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Cities in Development (Obsolete)

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You might also want to look at Aqueducts. Since finishing Tradition, I haven't gone below 0 health, although this might just be good city placement. IMO, Aqueducts are a bit OP at the moment, though.
I dunno if it's Aqueducts that are OP, or the Tradition Finisher. Aqueduct bonus (at least the river health) isn't really scaleable. Don't quite know how to address it, but I agree.
For aqueducts, what if they gave a flat +X Health if the city has access to freshwater, rather than +1health to each River.
A question JFD, because I just start with the mods world:
Is this mod compatible with your Rise to Power and the CBP? Because I just see Rise to Power and looks awesome!
Oh, and just a something that I found: IA of city management believes that marshes (+3 food +1 diseases) are better that grass lands with a farm (+3 food); I think thats because the IA sees the disease like a resource to be collected.
In regard to Disease: Could you make it so that if a city/region (county, duchy etc) is inflicted with a plague, all of that Civs units in that region suffer a defense/attack penalty?
Do you want 5 minute turn times? :p

A question JFD, because I just start with the mods world:
Is this mod compatible with your Rise to Power and the CBP? Because I just see Rise to Power and looks awesome!

Use with RtP, of course. Use with CBP if you must. It works.
  • Fixed a conflict between RtP and CID, causing issues with Da Vinci wonder, Motherland Calls, and various other Misc. components.
  • Pont du Gard now has a unique quote.
  • Drill Academy now yields +20% Loyalty.
  • Chance of Plague killing a Citizen is now based upon Population of the city (1 Pop:1%).
  • Governor's Mansion now yields Crime, as do the Manor (1) and Mansion (2), instead of maintenance (to match the Palace; but mostly for the benefit of the Sovereign Immunity Reform). PSA, Magistrate's and High Courts may go back to yielding Crime with Sovereignty.
  • Dummy Policies will no longer be registered in the GetNumPolicies check. I’ve added a trigger to dummy policies added via other mods, too (e.g. civ mods). (RtP trigger was broken, so this will catch those too - but I'll fix RtP's in the next update).
  • AI Governors should be more interested in building the Drill Academy.
  • Provinces no longer require Improvements. TP>Village>Town thing is now a detached component.
  • Plague turn length is now 2x your Excess Disease at the time of triggering.
  • (Re-)added International Criminal Court resolution. It is now a World Project that increases the Organized Crime threshold.
  • Crime Modifiers are now listed uniformly as 'from Modifiers' instead of 'from Buildings/Policies/Traits' to preserve space. Still separates by Crime type, however.
  • Loyalty now affects Treason, instead of Crime (50/25/-25/-50:Separatist/Rebellious/Allegiant/Patriotic).

A couple of questions I have for you (to answer/investigate/ignore at your mortal peril):
--Do you find the lack of Production on the Palace, and consequently the initially long turn times, too cognitively dissonant?
--Do you find Disease from Trade Routes a concern? (they should be)
--Does the one Disease event I added (will add more later) trigger? Crimes events?
--Is siege devastating to a city's Health (it should be; when units stamp on your rivers)?
--Do you find your units contracting Plague from combat?
--Turn times ok? There will be some slow down with so much going on, but is it bearable?
--Thoughts on improving the quality of the TP>Village>Town 'system'? I feel like it's underused, perhaps because of its poor implementation.
--I need more info on Disloyalty from War Score - your war score, number of wars, the Loyalty penalty.
--How are Provinces without Improvement requirement?

I'll have to give some more thought to the Aqueduct problem. Ideas welcome, though, but as said, removing the river health is not ideal.

Now leave me alone because I'm doing as much as Sovereignty as my volition allows :p
Because how long the turn times are (apparently), are there any features that you've had to cut?

2. A good gameplay concern. When looking at trade route opportunities, it should also state how much disease, crime, and maybe even influence that this trade route will result in for you and the enemy. A plagued Civ should be a quarantined Civ.

All the other points I will try and discover on my own. And for once, I'll only be running one custom civ to play as, to reduce the chances of errors that are not related to RtP or CiD.

