Community Call to Power Project

Don't worry, your hardcore test team is right here! I'm massively over hours (unpaid overtime too) this week, damn exhausted, and am really low on any form of motivation. The earlier you can help me get something to help me relax, the happier i'll be.

Policy saving is very helpful, I have this habit of saving up 5 policies worth before changeing govs. couple turns in anarchy then i can complete the tree, so i minimise the loss between going from one full tree to another since that gap loses you a lot of bonuses
Sounds like we have similar situations. I have been unusually productive today. I strongly suggest that everyone go check out the files on github; there's (more) new art, a new building (Jewelry Store) and new resources. Probably more, but I don't feel like checking my notes atm :p. Tomorrow I'm going to start putting the monopoly buildings back in.

Btw some the images on the Ideology page are only temporary; capitalism (too bland), conservatism (too USA specific), and liberalism (to USA specific) will all be switched out when we can find suitable replacements. These and the other ideology pages are from the hard work of leeuw01 and nathanlevy way back in August of last year (yes it took me a year to find out how to put them in the game myself :crazyeye:). If you see either of them on the forums, make sure you tell them Thanks!! :goodjob:
I'm not sure if I made myself clear or not....

I was stuck in an anarchy loop. I could only swap between the policy trees which were all completed giving me anarchy over and over again as I had to choose something to end my turn. Since the very next turn it would require me to again select a policy there was no way for me to unlock the next tree as I couldn't research anything. At least one possible fix for that situation is to buy settlers (as you cannot produce anything) and plant a city to buy some more time. I'm assuming that would work as it would increase the culture needed. However I didnt think of that until after I had started a new game and it's not a good way to handle it.

So apart from strongly suggesting policy saving in the game info, you can minimise the amount of techs (there does seem to be an overwhelming amount of them that seems pointless) to ensure unlocking the future policy trees earlier or having a culture cost in switching govts back and forth.

Anyway, keep up the good work. I stopped playing until news of the xpac came out, and I can't play vanilla due to how boring it is.
Quick Update: I have the monopoly buildings back in, but they are at a very alpha state; basically, I just through the buildings onto any available tech just to make sure that they are working. They are, so now I'm going to start the rather tedious task of restructuring the tech tree (at least the Economics tree) in order to put the buildings in more comfortably. This will probably take awhile. :sad:

Additionally, I have been going kind of crazy on new icons. :crazyeye: I've added about a two dozen or so (including policies), mostly as replacements for other icons, but some (aquarium, jewelry store) are new entries. The amazing thing is that these icons, with the exception of the Sewer System, are all remnants of other mods that the creators graciously let us use. They are added in the Thank Us. Our own original art should be trickling in any week now, so some of the less visually stimulating images will be replaced, giving us a polished look. :D :D :D (I like art if you can't tell).

Speaking of icons (see what I did there??), there are a few that I want to add but I'm not sure if I'm going overboard or not. I need you all to keep me in check. :lol: The first two icons correspond to the images for the Bonds and Trade Fairs Techs, respectfully. They don't really fit, but then again the fit doesn't have to be perfect. Trade Fairs is a closer match than Bonds; with Bonds, I am making the stretch to this being the institution where you get your bonds. Do you all think I should replace the old icons with these new ones or leave them as is? Let me know. The other is a left-over vanilla icon that was never used. I don't know what I can use it for, so if anyone has any ideas, let me know. My first priority is replacing old icons, so start there please. I will say that it holds some potential as the Tech icon for the tech that will unlock the small food buildings (names changed), but so do does icon four.


Oh, I forgot something...I am updating github often, almost daily. I will post whenever a significant change occurs. The monopoly buildings as I have described them above are there, but be warned that these are guaranteed to change, and not always in completeness. In other words, I may move a building all the way to the Modern Era just for holding space until I hash everything out. I will never upload a "broken version," but starting now there may be some weird moving going on. Once I get things set down I'll upload the next stable version. And, of course, new icons will be added as they arrive :D

Another question to pose: I have three icons (#s 5,6, and 7 in attached) that I want to fill in two things with. The two items I need replaced are War College and National Academy. Objectively, Icon 1 fits in more with the War College theme, but it is a little dated for a Renaissance Wonder. I'm willing to imagine that the spear men are for decorative effect, so it doesn't bother me much. Icon 2 could go either way. Icon 3 is for the National Academy if Icon 2 is not used. Which do you guys think should go where? Or are there any other images you think can fill these roles better? I'm actually thinking about taking the first attached image and making that the NA image now.


