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Children of the Emperor – Life and Death amidst the Clans of Japan

Welcome to the CoE Shihai postulant :) you have now evened the theoretical number of Bunka and Shihai.
I was trying to join the clan with the least members, but this game is kind of confusing so I can't tell if i chose the right clan or not :crazyeye:
You did choose the clan with least members. Now the Bunka and Shihai both have 4 members (each with three possible incarnations)

Either way from this time henceforth new members should alternate between joining the Bunka and the Shihai in order to eventually balance numbers between the respective clans. That way we will have a more balanced game which naturally will be much more interesting in that it precludes any one clan steamrolling everyone else. (and thus a clan requires politics to advance their position above the other clans).
I was trying to join the clan with the least members, but this game is kind of confusing so I can't tell if i chose the right clan or not :crazyeye:

Not too hard. Since you chose Shihai, you want to try and focus on what helps you to win the Domination Victory. This kinda put you in direct odds with Gaiko since they want Diplomatic Victory.

So if your clan think they need better military, research military techs. Build units, go fight. Tough part is getting the other 3 clans to do what you ask. :)
Not too hard. Since you chose Shihai, you want to try and focus on what helps you to win the Domination Victory. This kinda put you in direct odds with Gaiko since they want Diplomatic Victory.

So if your clan think they need better military, research military techs. Build units, go fight. Tough part is getting the other 3 clans to do what you ask. :)

True, to a degree.. Though, if they do not attack us directly or too many city-states (making our divine goal impossible), we can get along fine with the Shihai.

Either way from this time henceforth new members should alternate between joining the Bunka and the Shihai in order to eventually balance numbers between the respective clans. That way we will have a more balanced game which naturally will be much more interesting in that it precludes any one clan steamrolling everyone else. (and thus a clan requires politics to advance their position above the other clans).

Indeed, new players should not simply join the apparently winning side, it makes for a less interesting game, and keep in mind that a few bad rolls of dice can decimate a previously dominating clan for a while.

As for the Tomplum affair in Kagoshima, his plans were neither coordinated with nor known to other Gaiko clan members. This (thanks to the kami) failed assassination attempt was utterly useless and hopefully does not hurt our relations with the Kagaku. Achieving a victory of any kind, especially the of course supreme diplomatic(!) one, requires tact and not so much quick daggers. One shudders to think, what would've happend, had Tomplum ever been in diplomatic contact with foreigners.

Apologies to Daimyo Grzybek and anyone hurt in thwarting Tomplum's folly. Let's hope, his family will produce more sensible Sensei in the future.
The Council of T207
The people decide to research steel.
We decide not to denounce America.
Kyoto queues the production of Notre Dame and orders the soon to arrive Great Engineer to rush its production.
Rodosha Betsubetsu is given to Kagoshima.
Osaka adds a university to its production queue.
Rodosha Shujin is ordered to build trading posts in Osaka.
Kishi Ni is ordered to patrol the Osaka-American border until the outbreak of war.
Kishi Ransu is ordered to patrol the Osaka-America border and delay American troops reaching Ragusa until the outbreak of war.
(Kishi Ransu immediately discovers an American warrior and Crossbowman approaching Ragusa).
Shashu Hanewa is orderd to move to the goldmine upon the completion of crossbowman in Osaka.
Spoiler :

1480 AD (T208)
Kishi Ransu reports seeing a 2nd American crossbow.

1490 AD (T209)
Kishi Ransu watches a Ragusan pikeman kill an American crossbow in the horse pasture west of Ragusa. The pikeman is left critically injured. Kishni Ransu attempts to prevetn any other Americans from reaching him.
Rodosha Betsubetsu reaches Kagoshima and settles in for a nap.
Spoiler :

1500 AD (T210)
Rome declares war on Bismarck. (Since we do not know the location of Rome, or even Germany save for the colony of Bremen, this does not warrant an emergency council session).
The wounded Ragusan Pikeman valiantly charges past Kishi Ransu's protection.
Lord Quiche of the Shihai clan dies of natural causes in Osaka at the age of 30.
Victoria of the Kagaku clan takes her place in Osaka.
Spoiler :

1505 AD (T211)
Great Engineer Leonardo da Vinci is born in Kyoto.
Our declaration of friendship with Mongolia expires.
America makes peace with Arabia, as well as its allies, Ragusa and Lhasa.
Tragedy strikes in Osaka as Daimyo A.Z.Mov of the Kagaku clan dies of natrual causes at the age of 56.
Deamonpies of the Shihai clan takes his place in Osaka.
Rudragun of the Kagaku clan is now Daimyo of Osaka.

1510 AD (T212)
Kyoto completes the construction of the Sistine Chapel and begins building Notre Dame
Leonardo da Vinci helps rush the production.
Belgrade is impressed by our Great Engineer and becomes friends with us, promising to give us a military unit in 20 turns.
Spoiler :

1515 AD (T213)
Germany offers to exchange open borders with us, which we refuse.
We also refuse a similar request from Mongolia.
Ragusa wants someone to find the location of Russia.

1520 AD (T214)
Germany and Mongolia sign a research agreement.
Kyoto completes the construction of Notre Dame, returning the empire to happiness
Yarihei Kawakamasu reports a congregation of American troops on the Tokyo border.
Arabian General Oliver Cromwell seems to be taking a solitary pleasure cruise out near Bremen.
Spoiler :

In keeping with our economic policy, we periodically check for oppurtunities to trade resources when happiness can be maintained above 5.
Our happiness is below 5 but we have an excess dye.
Catherine the Bountiful is the only leader with any interest in it, and she has plentiful furs and iron to trade.
Spoiler :

The Council of T214 will be in session until 22:00 GMT-6 on Tuesday.