1. The easier solution, and the one that I will take, is to remove the Improvements requirement, from both CBP and CP.

Makes sense, even though I still love the idea of needing the Villages. It's just too bad it's impossible on water-heavy maps! :sad:

2. Drill Academy is an excellent idea! Don't know why I didn't think of that :p Will be in the next update. Out of interest, do you remember by how much the distance penalty was costing? What map was this on? This will probably help me figure out how much Loyalty the DA should yield, without it being too much - unless you had any thoughts as to the right amount?

Oh ok, cool-- yeah I think Drill Academy is a natural fit, and even better, it's Colony-only! :D And as for the specific details, I have some screenshots for you below. First, though, it might help you to know that I was playing on a Small Archipelago map on Epic Speed at the Emperor Difficulty (with no extra city-states or civs, standard rules). Now for the first screenshots:

Spoiler :

The above two images are of the same colony, New Amsterdam, on the same turn. The first is when I have a Spy in the colony, and the second is when I have it without. Without the Spy, the colony is Separatist. At first this didn't really bother me until I started taking enemy cities on my path to a Domination victory (which, even on a small map, was going to take me quite some time, possibly because of Epic pace). When I began taking these cities, I realized that I didn't have enough spies to keep these cities pacified. I want to make it clear that I love that Spies give a Loyalty effect (so awesome flavor-wise!), and I think it makes sense that it's a big one, but the problem becomes that there just isn't enough I can do to keep these cities (be they Colonies or Annexes) Loyal if I want them to grow and prosper. I'm somewhat torn, because in the British Colonies in North America, for example, the larger and more affluent they became the more they entertained thoughts of self-identity and separation from British rule so it makes sense that Distance from Capital scales with population. But at the same time, what I was doing in this colony is precisely what actually turned those thoughts of self-identity and self-governance into action: I was stationing my troops there at (kind of) their expense, I was building Barracks and Armories to house my troops to (presumably) keep the population in line. I even deployed spies there to root out people who disagree with my rule (and I like to imagine have secret prisons and/or executions) and keep informed on those who were fomenting rebellion.

Again, I love all of this, but it doesn't seem like it's enough (game mechanic-wise OR historically!)-- this didn't work with the British rule in the former 13 Colonies, and it isn't tenable here, either. I don't have unlimited Spies (I have 2), and as I consider myself a benevolent ruler, I wish there were some non-coercive tools at my disposal. I can understand their frustrations at being ruled by a somewhat far-away and disconnected power, or them wanting proper representation in my/their/our government, or them having taxation/economic structure concerns. Unfortunately all (not all, but you know what I mean) I can do is heavy-handidly station troops there, build Barracks, and Spy on them. I can't offer them any actual incentives, just punishments-- I'd love to build them diversions, or actually address their concerns by giving them a House of Representatives or a Tariff Office or whatever (you can tell I'm bad at this! :crazyeye:), or even "propoganda" pieces like Statues or something showing them they are a part of such an incredible Empire. I think you get the point though-- I have nothing to offer them, only ways to "threaten" them to remain Loyal. This doesn't make much sense historically or flavor-wise, and it doesn't seem to work very well game-wise. I mean, look at that city! New Amsterdam is a wonderful city! And from later screenshots, you'll see that I'm an incredible civilization-- extremely wealthy and cultured, with a massive military out winning wars for the glory of our people, and we are a deeply religious nation. Yet unless I'm somewhat suppressing them and spying on them, they don't want anything to do with me!

And again, I could keep New Amsterdam (so long as they don't grow too large or prosperous) by using these heavy-handed tactics, but what of foreign capitals? I want Carthage, which I'll soon capture, to be a prosperous and happy part of my Empire. Should that be easy? Absolutely not. Should it be possible? Yes! Unfortunately if I want to keep the other parts of my empire prosperous, or capture other cities and have them assimilate (at great cost) into my empire, I simply don't have the tools to do it. I don't think that I should be able to capture and integrate every city happily into my Empire, but I think I should have the tools to do it for at least 1/4 of the cities I capture, surely? Otherwise I just run into the annoying patch-work of foreign cities being spammed by the AI amongst the ruins of conquered nations. At this point, I'm just burning cities to the ground because I know I have three choices: 1) Keep them as meager outposts that contribute (next to) nothing except land to the Empire, 2) Try to grow them to become prosperous cities which they will hate me for, or 3) Just forget the bother and burn them in the hopes that I can end the game before they spam more cities I have to deal with.

