256 moves in 525 days, almost a move every other day.
A real pleasure when you can stay engaged with a game, instead of seeing it just once a week.

Especial thanks to Greybeard, for stepping in to a - I now understand - very poor position.
All I can say is, I did warn you about him, many thousands of years ago.

CivNut, we had little contact after your initial rebuff of my diplomacy.
At least, finally we had some cat and mouse with the nuclear sub and the destroyer.
Can you find me again on your last turn?

SpikeIt the Magnificent played it well.
Having read some other spoiler - I think it was by RegentMan - I trusted you completely...
...to be preparing for a final battle.
What surprised me was your unwillingness to attack CivNut, so I have learned something.

I assume some kind of consideration was there between you and CivNut.
I initially assumed it was there between all of you, which you denied,
which I now guess might be somewhat true given your comments about Greybeard.
I was supposed to be scientific and built the infrastructure, yet you were outpacing me.

I was always behind on commerce (until the end) and production
- so I guess the terrain wasn't that bad ;).
I initially assumed this was just my jungles, then I thought there had to be more to it.

This was partly the reason for the proclamation.
I would be unable to withstand an invasion unless I prevented it occurring.
Ditto, space race.

The thing that irritated me about the Wonders was not so much being outmanoeuvred as my falling asleep on the job.
I actually had the tech lead going in to the IA,
and could have planned it so I got to research and acquired the ToE? tech, with a prebuild ready.
I could have gone to Electronics - and also had a Leader waiting, to get me the Dam.

But I was rushing around that time, and didn't plan it out.
What was annoying was realising I had blundered a long time before it actually happened,
but after I had chosen my path.
So I had a long time to see it coming. That was irritating.

Still, there were some good points.
This is the first pbem where I've been alone (humans) and able to trample over an entire continent without guilt.
Although there wasn't much choice. Choked with jungle you need slaves.

I'll have to leave it with a memory of my one coup.
Having a navy comprising a single AA UU, I managed to trigger an IA GA with it.
I think I may just forget the rest.

Although this would be a shame, because this is the first ever Conquests game I have played through until completion.
And it was fun.
Thank you all.

And in reading up on the forums, since starting this game,
I now know that when you start with cows,
you don't mine them,
you irrigate them.
Not a mistake I'll repeat in the future. :blush:
Congratulations on the victory SpikeIt. It's good to see a game played through to the end.
Thanks to Bathsheba for allowing me to have a second homeland so I could be here at the end and thanks to everyone for making this one of the fastest pbem games I have been in.

I have sent the sav.file on to Bathsheba as requested.
bathsheba666 said:
CivNut, we had little contact after your initial rebuff of my diplomacy.
At least, finally we had some cat and mouse with the nuclear sub and the destroyer.
Can you find me again on your last turn?

Heh. I had a sub floating around Bath's land. That one I guess went sight unseen.

bathsheba666 said:
I assume some kind of consideration was there between you and CivNut.
I initially assumed it was there between all of you, which you denied,
which I now guess might be somewhat true given your comments about Greybeard.
I was supposed to be scientific and built the infrastructure, yet you were outpacing me.

I was always behind on commerce (until the end) and production
- so I guess the terrain wasn't that bad ;).
I initially assumed this was just my jungles, then I thought there had to be more to it.

Civnut did provide some money in exchange for techs, but I don't think enough to make a significant difference to my research. My cities were packed fairly close and grassland heavy with emphasis on size 12 cities only. With early priorities on libraries I kept up a decent tech pace, but in the early half of the game it lagged a little behind yours. But nabbing Smiths and triggering my golden age really skyrocketed my research rate while allowing me to spew out a lot of infrastructure. My later war with Cleo gave me fertile land where I packed in grassland corrupt cities in the north. That helped in the late game as I used those towns as scientist farms, turning population into scientists. Lots and lots of scientists. I research robotics in 4 turns, although at deficit research. I think I was able to do it in 5 or 6 at a profit.

bathsheba666 said:
The thing that irritated me about the Wonders was not so much being outmanoeuvred as my falling asleep on the job.
I actually had the tech lead going in to the IA,
and could have planned it so I got to research and acquired the ToE? tech, with a prebuild ready.
I could have gone to Electronics - and also had a Leader waiting, to get me the Dam.

But I was rushing around that time, and didn't plan it out.
What was annoying was realising I had blundered a long time before it actually happened,
but after I had chosen my path.
So I had a long time to see it coming. That was irritating.
Ah. More luck for me. I made a couple blunders like this as well. Its hard to stay focused during a PBEM at times, especially when you are playing 20 or more such as you do.

bathsheba666 said:
I'll have to leave it with a memory of my one coup.
Having a navy comprising a single AA UU, I managed to trigger an IA GA with it.
I think I may just forget the rest.
You had that dromon until the end too! :lol:

Thanks again for a fun time! :wavey:
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