Community Call to Power Project

Hey, I installed the mod and played it through a while...very fun but...

There are no resources whatsoever, no coal, iron, horses, any luxuries etc. I have explored most of the map and made it to industrial era without finding a single strategic resource either. Also, at the start of the game all the city states are eliminated, wad?


I am playing on small continents
Hello together,

firstly i must say that this mod is really incredible. Its a real time overeater :) *sorry for my bad english*.

I have the same problem that one other user of this forum already had. The Aircraft Plant are missing. There is no way of building other units as the industrial ones. Because the Advanced Aircraft Plant recuires the "normal" Plant. On the other hand it is possible to build the Airbase which should require the Aircraft Plant....

I have read that it is fixed, so i downloaded the packages from the github sites (firesforver and chrome-rome). But with both packages its still doenst work.

A few other things that i have noticed: The WW2 Units (like Bismark Class or Tiger IV) doenst show up in the build menu. In the research tab are these Units marked with a production cost of 0.

The last thing when i upgrade a cavalry unit to a tank, or i built a tank, it hasnt a graphic model. I can move this unit, but when it attack the game crashes. But i must say that i only tried this with the German nation. I think the German Tank should have an unique model. Oh bevor i forgot, the first german destroyer (dont know the name of it.. Z class or something). Have no animation/sounds for attacking other units or cities. It just jerk arround a bit and after a few seconds the fight is over.

I hope that i was able to make understandable with my horrible english where are my problems are.

Please how can i fix this problems ... in first case the thing with the Aircraft Plant :)

P.S.: My Game is actual patched (1.511) and no other mods are running. I have tried several map type configurations. There is a fifty fifty chance that the game starts. It seems to crash when the map isnt compatible. But when it loads i have the same problems like i wrote above. In my latest game i played the map little continents in hugh size.
So after long consideration, I have put forth a Monopoly System that I think will satisfy the desires of those who want the lesser monopoly buildings back and my own goal of keeping the yield inflation as low as possible. Some things to note:
  • The S/M/L/H buildings will be renamed but I'm leaving them as is for now for ease of understanding
  • S buildings will be available in Ancient, M in Classical, L in Medieval, and H in Renaissance. The actual monopoly itself won't be available until Modern Era.
  • Right now I have the buildings being improved by techs that are already on the tech tree. This will probably be changed to the techs that release the next level of that building. For example, the M Fish Building will get improved by the tech that allows L Fish Building. Still thinking about this one.
  • I'm toying with the idea of only letting a city build at most 3 different L buildings, effectively shutting it off from the other monopoly trees. I'm not convinced either way though, so if you have a preference, let me know.
  • None of this has been modded in (and therefore balanced) yet. It's very likely that the values on the excel sheet will change because something feels OP.

These are just the main points. There may be more but I cant think of them atm :crazyeye:

Here is the excel sheet that I made to organize my thoughts.

To all of you first time posters, WELCOME :D :D :D :D
I'm going to step away from civ stuff for the rest of the day (too much thinking on monopolies), but I'll help you all with your problems in the morning (unless someone beats me to it). The main reasons for problems are mod incompatibilities; if you are running another mod, chances are you will have some kind of conflict. Another major point is the patch; make sure you have the latest one (1.511). The other thing is map problems, but these are less abundant thanks to Horem. Hopefully one of these things solve your problems.


  • CCTP Monopoly Resource Table.rar
    12.1 KB · Views: 65
It feels a little heavy, but yes it's hard to tell until we can play it. It certainly will bring out the value of fighting over these resources and the resources will affect how we choose to shape our empires. I also note that while essentially we have very little past the basic tile improvements for normal grounds the resources will be the main things that improve over the eras, bringing out their values.

On that note (just to mess with your thoughts), have you thought about having new, tiered, tile improvements? In many ways it is more balanced than just having yields increase through techs or buildings and it gives civil engineers/workers more value into the late game. e.g: irrigation -> farmland -> Biodomes, Open cast mine -> shaft mine -> deep mine, Trade post -> Street Market -> Retail park, lumber yard -> forestry camp -> tree planting scheme. Grand tile improvements should always be a step or two ahead and can improve over time. This also means pillaging really becomes painful because if it takes a long time to successfully build the top tier improvements it could do a lot of damage to charge in and tear up the land.