To show this point, below are a few more screenshots, this time of a comparison between a Puppeted city and an Annexed one (which we can also compare to my founded Colony):

Spoiler :

The first image shows the distance from my capital each city is (not that far, really). The second and third images show the two highlighted cities' Loyalty modifiers. I captured both cities about 200 turns ago (I think? You can probably do the math based on Unbroken Rule-- .1% per turn? Maybe? lol), but didn't care much for the first one (Vilcas) so I just puppeted it. The second one (Tiwanaku), though, had a few factors that made me want to Annex it: I wanted to see what the new Annex was like (hadn't annexed a city since I installed CBP&friends and your mod), I thought the war would continue and I would need a forward base of operations (they actually capitulated a few turns later, which is awesome! So amazing to have Vassals back in Civ again!), and it's in a pretty good location with access to unique luxuries and decent growth and production.

Now to the comparison. If I'm right about the .1% per turn of Unbroken Rule, we know that I captured Vilcas 34 turns before I captured Tiwanaku (they've never changed hands since I captured them). Yet Vilcas is smaller in population and much less developed in both infrastructure and output and has a significantly higher Loyalty than Tiwanaku (a difference of a whopping 43%!). Now for the most part, again, I really like this-- the primary concern historically of far-flung parts of Empires or conquests has been self-rule. Puppets self-rule, while I can control Annexed cities, so Annexed cities should be harder to keep happy. Also, because puppets self-govern, they can be more susceptible to corruption and in-fighting because of lack of accountability to a larger governing body, so it makes sense to me that Puppets basically suck in this game. I mean, look at the difference in resource output-- and keep in mind that Tiwanaku is only 4 "citizens" larger and was captured after Vilcas! And by the way, Tiwanaku would actually be much larger but I've been forcing really slow growth (notice all those unemployed people on the right) and then starving them once they grow because once they hit 22 pop they go into Separatist mode (I was actually doing this in New Amsterdam as well until I got the Spy in there). One city is putzing along at their own pace, and the other is positively thriving, yet the one that is clearly more affluent is way unhappier with the way I'm running things. Which again is not really an issue in and of itself-- they probably envy self-rule. The problem is that I don't (feel like I) have adequate tools to placate these citizens and convince them of the greatness of my civilization. I mean, good lord, these people are way better off as citizens of the Netherlands than they ever were (or ever were going to be) as citizens of the Inca. I want to win their hearts and minds! :D

Anyway, as you can see, both my Spies are tied up enforcing Loyalty in my single Colony and my single Annexed city, so I cannot replicate this somewhat tenuous but stable relationship in any other cities I capture. As Puppets are never going to be productive, affluent, contributing members of my Empire, it's not really an option if I want them to truly assimilate into my Empire. And without the options to convince/placate (in addition to coercing) them that my cause is just and my rule is a good one, I'm simply left with them rebelling (Separating) every two dozen turns and recapturing them or razing the cities to the ground and hoping the AIs don't city-spam me too hard.

3. I'll certainly give some thought to this, although I don't have any solutions at hand.

I think for a solution to a lot of these issues I once again fall back on Sovereignty (though it occurs to me you may not use/like RtP), especially as my hands are particularly tied for adding new Buildings, Wonders, or the like. For instance, I have finished up, inspired by your post, one Reform which will increase the Organized Crime threshold, and have added to the set of Legal Reforms many concerning Loyalty and Crime.

But it was my intention to have two means of counteracting OC in Crimes - one from the National Intelligence Agency and the other from the International Criminal Court resolution. The latter had to be removed for technical reasons (it didn't work :p), but I didn't substitute it for anything at the time of removal. However, in the next update, I'll look at readding the ICC as a world project instead. This, and the NIA, probably wouldn't deal with OC before the Modern Era, so I'll have to think about OC as a problem of the pre-Modern Era and see what I can do about it.

