Civilization IV: Leader Picker


PC Gamer
Oct 18, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
A new page entry has been added:

[drupal=430]Civilization IV: Leader Picker[/drupal]

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Civilization IV Leader Picker // Version 1.4 // Zhahz (Paul W. Nettle) // November 2005 - April 2006 // // Version History // 1.0 - Initial coding // 1.1 - Expanded UU info to include more details about units replaced per Rik Meleet's suggestion // Corrected some unit/UU info based on the Civilopedia // Added credits blurb to page // 1.2 - Fixed dropdowns populating to work with Safari/Mac based on myhf's efforts and suggestion // 1.3 - Some adjustments per DaveShack's comment to tighten up the full list display // Numerous style adjustments for a cleaner display // Fixed hand cursor issue with Firefox
It seems to be broken as previously described to me (on IE6 at least). I'm sure it'll get sorted out.
Someone PMed me asking about a stand alone version of this and for some reason I wasn't able to PM the person back (system said they couldn't receive or something).
There was a link to the source on the page originally I think. If you want a "stand-alone" version just find and download the source and fire it up in a browser. IE might whine about the scripting but it's the same scripting you'd get using it here. The 'picker is just a single HTML page with some javascript - nothing fancy.
There are other versions (by other contributors) of it for WL and BTS that might be more appropriate for folks with expansions.
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