In this same way it suggests tiers can be placed on the resources, making the monopoly buildings provide the city bonuses and the tile improvements provide tile bonuses. It does suggest more graphic work for tiles though, although that could come later. Ideas that come to mind are flower farm -> horticulture center, Herb garden, mineral refinery -> purification centre, cattle sheds, fishery. Sometimes it can be a little disappointing to reveal a new mineral only to find that in 90% of the cases I already have a mine there. It would be more satisfying to send a worker to change the building to something more specific. It also allows you to reveal the minerals earlier but not be able to truely tap into them until later (since resources have a small boost even when unimproved).
technical post on how to do tile improvements and the reason aircraft plant is broken

Spoiler :
Btw, the reason aircraft plant doesnt work is line 7024 in the buildings definition:


combined with the predictable reference in the building class definitions:


I can only assume you intended BUILDINGCLASS_AIRBASE?

Regarding adding improvements there is a mod out there called advanced improvements. A quick nose of the improvements xml gives the syntax:
... closing tags etc

coupled with Improvement_Yields, Improvement_HillsYields, and the valid terrain/features/resources it makes it possible to do hell of a lot. It also seems like a lot of good names are in there (commercial fishery, etc), but I know you'll want the author's permission.

I also found the following:


Which I assume is the necessary changes to link these onto the worker tasks. It may be possible with this to create things other than just grand tile improvements with workboats (how about a gold boosting boating school, or deep sea research centre), or to make other units capable of making defensive features? It would also be very very nice to be able to do something useful with atolls, which atm are just a pain in the neck.

hope this helps
another topic for balancing is the auto/aircraft/shipyard lines. It's a little frustrating that they require 2 oil: its fine to tactically limit where you can place military sites but losing the production bonuses is a pain. it would be better to split them into 2 and not make them require a factory as a baseline. E.g: Auto plant gives the production bonus, armouring facility gives the military aspect and has the need for the supplies, or have each require 1 oil. Airfield and military airbase, industrial shipyard and naval shipyard.

I also have concerns that the highest tiers of these buildings require coal. Coal is needed for too many things already. meanwhile by later eras i have over 50 horses and 50 iron with no use, but I have around 45 cities and I can't even get enough coal for all of them, let alone to look at the later buildings in the future. Oil is about the same quantity but I don't have as many uses for it other than auto plants, hydro dams have killed most of my aluminium supplies. I suggest the top tier should be uranium or a new strategium resource that is suitably named.

An alternative would be to add some "green tech buildings" in. E.g. a waste to power facility, requires factory, gives 3-4 production, and gives 1 coal: the description can say that it removes the coal requirement from your factory, Fuel cell facility refunds the oil cost of an auto plant, etc so we can get the production bonuses later as the tank units are starting to get old. Transmutation as a late tech would give an excuse to turn excess early era resources into modern era resources. e.g. Metallic transmutor costs 5 iron and provides 1 aluminium, Biological fossiliser does 120m years of work instantly to turn 5 horses into 1 oil. A isotopic enricher to turn 5 coal into 1 uranium. This way early resources get some use later...although not very efficiently, and you couldn't possibly get enough resources to build these everywhere.
@Tritous: Thank you. You brought me an idea. I have changed the following lines... i know it isnt correct but in the other hand it works :). Now i must figure out the other problems ^^

Spoiler :

<GoldMaintenance>20</GoldMaintenance> <Cost>1275</Cost>
<ConquestProb>100</ConquestProb> <BuildingClass>BUILDINGCLASS_AIRCRAFT_PLANT</BuildingClass>
and that fixes it? how odd?

