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Colonialist Legacies’ Inuit for VP


Aug 9, 2017
Alberta, Canada
The Inuit
Does not require original mod
Download Here

Not compatible with custom map scripts like Communitas.

UA - Qauijimajatuqangit
  • Non-Specialist Citizens consume 33% less :c5food: Food.
  • Improved Fish Resources adjacent to Tundra or Snow are converted into Seals, a luxury resource.
  • Land units have Double Movement on Snow and can cross Ice.

UR - Seal
Yields: 1:c5food:1:c5culture:
Improved by Fishing Boat: 1:c5production:1:c5gold:
Monopoly: +2:c5culture: on Tile
Corporation: Giorgio Armeier

UI - Inuksuk

Unlocked at Hunting
Must be built on Snow or Tundra, and not next to each other​
+1:c5food: Food, +1:c5production: Production, +1:c5culture: Culture​
+2:c5culture: at Compass​
+1:c5food:/:c5gold: Food at Navigation​
+1:c5culture:/:c5gold: at Biology​
On Construction, claims adjacent neutral tiles​
+1 :c5production: Production to Adjacent Tundra and Snow tiles​
Claims adjacent tiles​

UU - Unatattik (Crossbowman)
Unlocked at Machinery
18 :c5strength:CS, 22 :c5rangedstrength:RCS (+3 CS, +1 RCS from Crossbowman)​
2 Range (but lowered to 1 by 'Unaak' promotion)​
Ignores Terrain costs
Unaak (+25% Defense. -1 Range. On ranged attack, target loses 2 moves on their next turn. Does not Stack.​
Does not have Naval Misfire (no penalty vs ships)​
Spoiler 3/4UC compatibility :

4UC - UB - Igloo (Caravansary)
unlocked at Currency
When a Land Trade Route originating here and targeting another Civ is completed, receive a Tourism boost with the Civ based on your recent Culture output.​
Land Trade Routes gain +50% Range and +3 :c5gold:
+1 :c5gold: from Merchants.​
+1 :c5food:/:c5gold: for every 2 Desert, Tundra, Snow, or Ocean tiles worked by city. (up from 1:c5food:/:c5gold: for every 2 Desert or Tundra only)
An Igluviak is constructed on a nearby valid tile
Truffles +2 :c5gold:
Cotton +1:c5production:/:c5culture:
Furs +1:c5gold:/:c5production:
Flax +1 :c5gold:/:c5faith:


4UC - UI2 - Igluviak
+1:c5food:1:c5culture: at Rifling
Built automatically on construction of an Igloo
Must be built on Snow tile within 3 tiles of the city.
Cannot be constructed on a tile with an existing resource or improvement
Permanent (Cannot be pillaged or removed)

4UC - UU - Qamutiik (Chariot Archer)
Unlocked at Agriculture
7 :c5strength:CS, 7 :c5rangedstrength:RCS (-1 CS/RCS)
3 Movement
Gains XP from exploration
Does not require Horses
Does not have Rough Terrain penalty

  • TPangolin: Concept
  • Neirai: XML and Lua, Concept, adapted Pedia entries
  • JFD: XML and Lua help
  • LastSword: XML and Lua help
  • Leugi: Leaderscreen, Icons, Inuksuk Graphics, Concept
  • Regalmanemperor: Map
  • Civitar: Unaaq graphics
  • Viregel: Pedias
  • Pervandr: Seals Icon adapted from "On the Ice"
  • Hiram: Icon conversion
  • TarcisioCM: Icon conversion
  • Charlatan Alley: Voice Acting
  • AH*NEE*MAH: Peace Music: "Voices of the Wind"
  • Tagaq: War Music: "Force"
  • Reedstilt: Historical consultancy
  • Civfanatics: Lua help
  • HungryForFood: CPP dll modifications
  • pineappledan: VP compatibility
  • Barathor: Qamutiik icon
  • Trystero49: Qamutiik idea
  • Windiz: Qamutiik unit skin
  • Mikeburnfire: Igloo icon
  • Asterix Rage: Promotion Icons
  • Azum4roll: DLL for start bias
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Inuksuk description still says claims adjacent tiles?
contemplating moving Unatattik to crossbows. Spread the UCs further out.