Kyoto Local Influence Votes
214-KL-1: What shall Kyoto produce?

Spoiler Cities :

Spoiler Influence :

Spoiler Empire :

Spoiler Waiting List :

New votes for Kagoshima:

1. What Kagoshima will produce next?
a) University
b) Colloseum
c) Walls
d) Granary
e) Aqueduct
f) Nothing

2) What will Rodosha Betsubetsu do next?
a) build farms on to Marsh tiles south of Kagoshima
b) join Rodosha Biruda in his orders
c) continue his nap (nothing)
My condolences go out to the Kagaku clan for the death of the diamyo A.Z.Mov, however it is exciting to know that I was born so swiftly.
As we are now at positive happiness, but still need to brace ourselves for the imminent change of the world (patch), I suggest to all daimyos to slow down growth to prevent going below -10 happy later.

I'd like to ask the new Daimyo Rudragun of Osaka to call a vote to gift the sheep to Satsuma, as the stable there will make better use of them than Osaka can.

Also, an empire wide vote:

214-S-1 What shall we research?

(else, there'd be a new council just on the next turn)

What shall we produce in Kyoto?


Shall we offer a declaration of friendship to Mongolia?


Shall we offer a declaration of friendship to Arabia?


Shall we offer open border to Mongolia



My sympathies on the early death of Daimyo A.Z. Mov of Osaka. It appears that the Kami for some reason (I wonder why :rolleyes: ) looked upon him with disfavour and his life was cut short. Incidentally it is the 99th year of my reign as Daimyo of Kyoto.
Welcome to the CoE, the Bunka are now the smallest amongst the clans. (But still by far the most superior :p)
Welcome to the CoE, the Bunka are now the smallest amongst the clans. (But still by far the most superior :p)

That is your opinion which you are entitled. However, upon your death, timely or not, Bunka will become the most inferior as the result of that. :p
Not neccesarily. You see of all the clans who has had the most success? Not to mention that the status quo will remain unchanged even upon my death.
I am honored to rise to the title of Daimyo in this wondrous empire. However, there is much to do and little time in which to do it.
Daimyo Jehoshua, I wish to say two things. Firstly, I recommend the production of the National Epic in Kyoto. We have a monument in each of our cities, the epic costs no upkeep, and it would allow us to gain great people. Secondly, I would argue that the Bunka clan has not in fact been the most successful; though it has achieved many of its goals, it also has allowed a number of cities to be established which is prohibitive to their lofty goals.
Daimyo Treon, I worry that your wording for the science vote may be incorrect in the Oni's eyes.

There is much housekeeping to be done in the empire! I shall endeavor to sift through it all.

I shall do some rearrangement of the citizens.
Remove the Artist specialist from the temple, and move the citizen to the jungle with a trading post.
Move the citizen which is currently on the sheep onto the hill.

There are also some votes I wish to create.
Osaka Local Influence Votes:
Add the following item to the Osaka production queue:
The Porcelain Tower
Do not add to queue

Add to Rodosha Shujin's queue:
Put a mine on the hill to the west of the city
Do not add to queue

Science Influence Votes:
What shall we add to the queue?
Printing Press
Do not add to queue
(NB: I would like to stress that I am not attempting to usurp Daimyo Treon; I am worried that the terrible Oni Yahzuk will find a chance to misinterpret his wording. This vote is being called so that, even if Daimyo Treon does not see this, the vote will occur.)

Economic Influence Votes:
Trade the extra dye to Catherine for a fur?
(This would give Kagoshima a boost in population, and give the empire a higher overall happiness.)
I am honored to rise to the title of Daimyo in this wondrous empire. However, there is much to do and little time in which to do it.
Daimyo Jehoshua, I wish to say two things. Firstly, I recommend the production of the National Epic in Kyoto. We have a monument in each of our cities, the epic costs no upkeep, and it would allow us to gain great people. Secondly, I would argue that the Bunka clan has not in fact been the most successful; though it has achieved many of its goals, it also has allowed a number of cities to be established which is prohibitive to their lofty goals.

Firstly I would like to congratulate you upon your ascendancy to the position of Daimyo. Now to the national epic. I would indeed like to construct the national wonder in Kyoto as soon as possible, but considering our military situation I wish to construct the Kremlin in Kyoto before it, which is why the national epic is not on the vote (especially considering potential for foreign agents to steal our plans for the Kremlin). As soon as the Kremlin is complete I would advise my successor to construct the National epic although I wouldn't be concerned too much if it was delayed for a market.

Now as to the Bunka being most successful that does not preclude problems or lack of successes, merely being more succesful or having less problems than other clans. In this respect considering our abysmal tech rating, our lack of military conquests and non-existent journey on the road to a diplomatic utopia the Bunka have seen the most success as culture continues apace even despite a lower than optimal rate of adoption of new policies thanks to the existence of uncultured provincial cities.
Daimyo Treon, I worry that your wording for the science vote may be incorrect in the Oni's eyes.

I was merely putting it forward the same way a mandatory vote would be called.

But if you wish, I can formulate it differently..

Scientific Influence Votes:

214-S1 What shall we research after Steel finishes?
a) Gunpowder
b) Printing Press
c) Navigation
d) ask again next council (next turn) without this option.

And, esteemend daimyo Rudragun, even if it doesn't look so, we are in happiness troubles (or will be soonish), growing Osaka may be not in our best interest at the moment.
Daimyo Jehoshua, you thoughts on equiping our brave Swordsmen in Kyoto with new weapons and armour. Training them in the art of the Samurai might be a benifit to the Empire.
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