incidentally, I found another field linked to the building options in the units section:

personally i'm all for having additional buildings such as entrenchments (cheap fort made by "sappers" that gives 20% bonus and is a great tile improvement - instant but consumes the unit), ammo dumps (increase offence but not defence), medical tents (heals nearby units), oceanic forts. Just like I have this bad habit of dotting my frontlines with citadels and holding a defensive line for 100 years or more
So I realized that the version up on GitHub is not the same version that I'm playing with :eek:. I'm sorry; this whole time I thought it was because of something on your end. Here is the link to the correct files Only a few things have been changed (aqueduct now uses vanilla icon, ww2 unit names have be de-caplocked, ww2 unit costs are where they should be). For anyone who does not wish to use the ww2 units, just move the New Units folder in Units/New Units to the Z-Unused folder. No monopoly stuff has been added yet. :/

@Tritous: I know what you mean, but I have to be heavy-handed here if I want the buildings to be worth building. The costs of the S, M, L, H, M buildings are 100, 250, 475, 650, and 1500, respectively (note that these are less than other buildings from the same era). If I want the cost/yield ratio to be somewhat decent (between 47.5-42:1), I need these buildings to be putting out some impressive yields. When I put these changes in I'll test to see how they work with the rest of the mod.

For the upgraded improvements, this was planned way back when Decimatus was doing Procylon's Call to Power Project. With Pazyryk's breakthroughs in improvement art, it's looking to be more possible. It's going to happen, but I'll be honest and say I don't think it will be until a little after G&Ks is released and someone with the knowledge of how to do so decides to help.

Just as a general question (not just directed to Tritous), how would you improve the mod? Are there any areas that you think are great as is? I'm trying to get a feeling on what the priorities should be for the foreseeable future.
There is a definite need to balance strategic resources. Coal as I mentioned is overused, especialy as the factory is needed for all 3 of the military branches and the huge bonuses that comes from them. variety in tile improvements as mentioned, balance in the tile benefits . okay, with current bugs leftover from the 5s system it's hard to tell, but the number of policies that improve farms or lumbers is way to high compared to plantations, the benefits of great tile improvements seems lighter than the base tile improvements, in spite of the huge number of buildings making great persons fairly obtainable over time).

We still have a few units left on 5s. Boy was I surprised to find the upgrade cost to rocket artillery was 153k! Luckily I'm pulling in 60k a turn, but I'm only upgrading my offence squad (2 rocket art, 2 shoulder launchers, 2 infantry (one my warrior from turn 1!), a bomber and I'm just getting a little bit of navy started.) I really cannot afford to upgrade the artillery garrisoning every city, and with the experience bonuses all focused on 1 spot (Unit starting off lvl 5!) I would only want to build them from 1 city if I tried replacing them.

A little specialisation in the military units would help too: seige units should be even weaker in defence to make them into assets you have to protect, ranged units even weaker against cities or tanks, cavalry would be nice with benefits against ranged units, increased defence bonuses on melee units. I think I mentioned this before.

Culture victory: I think I have 9 branches unlocked now? The only thing that makes this hard is it takes 350 turns to build utopia project. Compare that to the difficulty of a science victory and it's not so balanced. Also, the greatly increased wealth makes buying out city states too easy in late game, but i guess that sort of inflation is impossible to stop.

Happiness: too easy. Granted, I've gotten every wonder except 7, and I got 6 back by conquest, I'm on an easy setting, I have garrisons in every city and policies that give happiness per trade route, per garrison, etc. But I also have 67 cities, 15 of which are around 30 pop the rest are 60-85 population. my happiness is currently 1980 ( 4000 hap - 2100 unhap ). Of that 2700 or so is from buildings!

Golden ages: Thanks to getting monopolies, policies (been avoiding) and wonders, I've been in a constant golden age for nearly 300 turns now and I still have 150 turns or so in stock. Slightly overkill.

