CCM1 (epic mod)

Population pollution kicks in at Size 3 / metropolis.

Yes, Oz. In CCM there don´t exist size-3-cities to avoid population pollution. The only cities in CCM with size 3 graphics are the capitals of the different civs, but even these cities are size two. A population size of 12 is the border to reach size-two-cities in CCM.
The pedia does not mention the movement restrictions for an Enslaver. It cannot traverse mountains, I know.

vmxa, thanks for reporting that.:)

The movement restrictions for the enslaver must be added to the civilopedia entry.
Here is another item I am puzzled about:

it seems that irrigation does not add any food to grassland. I am in Theo and the pedia shows +1 food for irrigation. I can live with that, but I hate having spend the worker turns for nothing. Not to mention that I could have have mines instead for my GA.

Edit: checked the rules and they show +1 for food if irrigated.
Here is a screen and you can count the food. It matches the 43 and shows only 2 for the irrigated grass.
A couple more errors:
* The scientist specialist citizen comes available with Mathematics, but in the tech tree and pedia info he's mentioned as coming available with Writing.
* The Chasqui scout doesn't have pedia info about its statistics.
Here is another item I am puzzled about:

it seems that irrigation does not add any food to grassland. I am in Theo and the pedia shows +1 food for irrigation. I can live with that, but I hate having spend the worker turns for nothing. Not to mention that I could have have mines instead for my GA.

Edit: checked the rules and they show +1 for food if irrigated.

These are the normal entries in standard Civ 3 for worker actions you are puzzled with. Firaxis forgot to add the tile penalties for worker jobs under special governments. Please start a normal C3C game and look in the civilopedia/workerjobs/Irrigation. You won´t get any hint about the tile penalties in Despotism. But let´s see what CCM here can do better than Firaxis. :)

The hint on tile penalties in standard Civ 3 is in the description of the governments. Here is the present description in the civilopedia for Theocracy:

I agree that the term "Tile penalty" in the description of the government is not enough for civers who are not familiar to the editor and the terms used there. So I will see if there is enough place in the civilopedia entry for Theocracy to do a description of the Tile Penalty as it was done in standard Civ 3 for Despotism or at least do a new entry for the description of "Tile Penalty".

Thank you for pointing to this problem. :)


  • Theocracy.JPG
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Having a great time reading this thread.
Yes the workers are good but I never saw another wonder to build them. Perhaps Pyramid is thought (auto settler,30turns). My method is to gather as many slaves as possible.
Lack of tile penalty makes Republic less lame, but I still miss barracks. On the other hand there are a few wonder/small wonder that have barracks like features.
Late settler production reduces the chances of using them as a weapon....
Production of "see invisible" is very important and lawyers as quickly as you can.
A couple more errors:
* The scientist specialist citizen comes available with Mathematics, but in the tech tree and pedia info he's mentioned as coming available with Writing.
* The Chasqui scout doesn't have pedia info about its statistics.

Optional, thank you for the report. :)

The scientist specialist citizen now comes with writing.

Interesting are the unit stats of the Chasqi Scout. Despite the wrong pediaicons and civilopedia entry of Chasquis_Scout by Firaxis the combination of only offensive and explore tactics for that unit works to let the unit stats appear in normal C3C, but not in CCM. So the unit stats of that unit must be entered manually to the civilopedia.

Additionally an upgrade setting for the normal scout unit (that in CCM is available for every civ) now is corrected in CCM so the Incas get a Chasqui Scout when starting their game.


Concerning workers: In CCM not every inch of the map should be reworked so quickly as in normal Civ 3. With big maps in CCM, players can appreciate the real worth of roads and breaking road connections is a much stronger strategical element than in normal C3C.
It was late when I posted the irrigation issue. I woke up and suspected that it was a despot penality flag. I checked and it has a flag for std tile penality. As you say I do not really know what that means.

It does lower the power of Theo to not be able to gain food with irrigation. I guess I will eventually find out if that changes with other forms later. Presuming those forms of government are viable on the other aspects.

