Carthage 1.0

Janusi said:
I already noticed it was mentioned before but it really is the Carthaginian empire. That is the correct spelling and preference doesn't enter into it as far as I know.
Well I looked it up today to make sure (Carthagian vs. Carthaginian). It seems you are correct for the most part about Carthaginian. Thanks for the information.
Any idea how hard it will be to add your mod to a compilation of mods I'm putting together for my own use? I haven't looked through all of the folders you altered yet, just curious how much you changed.
woodelf said:
Any idea how hard it will be to add your mod to a compilation of mods I'm putting together for my own use? I haven't looked through all of the folders you altered yet, just curious how much you changed.
Everything in the Art directory shouldn't overwrite any files in a compilation mod.
In the XML directory, here's a list of changed files and additional code.
				<ShadowAttachNode>BIP Pelvis</ShadowAttachNode>
				<City>Leptis Magna</City>
				<City>Leptis Minor</City>
				<City>Carthago Novo</City>
Continued in next post
Okay this one was like over 20,000 characters, so just find it in the file and select it until you get to </LeaderheadInfo>
This file contains plenty of code, but it does not replace anything. So feel free to just drag it into another mod's XML/Text folder.


I hope that helps you. I recommend appending that information at near the end of those XML files to keep the mod working.
Janusi said:
I already noticed it was mentioned before but it really is the Carthaginian empire. That is the correct spelling and preference doesn't enter into it as far as I know.

Actually if one would be pedantic it should really be Qart-Hadashtinian deriving from the cities real phoenician name Qart-Hadasht. Carthage is the latin name of the city.
Just installed your mod my only trouble is I can't resume a saved game it says an invalid directory any ideas please?The save game I am trying to resume is one with the mod on already btw.
Sobsob said:
Just installed your mod my only trouble is I can't resume a saved game it says an invalid directory any ideas please?The save game I am trying to resume is one with the mod on already btw.
I've tried saving and loading games -- that seems to work fine.
Did you change the name of the mod directory? And are you sure it's the right save? Sometimes I accidently load the wrong save because all the saves tend to look alike.

I know Jecrell [Carthage] may come off a little strong at first. So I wouldn't be surprised if you changed the mod directory. :)

Also note, I have yet to change the base files on this thread -- so there shouldn't be a version conflict...
Jecrell - Everything went fine with my absorbing your mod into my othermods, but when I select Carthage and get to the first screen Hannibal's picture is replaced by a pink area. Wierd. Any idea why his portrait (LH) did this?

Also imagine my surprise when I came across another Hannibal! Is there a tag somewhere so you don't find yourself when playing? His LH was also simply a pink square.
woodelf said:
Jecrell - Everything went fine with my absorbing your mod into my othermods, but when I select Carthage and get to the first screen Hannibal's picture is replaced by a pink area. Wierd. Any idea why his portrait (LH) did this?

Also imagine my surprise when I came across another Hannibal! Is there a tag somewhere so you don't find yourself when playing? His LH was also simply a pink square.
That sounds pretty strange -- but I havn't found myself while playing before. As far as I know the game doesn't produce multiple civs of the same kind.

Your graphical problem probably comes from the /XML/Art/CIV4ArtDefines_Leaderhead.xml entry or maybe you didn't copy all of the art over properly into your mod. Did you modify anything?
The entire Art folder and 3 subfolders I simply moved from your Mod to mine since none of the other mods had modified that folder. I can redo that and see what happens. No idea about having 2 Hannibals running around....
Here's somethnig interesting, from your (and mine now) ArtDefines_Leaderhead file:


It went from Hannibal to Victoria? Wierd
woodelf said:
Here's somethnig interesting, from your (and mine now) ArtDefines_Leaderhead file:


It went from Hannibal to Victoria? Wierd
The NIF, KFM, and NoShaderNIFs have no effect on the actual leaderhead if the NIF is a dds instead of an actual NIF file. The truth is that the Hannibal leader originated from the replaced Victoria from the Greek World mod. It ran about much in the same fashion -- except mine uses custom references so it doesn't replace Victoria at all.

Which is why it's titled ART_DEF_LEADER_HANNIBAL instead of ART_DEF_LEADER_VICTORIA...

And does the Carthagian War Elephant work?
Okay, I changed the Victoria back. I also noticed in the CivArtDefines_Civilization that Cathage has this


and every other civ is "0" there. Maybe that could make multiple Hannibals?

Since I'm a novice (or lower than novice ) this is all speculation. I'm still trying to find why I get a pink Hannibal. I'll load your mod by itself now and see if Hannibal shows up. Thanks for all your help so far.
woodelf said:
Okay, I changed the Victoria back. I also noticed in the CivArtDefines_Civilization that Cathage has this


and every other civ is "0" there. Maybe that could make multiple Hannibals?

Since I'm a novice (or lower than novice ) this is all speculation. I'm still trying to find why I get a pink Hannibal. I'll load your mod by itself now and see if Hannibal shows up. Thanks for all your help so far.
WhiteFlag forces the flag to not use the actual Civ colors (note, this only works with unspecific alpha channel flags -- not my Carthage flag). If you set WhiteFlag to 0, the flag for Carthage will turn black. Going over the XML usually yields silly mistakes that can only be noticed by direct comparisons.

I think you may have a tag messed up or an entry placed in the wrong area.
Bugger. I must have messed something up while cut/pasting. Hannibal looks good when I load your mod. I'll go back over everything I did and hopefully find something I did wrong.
Sobsob said:
Just installed your mod my only trouble is I can't resume a saved game it says an invalid directory any ideas please?The save game I am trying to resume is one with the mod on already btw.

I found out the hard way that you need to put the mods in the mod directory where the game is installed not in the one in your my documents area.
Gaddow said:
I found out the hard way that you need to put the mods in the mod directory where the game is installed not in the one in your my documents area.

I've been reading up on this as well and heard this works for the saved game issue. I started directing people who are downloading my map to unzip this mod into their main directory in hopes of fixing that problem (and another problem with someone saying it don't work at all).
Hi, I get the following error when trying to load a saved game:

"Mods\C:\Documents and Settings\XXXX\My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Mods\Jecrell [Carthage]\is an invalid directory, ignoring"
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