Inuksuk description still says claims adjacent tiles?
It does not:
Available at Trapping. Can be built on Tundra and Snow, but not next to another Inuksuk. Provides [ICON_FOOD] Food, [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production and [ICON_CULTURE_LOCAL] Points towards Border Growth. Provides +1 [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production to adjacent [COLOR_POSITIVE_TEXT]Snow[ENDCOLOR] and [COLOR_POSITIVE_TEXT]Tundra[ENDCOLOR] tiles.
contemplating moving Unatattik to crossbows. Spread the UCs further out.


It does not:
Available at Trapping. Can be built on Tundra and Snow, but not next to another Inuksuk. Provides [ICON_FOOD] Food, [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production and [ICON_CULTURE_LOCAL] Points towards Border Growth. Provides +1 [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production to adjacent [COLOR_POSITIVE_TEXT]Snow[ENDCOLOR] and [COLOR_POSITIVE_TEXT]Tundra[ENDCOLOR] tiles.
I knew you removed it in-game, but it still says in the Inuksuk description at the top of this page, so just clarifying in case a new player reads it and thinks something is borked, like I initially did.

Haven't played them yet, but spacing out the Unatattik sounds good.
Honestly I’m waffling in this. I might actually change it to what I had originally planned and have the tiles get claimed by inuksuks, and make them buildable adjacent to your territory like hunnic eki

No overt synergy with authority
Tundra actually gets claimed(the border claiming algorithm prioritizes non-tundra, forcing you to constantly buy the tiles you actually want)
No UI hiccups because we remove the border growth points
Inuit get to infinite blob snow and tundra without being a culture civ.

After playing a few games up to classical with Inuit, enough to unlock everything, I’m finding that being forced to buy all my land tiles extremely frustrating. tundra/snow tiles really aren’t that common, so being able to scoop ALL of them up and expand your borders quickly through all the land that no one else wants anyways seems like the only solution.
There's a leftover decision from "Events and Decisions" mod, that costs 300 gold and does nothing.


  • Civ5Screen0008.jpg
    2.7 MB · Views: 235
Still? I thought I fixed that... that event never worked; it caused a database load failure on game start
After playing a few games up to classical with Inuit, enough to unlock everything, I’m finding that being forced to buy all my land tiles extremely frustrating. tundra/snow tiles really aren’t that common, so being able to scoop ALL of them up and expand your borders quickly through all the land that no one else wants anyways seems like the only solution.
Didn't play yet, but I agree with you that grabbing tiles with Inuksuk may not be OP and somehow interesting concept, not available in the game yet. One condition:
- either you can't build Inuksuk next to opponent's border;
- if you do, you can't culture bomb opponent's tiles;
- if we want to check if this is gonna be OP, you can claim opponent snow/tundra tiles;
So, I played a bit (until the beginning of the Medieval era) with the Inuits (v. 2) on a big communitas map (made for 10/20, but I played with 11 AI civs and 24 cs), standard speed, king difficulty (with 3/4UC).

Spoiler UA :

Holy moly this UA is powerful in the good conditions :
Non-Specialist Citizens consume half the normal amount of :c5food: Food.
This bonus is surprisingly polyvalent and useful : it de facto gives you 1 Food for each tile worked, and that allows you to pick foodless tiles more carelessly, and makes the your few food tiles (unimproved fish tiles for example in the very early game) very potent

Improved Fish Resources adjacent to Tundra or Snow are converted into Seals, a luxury resource.
The main bonus from this part of the UA is the culture given by the Seals : +1 Culture +2 from monopoly (which will almost always be the case) is very powerful this early in the game. Of course, the bonus is quite terrain dependant, but still...
Having a large amount of a Luxury resource that nobody else can have is also a good thing for commerce

On thing though. I was playing in SView, but I saw that the Seals, in normal view, are basically whales with a bit of white on their head, and the models are frozen in place (3 models aligned).
Also, the Seal icon doesn't appear in strategic view.