Well maybe that's my problem-- I need your other mod! lol I'll have to check it out-- so far I'm loving your stuff!

Just so you can see what I was referring to, I've thrown in another screenshot below:

Spoiler :

This is my third founded city, Utrecht, and it is quite the beacon of prosperity for the rest of my Empire. As you can see, it has almost all of the buildings available at my current era, and it definitely has all of the crime-reducing buildings (and Wonders in my Capital). However, understandably, it has a lot of crime! I have no problem with this, it just makes me really sad that I can't protect my people from Organized Crime. This "gripe" is more a "feel" of gameplay than a balance concern (which I believe my earlier concern is). I mean, from a gameplay perspective it really makes no important difference-- my Empire is ridiculously wealthy, so whatever, let the crime lords reap it in too. I'll never miss it (after all, it's supposed to be an alternative to maintenance costs, right?). But the feel of your mod has made me really care about my people in a way that I never have before, and I want to help them! lol As a ruler who cares about my people, I want to use my massive wealth, power, and influence to stifle this criminal element that is hurting hard-working Dutch people! Gameplay-wise there is probably no difference-- I'd imagine it would just be a maintenance-costly building or two I could build that would decrease crime to a more manageable level, so it's just converting food/faith/culture/etc. lost into gold lost per turn, but it would feel like I'm making a difference in the lives of my citizens by transferring that cost from them onto the Crown. In the end, it's a very trivial concern as it wouldn't really affect gameplay, but the role-playing feel of your mod could definitely be aided by a feature like this! :) So maybe this could go onto a lower portion of a far-future "to maybe do" list.

I truly enjoyed this write-up - it was very eloquent. Thank you. If you have anything to say on Health, I'd love to hear it :)

I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I hope you've enjoyed this one (assuming you've made it this far)! I don't have a ton to say on Health-- I love that it's back, and it makes my games more immersive. I'm not so sure about jungle starts, so that may need some testing. But I've seen my food stores being contaminated by all manner of plagues (seriously, you've added a lot of plagues to this! Awesome work!), and I've been heartbroken when, very rarely, a "citizen" will die of plague. Having read some of the other comments on here, I can't blame people for having missed the decreased food (it's pretty easy to miss!), but I also think it's probably fine-- no need to clutter up the notifications any more than they already are. As far as the Great Doctor (or someone similar to that description), I'll confess I never used one to increase the population because of the earlier issues I was having with maintaining Loyalty in Colonies and Annexes. It was nice, if a bit underwhelming as far as a great person ability, to be able to clear plagues. I'm curious though-- does he/she clear plagues from all owned cities, or only the one he/she is in? I got notifications for every city, whether they had plagues or not every time I performed the cure plague (or whatever) action, but I could only perform that action in a plagued city.

Anyway, thanks for responding and I'll get back to testing and enjoying this awesome mod! :D
I haven't ever seen the Crime or Disease related events, though with the latter that's to be expected as I tunnel-visioned pretty hard on getting all the health wonders :p

I wasn't at all aware of the disease I was receiving from foreign trade routes though - or rather those that were sent to me. Not so sure if there is supposed to be an easy way to see this or not though given the nature of trade routes.

If the new World Congress Crime thingy is a project, are all the rewards just different amounts of crime reduction or anything more flashy? Welcome addition in any case. Hopefully I'll be able to answer more questions when I can test the game more.
That's a pretty great write up. If only we had more of you to be as clear and well written :3

Hopefully Sov will solve a lot of these problems, but technically speaking CiD should be self sufficient.
A couple of questions I have for you (to answer/investigate/ignore at your mortal peril):
--Do you find the lack of Production on the Palace, and consequently the initially long turn times, too cognitively dissonant?
--Do you find Disease from Trade Routes a concern? (they should be)
--Does the one Disease event I added (will add more later) trigger? Crimes events?
--Is siege devastating to a city's Health (it should be; when units stamp on your rivers)?
--Do you find your units contracting Plague from combat?
--Turn times ok? There will be some slow down with so much going on, but is it bearable?
--Thoughts on improving the quality of the TP>Village>Town 'system'? I feel like it's underused, perhaps because of its poor implementation.
--I need more info on Disloyalty from War Score - your war score, number of wars, the Loyalty penalty.
--How are Provinces without Improvement requirement?