I guess the good news is the lack of workers means I did not do all that many tile with irrigation.
Having a great time reading this thread.
I'm glad to see you posting in this thread, Moose. If there was ever anyone desperate for this mod to be released it was you, so when I disn't see you posting after this release I was beginning to worry!
I'm still trying to get my head round this mod. It does still happen regularly that I need to exit the game to look at the biq. for the properties of something. Like also the Impi misses pedia statistics.
What puzzles me most is that trade of hard goods is possible without a trade route. Surely something as big as that must have been picked up? Or is something strange with just my game going on?
Civinator said:
I agree that the term "Tile penalty" in the description of the government is not enough for civers who are not familiar to the editor and the terms used there.
Perhaps adding 'as in Despotism in original Civ III' is enough; I think it's fair to assume that almost everybody picking up CCM has got some experience with the original game and knows what the Despotism tile penalty means.
Just a quick refinment. I noticed that the building "Christian Communty" says happiness 1 but it showsno effect in this reagard on my city screen.

btw I love the pedia entries for all the leaders. This far commitment to the finer details makes this mod a good learner and more intresting.
The link to the Coastal Fortress from the Coastal Battery Civilopedia entry fails, pointing to a blank "Invalid Entry"
I am fine with just an entry saying a tile penalty. At least I know that some improvements will not help under that gov and it is not hard to see which are affected.

I noticed that you need 510 cities to form an army. I guess that means no armies in CCM, crushing. Will kill a lot of game types and maybe Sid level as well.
Thank you all for your reports. :) As I said in post 1, there still is to do a lot of work with the civilopedia and your posts help to find these thingies faster.

The Civilopedia entry for Theocracy now looks the following way (please note that this governement is only a stronger form of Despotism):

At present I try do my homeworks for CCM so the first CCM update can be uploaded this night, containing a new biq, and a new pediaicons and civilopedia file. I´m sure a lot more updates have to follow.

Optional, at present the palaces in CCM have the airtrade-flag. May be this will be transfered to a special SW coming with Trade (this is an excellent suggestion by the German moder "flame"). So at present here are no entries as it can be that they will be changed soon.

Please continue to post all errors, bugs and dead links you find, so that they can be fixed. I make a list of all these reports, posted in different civ forums, and try to fix the errors and reflect about interesting suggestions. What name, that isn´t used in CCM would you give to such a SW allowing trade all over the world, coming in era 1?


  • Theo2.JPG
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I noticed that you need 510 cities to form an army. I guess that means no armies in CCM, crushing.

Yes, this is intended vmxa. :yup:
I noticed that the building "Christian Communty" says happiness 1 but it showsno effect in this reagard on my city screen.

The link to the Coastal Fortress from the Coastal Battery Civilopedia entry fails, pointing to a blank "Invalid Entry"

Thank you both for your reports. :) Both errors are now fixed (even for the other religious communities, too) and made it to the update files, coming this night at SOC. Religious communities only give one culture and no happiness.

The costs for swordsmen was risen to 25, even fixing an error with the production costs of the Carthage swordsman.
Civinator here is another you may want to check out. I tried to upgrade a caravel in a town with a harbor, no go. I checked the pedia and only the tech for galleons was needed. Check editor and it has the caravel upgrading to a Dhow. That is a different tech, so I could not upgrade.

I suspect a Galleon makes more sense as that is what we are expecting.
Another suggestion, not a bug or anything. It would be nice, if you right click on a tech in the tree that has obsoleted a wonder, that you could list them. I can barely figure out some in a normal game and I have seen them a lot.

Here I have no idea what is obsolete as I am not familiar with the icons. Yeah, I could check on my wonders, but that is not practical the later in the game it gets. Just too many.
Hey I have a question: How can you build a barracks as a democracy? It says that the democracy barracks requires the hidden reserve tech, which i assume one can never get. the cost is also 500 shields, which is an interesting twist, but not that prohibitive. the fact that i cant ever get the req. tech, however, is. Also, can barracks be built as a republic? I was a monarchy so im not sure. If in fact democracy is intended to not build barracks, thats ok. i just was curious.
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