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Combat Question/Suggestion


Jun 1, 2001
I haven't really thought this out, and if the idea sucks, i'm sure a few of you willl be glad to say so, but here's an idea that might liven up and add some strategy to combat.

I think that any ground unit attacking an enemy ground unit that has previously been attacked the same turn by anothe one of your ground units should recieve some kind of bonus, BUT ONLY when attacking from either a 90 degree angle or greater from the initial attacking unit.

No matter how small or large the scale, when you're talking military strategy, flanking is a basic concept. Even as strategically grand as combat is in civ, flanking can be important.

Maybe even a greater bonus for attacking directly from behind?

:confused: :scan: :confused: :scan: :confused: :scan:
Good idea in principle, but how do we know which way a unit is facing? The graphics might show one thing, but that's just the last direction the unit was moving, units can't be rotated on the spot.

Maybe the front could be defined as the direction the unit was last attacked from. So if you had two tanks attacking a mech inf, the first one attacks and that side of the mech inf becomes the "front". The other tank could then swing around the "back".
i think the bonus should only be given to pincer attacks. It's so easy to flank attack a city it's kind of meaningless (a one turn movement at WORSE.

a slight, say 10% bonus should be giving units attacking from the opposite direction of the first attack, sense it's SLIGHTLY harder to do that than just move a unit one square and call it a a flank attack.
Right. The direction the unit is facing would be determined by which direction it was attacked from the first time.

I agree that any bonus should be relatively small....don't want to make it too large.

Like I said, though, I was just shooting from the hip as I was getting ready for bed.

Maybe it would only be for attacks from the exact opposite side, or just greater than 90 degrees, i dunno...
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