1. Never noticed it, but this was my first game with your mod so I have no previous experience with which I can compare.
2. Unfortunately no, after I first noticed it, thought "Oh that's awesome! Very realistic!" I never gave it another thought. I'm not sure what the multipliers are, but I had pretty large (25+ pop) cities trading with pretty large (again, 25+ pop) cities and it was never more than a single Disease token; the most I remember it being was 0.4 or so.
3. Never saw a Disease or Crime event, and I had plenty of both. Though I only played to just before the Industrial Era.
4. I don't think I ever built a Siege unit-- Frigates did the job, but I wouldn't say what they did was devastating.
5. I never noticed a unit contracting plague from combat. I did notice my units getting it from being in plagued cities, though.
6. On small, Emperor, Epic they seemed downright speedy. Certainly never would have thought about it unless you had mentioned it.
7. I think I'll need more playtime and testing to give feedback on that system.
8. I started up a game last night on Europe map as Poland in the far east of the map. My only neighbor was Attilla... He DOWs me soon after I found my second city (far from his, the DOW was unrelated-- he was just being Attilla). I decide to try to fight it out despite his massive military, and it seemed to work for a few turns (he wasn't sending very much at me at all). Then he sent a single Warrior to wander into the frozen north east of the map to attack my allied City State and destroyed my caravan trade route with them. I immediately got a -50% "Losing War" Loyalty penalty. I thought that seemed pretty harsh, but then I was like, "You know what, I guess I need to start winning this war then!" He had just founded a city exactly where I wanted my third city anyway, so I marched my small force of 2 archers, 1 horseman and a spearman on it hoping to take it even if I lost a unit or two to get rid of that penalty (even with garrisons, my capital was in Rebellion, and my only other city was Separatist). Unfortunately for me the turn after I moved in, his entire (well, let's be honest, it was Emporor, so probably like 1/4 of his) army moved in and decimated my forces. I had to give up that game. Will be starting a new one soon at a lower difficulty level!

By the way, glad to see the most recent changes, especially the Drill Academy Loyalty boost! You don't waste any time, do you! :D
Hopefully Sov will solve a lot of these problems, but technically speaking CiD should be self sufficient.

Lies. Filthy lies :p

I haven't ever seen the Crime or Disease related events, though with the latter that's to be expected as I tunnel-visioned pretty hard on getting all the health wonders :p

I wasn't at all aware of the disease I was receiving from foreign trade routes though - or rather those that were sent to me. Not so sure if there is supposed to be an easy way to see this or not though given the nature of trade routes.

If the new World Congress Crime thingy is a project, are all the rewards just different amounts of crime reduction or anything more flashy? Welcome addition in any case. Hopefully I'll be able to answer more questions when I can test the game more.

Trade Route overview:

Spoiler :

50%/25%/10% Organized Crime reduction. Nothing fancy.

Well maybe that's my problem-- I need your other mod! lol I'll have to check it out-- so far I'm loving your stuff!

Yes, it would be at my pleasure to hear your thoughts on Piety, Claims, Epithets, and Mercenaries.

I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I hope you've enjoyed this one (assuming you've made it this far)! I don't have a ton to say on Health-- I love that it's back, and it makes my games more immersive. I'm not so sure about jungle starts, so that may need some testing. But I've seen my food stores being contaminated by all manner of plagues (seriously, you've added a lot of plagues to this! Awesome work!), and I've been heartbroken when, very rarely, a "citizen" will die of plague. Having read some of the other comments on here, I can't blame people for having missed the decreased food (it's pretty easy to miss!), but I also think it's probably fine-- no need to clutter up the notifications any more than they already are. As far as the Great Doctor (or someone similar to that description), I'll confess I never used one to increase the population because of the earlier issues I was having with maintaining Loyalty in Colonies and Annexes. It was nice, if a bit underwhelming as far as a great person ability, to be able to clear plagues. I'm curious though-- does he/she clear plagues from all owned cities, or only the one he/she is in? I got notifications for every city, whether they had plagues or not every time I performed the cure plague (or whatever) action, but I could only perform that action in a plagued city.

