Civ Modders Monthly


Oct 19, 2010
The Kingdom of New Zealand

Civ Modding Monthly is a monthly e-magazine published by modders to share in their thoughts about Civ, the Civ modding community, and topics related to Civ in general (history, politics, video games, design, etc.). It is open to anyone to contribute, just follow the Discord link above.

Accompanying the CMM is a blog space for anyone to contribute to (email registration required) where their contribution would fall outside the scope of the CMM (e.g. its a short or time-sensitive piece). For more information on contributions to this, follow the Blogger link above.​
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The Civ Modders Monthly: Issue 1
I present the First Issue of the Civ Modders Monthly: a digital magazine inquiring, celebrating, and discussing the happenings of the life of the civ modding community. In this first issue, we take a look at some of the community's mod releases, as well as some of our fellow modders' thoughts on their on-going struggles and accomplishments in the modding world. The Imperial Ladgazette hopes you enjoy this first issue, and will join us in anticipation of the next.

The Civ Modders Monthly: Issue 2
In this second issue, we look back on 2018 and its highlights, as well as on some of the overarching design decisions that go into a Civ game by the developers. I hope you enjoy this special issue, and will look forward to the next.

EDIT: The initial uploaded consisted of a pre-proofed version of the issue. If you notice typos, please re-download the issue below.

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The Civ Modders Monthly: Issue 3
In this third issue, we look at some of this month's civ releases, as well as ponder what it means to choose a good Leader for your modded Civilization. We also take a brief look at some of Civ V modding's earliest days, and continue on with last issue's Reflections for 2018. I hope you enjoy.

The Civ Modders Monthly: Issue 4
In this fourth issue, we look at some of the recent Civ releases, as well as consider what it means to pick the Civs and designs we do. We also take a critical lens to modding with a more academic scope; something that will run through the next several issues. Enjoy.

The Civ Modders Monthly: Issue 5
In this fifth issue, we consider the civs from the recently released Gathering Storm expansion for Civ VI. We also contemplate one of the oft-overlooked areas of modding - music. And we take a look at one of the modding community's most popular mods: Zimbabwe. Good ladding.

The Civ Modders Monthly: Issue 6
In this sixth issue, we bring in new voices to lend their insight into issues of balance when designing a civ mod. Leugi also returns to give his perspective on some of the community's best artwork. And we ask of our modders to give their thoughts and experiences with the notorious steam comments section. Happy April.

The Civ Modders Monthly: Issue 7
In this seventh issue, we celebrate the beginning of Reiwa with an extended spotlight on the community's Japanese civs. LeeS also tells the tale of a noob and his perilous journey through modding. And Bantha Food discusses the good techniques behind map-making for Civ V. Hope you enjoy.

Every time I go through one of these, the amount of love that was lavished on it strikes me. Anyway, if you need content, as you kinda mention at the end of VII, I'd be happy to contribute. Where do I send some writing?
You can find a link to the Discord server in the OP, or right here. There, we can give you a spot for an article and a channel where you can draft, submit, and get any help you need from me or the other editors.
The Civ Modders Monthly: Issue 8
In this eighth issue, we reflect upon Homusubi's extensive catalogue of Japanese civs across Civ V and Civ VI. Also, M1sf1r3 considers some of the key differences in designing the same civilizations across different games. And for this special month, several modders consider what the modding community means to them. Enjoy lads.

Nothing about Vox Populi in CMM ? :hmm:
Issue 2 had tid bits from Blue Ghost and Enginseer on page 26, while 3 has one from G on page 21. At the time I found G's "armchair generals and pocket economists" to be a nice touch :D.
That's it I think. Not much besides the usual stuff on individual civs when it comes to mod portrayal.
Indeed, if you want to write something on VP, please join the Discord link in the OP and do so. We can only write what we know, and there aren't many writers with enough experience in VP.

Plenty of non-individual civ mods have been featured, however, so I think that's an unfair attempt to snipe.
Meant about what ashendashin said tbh re. "Not much besides the usual stuff on individual civs when it comes to mod portrayal," which i think is a bit dismissive and unfair. But glad you'll join, hopefully we can get some VP-related content into the July issue :happytibs:
Meant about what ashendashin said tbh re. "Not much besides the usual stuff on individual civs when it comes to mod portrayal," which i think is a bit dismissive and unfair. But glad you'll join, hopefully we can get some VP-related content into the July issue :happytibs:
Sorry, tried to make it come off as more descriptive than a snipe but that is my impression. Been reading since the first and I've found the sections on the state of modding in general to be the only reason I read these, so I skim a lot. I hope you get some writers from Civ4 conversion modders/users as that's something that might stand out to me. Adding to the base game ain't my thing for Civ5/6 at least.
I'd come up with something for VP but I haven't been playing and it's changed quite a bit since I have.

I should probably be more supportive, but since the start the rather literal civ-centric focus of CMM came off as bizzare to me. Haven't said anything though since I imagine getting old-timers from massive mods isn't as easy or entirely reflective of the current modding communities.

I mean, you even have your JFDLC getting referenced across issues yet I barely know anything about it.
Edit 2:
Huh, you started a CMM thread at CPP before I ever did. Thought about it doing it but couldn't stop myself from highlighting what I just said here :hide:
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The Civ Modders Monthly: Issue 9
In this ninth issue, we take a special look at a few things American: starting with Uighur_Caesar's reflections on his James K. Polk mod. We also speak with Deliverator about his work on creating Wonder mods for Civ VI. And Leugi, Lime, and Enigma have worked hard to bring you their concept for a hypothetical third expansion to Civ VI. Tara lads.

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The Civ Modders Monthly: Issue 10
In this tenth issue, we focus on the brief modding period spent focusing on Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth. We also speak with Gedemon about the woes and frustrations of being a veteran Civ VI modder. And not to be outdone by Civ VI, some of Civ V's modders present their thoughts on a hypothetical third expansion for Civ V. Enjoy laddies.

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