Ocean: coastal cities are quite crippled for production. The productivity of tiles is nowt, and while by late game with fishing boasts on all tiles they get moderate gold and food, they are just too lacking. One possibliity is to make some resources available on coast, but not accessible until late game (offshore mining is quite difficult!). Making coastal mining facilities on Atolls should be easier though. It could be interesting to be able to get offshore coal or uranium deposits (no sea horses please) in the late game, and help with the balance on them. Some other bonus minerals should be there too, but lower the frequency of appearance. Other thoughts are coastal minerals such as flint, basalt, rock salt which are more production orientated. The third possiblity is as I mentioned before have other improvements possible for the work boats: fishing boats, diving boats (+1 science from deep ocean tiles), cargo boats, cruise boats, boating schools (+1 culture from atolls or from resources, connects resources but not as much yield), etc. For balance the sea doesnt have to be as good as land, but it would be nice if it wasn't so damning when in reality the sea was a great source of many things.

Lakes: oh these annoy me. Cant build work boats in them, cant make improvements on them, cant so easily travel through them, just a pain! not like fresh water gives much benefit anyway.

Oasis: another untouchable item. would be nice to at least farm it or stick a trade post on it.

Growing forest: idea that's been around for long time. should be very slow though. especially considering the prod you get for clearing it.

Great tile improvements: is variety possible? Why just a customs house? why not a few flavours? Why just a citadel? how about remote airbase (if this is even possible), vantage point (+1 range to ranged units), healing points? Can there be variants of a manufactury that increase the yield of strategic resources in exchange for reduced prod yield, or cultural landmarks that increase food (attracting tourists) or increase production (attracting skilled craftsmen)? each additon increases the complexity though because of the increases in the tech tree, but it adds a little more flavour to great persons.
@ Darksides: Is the image for the aqueduct the same as the vanilla one (or is it the same image we've been using)? If none of the changes are coming through, then maybe you have duplicate files of this mod that are conflicting with each other. Delete the other versions then try again. I don't understand how else there could be a problem. Are you current with your patches?

Spoiler :

There is a definite need to balance strategic resources. Coal as I mentioned is overused, especialy as the factory is needed for all 3 of the military branches and the huge bonuses that comes from them. variety in tile improvements as mentioned, balance in the tile benefits . okay, with current bugs leftover from the 5s system it's hard to tell, but the number of policies that improve farms or lumbers is way to high compared to plantations, the benefits of great tile improvements seems lighter than the base tile improvements, in spite of the huge number of buildings making great persons fairly obtainable over time).
I agree with you on the policies; most of them are remnants of the 5s system that were shifted down to be compatible with the current set up. When they get finished, there will be few "set bonuses,"; in their place will be things like "50% longer We Love the King Day." This way, they are always relevant, instead of fluctuating by era.
We still have a few units left on 5s. Boy was I surprised to find the upgrade cost to rocket artillery was 153k! Luckily I'm pulling in 60k a turn, but I'm only upgrading my offence squad (2 rocket art, 2 shoulder launchers, 2 infantry (one my warrior from turn 1!), a bomber and I'm just getting a little bit of navy started.) I really cannot afford to upgrade the artillery garrisoning every city, and with the experience bonuses all focused on 1 spot (Unit starting off lvl 5!) I would only want to build them from 1 city if I tried replacing them.
I thought this was changed. Are your modern era units between 1200-1500 hammers (adjust for your game speed) or higher?

A little specialisation in the military units would help too: seige units should be even weaker in defence to make them into assets you have to protect, ranged units even weaker against cities or tanks, cavalry would be nice with benefits against ranged units, increased defence bonuses on melee units. I think I mentioned this before.

I remember this. I'll look into it but I expect the dynamics to shift once G&Ks comes out.

Culture victory: I think I have 9 branches unlocked now? The only thing that makes this hard is it takes 350 turns to build utopia project. Compare that to the difficulty of a science victory and it's not so balanced. Also, the greatly increased wealth makes buying out city states too easy in late game, but i guess that sort of inflation is impossible to stop.

I agree. Before the expansion was announced, Fires and I were thinking about having culture be used for CS influence. The policies would come from a new yield (governance for now). The utopia project would then come from getting x amount of governments/ideologies/systems, and the diplomacy victory would still depend on CSs. It hasn't been scrapped, so there is still potential that this will happen.