Land units have Double Movement on Snow and can cross Ice.
Having double movement on snow is always nice, especially with ranged units.
Crossing Ice de facto turns the Inuit into a sort of ersatz Polynesia : except if you are unlucky and finish a bit too far from the poles, you have access to most of the map with Fishing. Prepare some reconnaissance units (Pathfinder/Qamutiik) and circumsled the world through the pole until you find coastal waters that give you access to deserted polar archipelagos or other continents. These reconnaissance units will need some mobility, but, since they are disembarked when on the Ice and nobody can attack them, they can take their time.
After that, when you've found some nice spots (from an Inuit pov, of course : a barren toundra island with 2 or 3 fishes around usually isn't very interesting), you can send a convoy with a settler through the poles to settle you little frozen paradise.
Later in the game, maybe using the poles to make surprise attacks with ranged units on unsuspecting enemy polar cities could be a thing to keep in mind.

All in all, the bonus culture from the seals and the map accessibility given by the unique Inuit promotion makes the civ a sort of extremophile version of Polynesia that is surprisingly adaptable and can really shine if you keep in mind the specificities of the civ.

Spoiler Inuksuk :

My feelings on the Inuksuk are mitigated :
On one hand, it offers some not-horrible yields when combined with the UA (on flat toundra, +3 Food, +1 Production and +1 Food from the UA when worked) and a circle of them around a toundra resource is quite powerful.
On the other, the bonus toward border growth doesn't work (I checked the border growth jauge between turns : there was no culture added) and, even if it worked, it more or less streamline you into Authority (which isn't bad, as I'll show later, but I don't like how it feels, even more when the border growth system avoid the toundra tiles that you need, for it has the same behaviour as for other civs).
Later in the game, I imagine that the bonus culture, combined with the seals can really make new toundra island cities expand their borders quickly, and that's nice.

Spoiler Unatattik :

For some reasons, the AI doesn't seem to want to attack the Unatattik I created... The alternatives being War Elephants, I didn't really understand (well, 13 CS +20 % against ranged attacks, added to the malus from the WElephants could be the reason)...
That aside, the unit is interesting for its endurance allows you to put it on the frontline, and then put it in safety quickly thanks to the "no terrain cost" promotion. It can even dish out some non-negligible damages against a walled capital (so around 25-30 CS), and is very useful in groups when fighting in rough terrain against hit-and-run units.

Two things that bothers me though :
- The fact that the unit, despite having a fish as a symbol, has no synergy toward water tiles : its mobility on land is very nice, and so there is no incentive to put it in danger by embarking it (even more since its 1 Range forbids it from attacking other land units from Ice tiles). I propose that the "higher defense when embarked" promotion should be given to the unit to emphasize the idea of the Unatattik's high survavibility in all situations.
- The 3d model is one of a "classic" half-naked Amerindian spear-thrower. Once again, as a SView player, it doesn't affect me, and I understand the fact that making 3d models is not something one of us can do (in addition, I presume this is the model from the CLegacies mod...), so I won't talk about it again, but it's still a bit sad.

Spoiler Iglu :

The most vanilla UC of the Inuit roster, it is still quite polyvalent and provides some very nice (if a bit less easily noticable at first glance) yields at the time it comes into play.
Nothing more to say on that front.

Spoiler Qamutiik :

The goodes bois are here (even if their 3d model suggests otherwise), and their combination of mobility, low cost and high xp (they'll have at least 3 promotion when the first wars begin) makes them a very versatile unit that can be surprisingly effective, especially against barbarians. On snow, they are basically unbeatable in the early game.
Also, they can be your best pole explorers when you can begin embarking them. Then, your doggos will be happy to explore the world for you.

And now, some gameplay review.