Anyway, thanks for responding and I'll get back to testing and enjoying this awesome mod! :D

Definitely insightful. As said, I will give some further thought to OC and Loyalty - but do tell me how the Drill Academy changes things in v31.

Yes, it's for all Cities. I'll fix up the notifications being sent for Cities that aren't affected by Plagues.

If anything more comes up, don't hesistant to comment.

1. Never noticed it, but this was my first game with your mod so I have no previous experience with which I can compare.
2. Unfortunately no, after I first noticed it, thought "Oh that's awesome! Very realistic!" I never gave it another thought. I'm not sure what the multipliers are, but I had pretty large (25+ pop) cities trading with pretty large (again, 25+ pop) cities and it was never more than a single Disease token; the most I remember it being was 0.4 or so.
3. Never saw a Disease or Crime event, and I had plenty of both. Though I only played to just before the Industrial Era.
4. I don't think I ever built a Siege unit-- Frigates did the job, but I wouldn't say what they did was devastating.
5. I never noticed a unit contracting plague from combat. I did notice my units getting it from being in plagued cities, though.
6. On small, Emperor, Epic they seemed downright speedy. Certainly never would have thought about it unless you had mentioned it.
7. I think I'll need more playtime and testing to give feedback on that system.
8. I started up a game last night on Europe map as Poland in the far east of the map. My only neighbor was Attilla... He DOWs me soon after I found my second city (far from his, the DOW was unrelated-- he was just being Attilla). I decide to try to fight it out despite his massive military, and it seemed to work for a few turns (he wasn't sending very much at me at all). Then he sent a single Warrior to wander into the frozen north east of the map to attack my allied City State and destroyed my caravan trade route with them. I immediately got a -50% "Losing War" Loyalty penalty. I thought that seemed pretty harsh, but then I was like, "You know what, I guess I need to start winning this war then!" He had just founded a city exactly where I wanted my third city anyway, so I marched my small force of 2 archers, 1 horseman and a spearman on it hoping to take it even if I lost a unit or two to get rid of that penalty (even with garrisons, my capital was in Rebellion, and my only other city was Separatist). Unfortunately for me the turn after I moved in, his entire (well, let's be honest, it was Emporor, so probably like 1/4 of his) army moved in and decimated my forces. I had to give up that game. Will be starting a new one soon at a lower difficulty level!

By the way, glad to see the most recent changes, especially the Drill Academy Loyalty boost! You don't waste any time, do you! :D

1. Happiness is disabled with CBP, so that one's not applicable.
2. I may bump it up then.
3. Incidentally, are you using Events & Decisions? I don't recall if you stated.
4. Oh, I didn't mean Siege units - I meant actual besieging of a city; i.e. when a city is under attack, did this result in a significant loss of Heath, because of pillaging/blockading.
Hey JFD. One of my cities was struck with a plague, and I lost a citizen. Though when I checked the city screen, it seemed that I still had 4 citizens, although the city banner showed 3 citizens. All of my citizens were locked in place, so this might have something to do with it.
Yup, my bad. Will fix tomorrow. Sorry. In the meantime, think of that Citizen as an Undead from Akidor. They aren't really Citizens; they work, but they work for each other. Kind of like slavery but with extra ste--whoops, almost said it :p
--Do you find the lack of Production on the Palace, and consequently the initially long turn times, too cognitively dissonant?
--Do you find Disease from Trade Routes a concern? (they should be)
--Does the one Disease event I added (will add more later) trigger? Crimes events?
--Is siege devastating to a city's Health (it should be; when units stamp on your rivers)?
--Do you find your units contracting Plague from combat?
--Turn times ok? There will be some slow down with so much going on, but is it bearable?
--Thoughts on improving the quality of the TP>Village>Town 'system'? I feel like it's underused, perhaps because of its poor implementation.
--I need more info on Disloyalty from War Score - your war score, number of wars, the Loyalty penalty.
--How are Provinces without Improvement requirement?