Happiness: too easy. Granted, I've gotten every wonder except 7, and I got 6 back by conquest, I'm on an easy setting, I have garrisons in every city and policies that give happiness per trade route, per garrison, etc. But I also have 67 cities, 15 of which are around 30 pop the rest are 60-85 population. my happiness is currently 1980 ( 4000 hap - 2100 unhap ). Of that 2700 or so is from buildings!

I hear you. I get into the problem of early game unhappiness and late game surplus. Much of this comes down to policies giving garrison bonuses and -% unhappiness benefits. I'm looking to add some buildings in Classical/Medieval to ease the strain there. For the late-game happiness, are we talking Modern Era late or post-Modern?

Golden ages: Thanks to getting monopolies, policies (been avoiding) and wonders, I've been in a constant golden age for nearly 300 turns now and I still have 150 turns or so in stock. Slightly overkill.

Same as above.

Ocean: coastal cities are quite crippled for production. The productivity of tiles is nowt, and while by late game with fishing boasts on all tiles they get moderate gold and food, they are just too lacking. One possibliity is to make some resources available on coast, but not accessible until late game (offshore mining is quite difficult!). Making coastal mining facilities on Atolls should be easier though. It could be interesting to be able to get offshore coal or uranium deposits (no sea horses please) in the late game, and help with the balance on them. Some other bonus minerals should be there too, but lower the frequency of appearance. Other thoughts are coastal minerals such as flint, basalt, rock salt which are more production orientated. The third possiblity is as I mentioned before have other improvements possible for the work boats: fishing boats, diving boats (+1 science from deep ocean tiles), cargo boats, cruise boats, boating schools (+1 culture from atolls or from resources, connects resources but not as much yield), etc. For balance the sea doesnt have to be as good as land, but it would be nice if it wasn't so damning when in reality the sea was a great source of many things.

This is actually my goal. I want coastal cities to be gold powerhouses, but be really lacking for production. I am going to add two later game sea monopoly resources, squid (food/science) and manganese (production/science) to supplement the production a little, but I don't want coastal cities pumping out stuff really fast. They should be more about food and gold.

Lakes: oh these annoy me. Cant build work boats in them, cant make improvements on them, cant so easily travel through them, just a pain! not like fresh water gives much benefit anyway.

Oasis: another untouchable item. would be nice to at least farm it or stick a trade post on it.

Same, but there's not much that can be done for the lake. I think it's possible to make improvements on oasis, but it would feel weird putting a farm on one. Maybe a trading post?

Growing forest: idea that's been around for long time. should be very slow though. especially considering the prod you get for clearing it.

Noted. I know that there are a few mods that add this feature. If we do put add it, it won't be until late game (and only civil engineers would be able to do it).

Great tile improvements: is variety possible? Why just a customs house? why not a few flavours? Why just a citadel? how about remote airbase (if this is even possible), vantage point (+1 range to ranged units), healing points? Can there be variants of a manufactury that increase the yield of strategic resources in exchange for reduced prod yield, or cultural landmarks that increase food (attracting tourists) or increase production (attracting skilled craftsmen)? each additon increases the complexity though because of the increases in the tech tree, but it adds a little more flavour to great persons.

I want to shy away from changing this for now. What you are proposing sounds interesting, but, as you have noted, it would increase complexity in an area that I feel is reasonably well-off. I can see this happening, but it has a low priority right now.

Thanks for the inputs!! :D I find it encouraging that on a fair number of items you and I were thinking along similar lines. The way I see it, tech/wonder/monopoly work are most important, followed by policies. Once these are finished, we can start tackling some of these other points.

Any other opinions?
For the upgraded improvements, this was planned way back when Decimatus was doing Procylon's Call to Power Project. With Pazyryk's breakthroughs in improvement art, it's looking to be more possible. It's going to happen, but I'll be honest and say I don't think it will be until a little after G&Ks is released and someone with the knowledge of how to do so decides to help.