Spoiler Gameplay review : White walkers, on sledges... :

Spoiler Some badly made memery :

Inuit WW.png

Inuit (v. 2) and Authority are basically made for each other :
- the Qamutiik is very good against barbarians and allows you to harass and kill enemy melee units before Horsemen come into play
- the Inuksuk border growth points (nothing to add here)
- the nice production gained from Inuksuk circles, added to the one from Authority, allows you to really pump up units (I've always been in the top 3 for production, and there were Authority Shaka, Harald and Montezuma) and so bully nearby CStates
- the Ice movement allows you to gain access to some hidden barbarian camps if needed
- if you are a little bit slow, the Seals are here to give you your daily culture perfusion
- you won't be using specialists for a while, and so the bonus food from the UA is very noticable
- bonus military supply when you must divert some forces to explore the world

In my game, I had the chance to have a lot of camps (including some Elephants) and access to the South pole : Poland (which went Tradition) was not far North, and so became a prime target.
I also had the Cerro de Potosi (so production and gold) to the East (so for the second city).

Having access to no Horse for a while, I was really happy to have access to Elephants : after harassing Poland for a while (and capturing and burning its second city), I launched my finale expedition against Casimir the Unlucky with a big army of WElephants/Spearmen/Archers (soon replaced by Unatattik) supported by some Qamutiik. I captured and puppeted Warsaw and was preparing an expedition against a Danish city (settled next to the Fountain of Youth) when I had to stop. I completely stomped poor Poland (even its Horsemen couldn't do much) before it could reach Medieval era (which would have been scary, since Casimir was leading in techs by a small margin).
At the same time, my polar expeditions (following by ones toward the equator when landmass were found) allowed me to meet all 11 AI civs and a lot of CS before the end of the Classical era (so I could trade my Seals and gain Gold and Luxury resources, useful when fighting a war and settling some cities).
The culture from the seals was really a big advantage I had : it gave me gold and food thanks to the Authority tree and helped me quickly fill the Authority tree despite not being able to kill a large amount of Polish units (since CIII went Tradition).
Concerning religion, I was the last to create one (but, with Boudicca and Monty in the game, that's not unusual) : I chose Goddess of the Hunt (for I had a lot of camps, and some of them weren't on Toundra, so no Inuksuk bonus for them...), but I could have chosen the "toundra-specialized one" if I had more Deer on Toundra (and not Grassland...) tiles.

All in all, it was a fun and interesting game which demanded me to change my way to play. Thanks for the good work. :)

Spoiler In a nutshell :


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Cool. I'm changing things up a bit.

Couldn't get the Inuksuk to be buildable outside territory and still have it claim tiles unless I could also have it steal tiles. If an improvement is built in neutral territory it doesn't fire the improvementAdded lua hook. So I made it only be able to claim neutral territory, and only buildable in your own territory. This allows it to at least claim adjacent tiles which the border growth algorithm wouldn't prioritize, and it allows me to take out the BGPs, which are messing with the UI.

I also moved the Unatattik back to crossbow and increased his unaak promotion to +25% defense.
The 3d model is one of a "classic" half-naked Amerindian spear-thrower.
You must have a graphical glitch somewhere because the unatattik looks like this is in my games.
despite having a fish as a symbol, has no synergy toward water tiles
It's actually supposed to be a whale :undecide:. He fights by throwing harpoons and gives a debuff to enemy units called "Harpooned". Re: giving him defense while embarked, the Tlingit Xaa already does the same thing, and is also a ranged unit replacement, so it's a bit too much overlap.
On thing though. I was playing in SView, but I saw that the Seals, in normal view, are basically whales with a bit of white on their head, and the models are frozen in place (3 models aligned).
Can't do anything about it. Have fun hunting Moby Dick
Also, the Seal icon doesn't appear in strategic view.
I've torn this thing apart and put it back together again. the strategic view icons are loading in SQLlitespy. It should be working but it just.... Doesn't. :dunno:

I suspect it has something to do with the adding/deleting resource via lua which prevents the resource from being visible. The same problem happens with the Inca’s coca resource, but you don’t notice it because it’s under a city.
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I'm sure I'm doing something glaringly wrong, but the 3rd & 4th UCs aren't linked to the Inuit. They show up in the Civilopedia and if you hover over their techs in the tech tree, but cannot be built or purchased when researched. Interestingly, I did start with a Qamutiik, but couldn't build/buy any more.