There Palace no long provides production? Never noticed.

Disease on trade routes: More on that below.

Turn times are just fine, not a problem. That being said, I'm still in the medieval era. I would have gone further except for a bug. More on that below.

It's just very simple. It's a feature that improves itself over time, giving the player greater worth the sooner they build it. I personally like it over the base TP, because it shows growth, the cities pushing the people out into the country. If there were only some way to make it more then a simple improvement, give it it's own set of town planning features. We'll just have to wait for Civ VI...
I'm not certain the system can be enhanced much further than it currently is. In the end it's just a flavor feature with some light gameplay impact. Perhaps, in Sov, those Towns and Villages can impact politics in some way, each having their own local representative. This brings us back to the point that it's just an improvement. Building in a complex system like this, only to destroy the towns if there are resources under it... well, that could be a gameplay dynamic. But my point is, are you looking to make this a decently sized feature or keep it as an improvement?

Provinces: Honestly, I found myself not paying attention to upgrading them. It's still early game for me, so it'll no doubt dynamically become one.

However, I did find that local unhappiness was not being very helpful in telling me what to build to improve my citizens mood. Do the citizens get angry if you neglect urban planning and don't upgrade the province? There should be a message or hint as to how you can appease your local citizens.

Okay, Plague. I encountered two early game, both around the same time in my first and only two cities. One would think this to be a crippling blow. However, I found this to be more of a mild fever, with the diseases burning themselves out as soon as I caught them. I think I only lost some food in my cities, but there was no lasting effect. Isn't a plague supposed to hang around for a bit? It would be great if it did this, impacting city and province performance. When I was reaching the tops of those plague meters I was quite worried. But after realizing how light the penalty was, it really didn't worry me much after.
During a Siege, how would this affect city defense?

Disease, it really didn't matter that much after I built aqueducts (Or rather, finished the tradition tree). I was a very healthy civilization. However, I fear that it's not balanced for the AI. Jungles provide disease, and Jungle starts are known to be hard starts, especially for AI. Mu neighbor Siam started in the Jungle. We all know his expansion flavor to be quite high (Or at least I do). I found he built two cities and then was done. Maybe it's because I've penned him into the corner of the continent, but when I was presented with a list ascertaining the most healthy civilizations, Siam was at the bottom. With 0. Jungles need to be rebalanced. Perhaps a buff to any Civs starting in or near Jungle, like ExCE.

Crime. Again, maybe it's because I'm in the early game, but I've found Crime to not affect me that much. 5% crime? That's nothing terrible. How is crime supposed to flourish and affect my cities? With no indication during gameplay of my crime levels rising, it's easy to forget and not care about it, asides from the occasional thought. I doubt it's a matter of my skillful gameplay.

Sadly, this build is not without bugs. A consistent one that I have seen in past versions is that under a city name, for cities other then my own, there is a crosshair and a little number. Is this a bug? Or should it be showing the image of the province instead?

When I got to a certain point, the game crashed. When I tried to reload, at any of my autosaves, I was presented with a glitched out Contracts page that would not close. Thankfully I have a IGE save, so I only need to redo 30 turns rather the whole game. Log will be below.
When I was reloading, the DOM screen also listed my "puppets". These were not my puppets, but CS Allies. Why would it need to list the puppets anyways? This may just be a EUI bug.
Finally, there was a TXT_KEY error, possibly related to E&D and not any of your mods.

I do like the UI set up, but I must admit I miss seeing the tiles my potential city can work when a Settler is selected. Additionally, I miss seeing how many turns are left before a policy/GP is unlocked. I'm using your EUI compatibility files. Is that what's causing some of the features to be missing?

View attachment DatabaseV2.txt
View attachment LuaV2.txt
View attachment xmlV2.txt

Also, I kind of lied. I'm running more then one custom civ.
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