Just as a general question (not just directed to Tritous), how would you improve the mod? Are there any areas that you think are great as is? I'm trying to get a feeling on what the priorities should be for the foreseeable future.

First, i agree with you. We have to wait for the expansion. Maybe this will fix some problems. So that we can include full working artwork for improvements. Also iam not sure if the ai can handle this. I mean that workers will build this improvements. We see this problem with the fishing boats, the ai doesnt know what do to with this.
And if the human player can only do this, this will become boring.

Second, may suggest to include some minor mods to CCTP like "Treegrowth" or "Random Events", its a new feeling and i love it.
Also we need the ability for nukeinterception (I posted it some days ago). Playing in the future area without them is a farse.
At least i have put a large number of this wonderful wonders ( who are not included into CCTP) from sukritact and pouakai in one big mod together ( some of them create ctd, so i set "reload landmark "to 0). The only problems are now to balance them with CCTP and to upload them. So if anybody is interested in this wonders i will upload them (my internet is very slow at the moment).

BTW we still need a prähistoric era:lol:

keep up the good work guys and have fun.
Spoiler :

I agree with you on the policies; most of them are remnants of the 5s system that were shifted down to be compatible with the current set up. When they get finished, there will be few "set bonuses,"; in their place will be things like "50% longer We Love the King Day." This way, they are always relevant, instead of fluctuating by era.

we love the king becomes a joke when you get enough luxuries. I'd say only have tile benefits on governments, as these are mutually exclusive and so you have to choose which benefit suits your style. The exception could be anarchy, really make it a tempter! Other things which work well: bonus for each of a class of building (stone works, stable) but not too weighted on early era. Happiness bonuses should never be higher than 1 per city, and avoid making it stackable with multiple policies: so mutex only. Other things that are really missing are perks related to barbarian detection (from vanilla), but you there are other things that could be interesting: reduced cost of research agreements, reduced unhappiness per pop (5-10%), units move faster on roads/rail, extra gold per turn for each luxury resource you have. It would be even better if there was a way to unlock buildings with a policy, and have the top rank of each culture tree not a golden age, but a national wonder. Sure, if you change trees you lose the perks, but if you completed the building already you have a lasting monument (or you could have part of the benefit rely on having that tree still: e.g. Multinational Headquarters (capitalism): +10 gold in each city, but the policy also gives you +100 gold for the multinational headquarters). That makes things a little easier. Not sure if it's possible to make these increase in prod per number of cities?

I thought this was changed. Are your modern era units between 1200-1500 hammers (adjust for your game speed) or higher?

mostly, but for example the jet fighter is more than 5 times the prod of a bomber, and over 15 times the hurry costs. Granted it's 1 era higher, but the jump is incredible compared to earlier. could just be a few which are missed. Oh, and keep the Heli gunships high, as a melee unit that cannot capture cities they are very easy to get experience for making them much more powerful than their stats suggest. they could probably do with defend while embarked though.

I remember this. I'll look into it but I expect the dynamics to shift once G&Ks comes out.

It'll be a different game, and I bet 70% of the mod is no longer compatible. To keep things as they are in G&Ks you'd practically have to reproduce the entire unit tree, and set the whole G&Ks tree to delete. I still think you are better off sticking to vanilla for a long time, it'll take a while for people to get the feel of the expansion anyway

I agree. Before the expansion was announced, Fires and I were thinking about having culture be used for CS influence. The policies would come from a new yield (governance for now). The utopia project would then come from getting x amount of governments/ideologies/systems, and the diplomacy victory would still depend on CSs. It hasn't been scrapped, so there is still potential that this will happen.
Interesting. would be nice to see how possible it is.

I hear you. I get into the problem of early game unhappiness and late game surplus. Much of this comes down to policies giving garrison bonuses and -% unhappiness benefits. I'm looking to add some buildings in Classical/Medieval to ease the strain there. For the late-game happiness, are we talking Modern Era late or post-Modern?
mix, I bolted up to digital to unlock ecotopia, but the majority of my techs are early modern/late industrial. I've been over 300 happiness ever since medevil though, basically since I had time to stick Colosseums everywhere and garrison crossbowmen everywhere.