For reference, I'm using the VP version from March 28, 3/4 UC V43, Inuit V3, and the DLL (which I used to replace the two files in (1) Community Patch). I removed all mods and redownloaded everything today after verifying the cache and still having issues. Any help would be appreciated! Screenshots below.

Spoiler Game Setup :

Spoiler Civ Description :

Spoiler Civilopedia :

Spoiler No 3/4 UC in game :
@ixias, I could not replicate your issue.

Something has gone amiss with your civ load order. If the problem persists, refer to this post for a quick and easy solution. The lines you need to alter can be found at 293-301 of VPCompatibility.sql
For some reason this this civ doesn't show up as having TSL on ynaemp (v24) even though the original version (not for VP) was. Then again, this is not the only civ I'm having similar problems with...
@pineappledan Thank you for the reply - I didn't even think about load order! It's now completely working, so I'll hopefully have some updates this weekend about how the game is going. Thanks again!
Hinin basically sums it up, but here are a couple reinforcing thoughts after playing through a game:

  • The food buff from UA is legit, especially early game, with it essentially replicating the pop bump you'd get from opening with Tradition. With relatively low production, I'd agree Progress is probably best bet, but this civ is actually very well rounded in the sense that you can go any direction, although science isn't necessarily a strong suit. I actually won a diplo with Tadition / Statecraft / Rationalism / Freedom
  • This is obviously map dependent, but with a standard Continents map you're almost always safe from any flanking neighbours due to the tundra/snow start. Unless there are civs bordering to the East/West, you'll generally only have to ever keep guard toward one direction (until naval threats obviously). This in turn kind of negates the bonus you'd enjoy from fighting in snow, as it's generally going to end up behind the line of battle. Nothing you can really do about it though, just the nature of it.
  • The amount of tundra/snow available will probably only ever allow a max (standard size) of 6 initial cities to benefit from Inuit's movement and Inuksuk bonuses; I only had 3 in my case, plus 1 other CS I conquered. Of course there's room for future exploration and expansion, but more than half my empire ended up situated in nice lush grasslands along rivers, not really feeling the arctic vibe...
  • Didn't matter though - you may only have a few cities benefit from Inuksuk, but combined with seal monopoly, border blob, and the UA, Inuit has crazy snowballing potential. I was policy leader throughout (only King though), and grabbing Angkor Wat lead to impactful border growth. Iglu is fine; the high fur chance with Inuit (furs were my main lux) lead to a nice synergy. Hinin is right about Authority; I imagine it's a great choice for this civ, even if it's not the most thematic. I love that you swapped doggos right out of the gate. Unatatiik are legit, but become obsolete pretty fast after being bumped to crossbows.
Overall I'd say they're definitely a strong and uniquely fun civ.
I noticed that the civ lacks updated support for some mods so I made a mod support sql file for personal use (added JFDLC, YnAEMP v25).
I share it here in case anyone is interested :)


  • Inuit_ModSupport.zip
    4.1 KB · Views: 145
Really interesting civ. First thought, without playing, is...is double movement on ice enough? For flavour I'm not sure if it reflects the way a globe is changed to a rectangular map. If poled could be traversed speedily, then traveling from russia to Canada going north, then south, would be a much shorter journey than going east or west..

Nice to have an Ice/tundra civ though
The double move is only on snow, and it is only there to counteract the 2 move to enter snow tiles. Ice is a regular 1 move and it didn't feel right to have inuit units move faster on ice than on snow

Plus, the promotion is called 'Talluk', which means 'Snowshoe'
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