This is actually my goal. I want coastal cities to be gold powerhouses, but be really lacking for production. I am going to add two later game sea monopoly resources, squid (food/science) and manganese (production/science) to supplement the production a little, but I don't want coastal cities pumping out stuff really fast. They should be more about food and gold.

Aye, but generally coast is never quite as food yielding as farms. The problem is that the sea completely hamstrings all production. you are forced to buy everything always, and it's not eligible for a lot of other buildings if there is too much coast. It needs to have a building that at least gets 1 prod per coast (not ocean) fairly early, to put it en par with unimproved plains. I'd hope by modern era to get at least 2 prod per tile, but not too much more, and there needs to be some way of getting a variety of prod resources underwater, if not until late eras

Same, but there's not much that can be done for the lake. I think it's possible to make improvements on oasis, but it would feel weird putting a farm on one. Maybe a trading post?

a trading posts definitely, can put farms adjacent but not on? i dont see why not. Lake the problem is harder. Is it possible for a worker to put an improvement onto lake tiles: boating schools or local fishery: not as good as wild coast but at least better than nothing. It's rare to get a city that can bridge between lake and ocean to get workboats in there

Noted. I know that there are a few mods that add this feature. If we do put add it, it won't be until late game (and only civil engineers would be able to do it).
late aye, but it gives some options at least.

I want to shy away from changing this for now. What you are proposing sounds interesting, but, as you have noted, it would increase complexity in an area that I feel is reasonably well-off. I can see this happening, but it has a low priority right now.

Well with the long list i conjured up there has to be some sort of priority system put in place :p

@chrome-rome: I have tried what you said and deleted the whole mod from my profile instead of overwriting the "old" files with the new ones from the package. And you are right. This fixes the problem with the Aircraft Plant and the icon of the aqueduct.

But the letters from the unit names are still capslocked.
The advanced versions of the ww2 units (like bismark class or me-109) are still marked in the reasearch menu with 0 production points and are not buildable.
The model for the german tank is still missing. And makes the game crash if the invisible unit attack something. Should this unit be the vanilla tank and not a special ww2 unit like Tiger or something? In my case its the vanilla one could it be that this prevents the game to load a model?

Here a little summary of my Civ5 enviroment:
Civ5 Version: 1.511 (Steam) , Language: German (if this matter) , DLC´s: all avialable from Steam , Mods: only this mod (nothing else present in the mods folder) , deleted every time cache folder (if this matters ;) )
just a tip. When installing or reinstalling mods, clear your cache after that.
Many strange problems are related to this.
Ok, note to self... next time I play this, turn on SP saving.

I've had to keep switching between different govts and thus turns of anarchy as I have no other option and must use the SP before the next turn. First time I've played, so maybe that's why I'm having differculty with getting to the Renaissance Era quickly. Everytime I get out of arachy I have to choose a policy... which takes me straight back into it.

My first thoughts about the mod, is that it's a little to overcomplicated with research. Been many years since played CTP, but having a billion little techs to research is rather tedious. Of course, the current vanilla version is pathetic and I'd rather have more than less.
that is only a complication in the early game. I tend to find by late game you specialise a little more, and just pick a particular target and let the 8 or so techs needed to get there sort themselves out. there are lots of points where you want a single unit or wonder, the stuff on the way is nice but not necessary (there is no shortage of buildings to queue up).
Yeah I always play with Policy Saving. Otherwise you'll be switching out of governments every dozen turns...

Updated the github file in OP with the following:
-new icon art for sewer system (thanks to OrsonM), terracotta army and nazca lines (thanks to pouakai and his More Wonders mod), and the foundry and town hall (thanks to Kwadjh and his Game of Thrones mod)
-policy bug fixes

I have a pretty free weekend so I'll have the monopoly stuff up by the end of it. Again, nothing has been tested as of yet so things will probably need to be adjusted.
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