And for those that are as interested in art as I am, you can find the files that I'm using here:


  • Bonds.png
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  • Trade Fairs.png
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  • Some Tech.png
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  • Possible Food Tech.jpg
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say this mod going to be still alive when the expo comes out? i really hope this doesnt die out like some of the awesome civ4 mods when warlods and BtS came out :sad: although BtS did produce some of the best mods ive ever played in the world of computer gaming *cough* rise of mankind :mischief:
@ Horem: I can see that. Maybe I'll use it for one of the Coffee buildings...

@ lunarelve: Yeah it will be sticking around, though I do expect to be making the switch to G&Ks. Basically, we'll be trying to get CCtP in a "finished" state before moving on to G&Ks. This will give players time to get use to the new stuff in G&K and allow for some time to plan what to do next. The tech tree will be finished (whether or not the BreakThrough system will be used is still in question), as well as the future eras and wonders. The policies may or may not be restructured (depends on Lua), but they serve their purpose for now. And, of course, the monopoly system will be completed. :D

So, in short, new development will take place on the G&Ks system, but everything will be stable for vanilla play.
Minor Bug: Found spice. The help says it is found in jungles and improved by plantations.
I found it is forest and cannot improve it with plantation. (maybe a later tech will allow it to improve)
(using beta version from 3/2/12)
Just checked it. It is improved by plantation (need economy of scale and ability to remove overlying feature). I haven't been able to see if it pops up in forest (used Firetuner to check improvement), but I don't remember ever seeing it in forest.
These black marshs really bug me. Is it possible to edit map scripts to remove marsh generation?
The 3rd icon is nothing beanlike to me. It's an old dye stall, although you could probably pass it for spices.
These black marshs really bug me. Is it possible to edit map scripts to remove marsh generation?

They annoy me too, but I really have no idea about how to remove them. :/ They popped up after I made the changes to AssingStartingPlots.lua in anticipation of reinstating poppy (and the other monopoly resources, and they have been bugging me ever since. Not to make light of the issue, but I guess this gives you extra incentive to clear those marshes. :D

Little progress update; I *almost* have the tech tree layout designed (but not modded in). I have been trying to get IndieStone's Visual Tech editor working, but there are so many little typos in the code (mine :/) that it's working better as a bug finder atm. I'm not even sure if it will work with CCtP with the different tech branches and all, but if it does, it will save a whole lot of time; a project that would take days could be completed in less than an hour. :crazyeye: I am having a little issue with it though, so in all likelihood I will have to manually make the changes.

As for the icons, I have two things to report. First, I have decided on how to use the icons. I'll upload a github version later today with the changes. Second, I have two ideas for how to represent the monopoly buildings, and I want to hear some opinions.

The original representation of level by the stars was a simple and easy solution for how to distinguish the different buildings, but it is not too visually distinctive if looking at it from a glance. My first idea for representation is to have the S/M/L/H buildings be represented with the resource icon of said monopoly (similar to the old way). The change comes in on the per/level basis; the small building will only have the top-left corner shown, with a color coded (green for food, gold for gold, etc) background covering up the rest. The M building would add another fourth at the top-right or bottom-right, the L building another fourth, and the H building will complete the icon.

The other way is much more extensive, but I think it makes a better image; each building level fro each resource will get it's own distinct art. Yes, this will take much longer, but the end result will be very satisfying. :D To help us with icons, I have asked the help of jpbar81 (which he accepted :D); his work includes the new icon for the Public Baths as well as this masterpiece (attached), which will more than likely be used as the Cattle Monopoly building.

Granted, this is not the highest priority, but since I have been thinking so much about the monopolies I wanted to pass these thoughts along. On a side note, by spring break begins at midnight (don't ask), so expect some work to be done this upcomming week. :)


  • Bull Monopoly.jpg
    Bull Monopoly.jpg
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Followup on the spice bug i reported above, about 30 turns later, my worker was able to build the plantation there. Must have needed a 2nd tech to clear the forest. The hex is forest/hill/river, but not jungle

Possible bug: In plain civ, roads upkeep is 1 (Railroad=2). When they made all the x5 changes to CTP, they made road upkeep cost 5 (rr=10). But when you took out the x5 , the road upkeep did not get set back. So in the "civ5routes" file it is still road=5 (rr=10).

Related bug, clearing barbarian encampments is paying about 750 gold (prince). Plain civ was closer to 150 i think. I like it that high because i can clear 2 encampments and buy a settler. But I suspect it should be back closer to 200 gold.
Followup on the spice bug i reported above, about 30 turns later, my worker was able to build the plantation there. Must have needed a 2nd tech to clear the forest. The hex is forest/hill/river, but not jungle

Possible bug: In plain civ, roads upkeep is 1 (Railroad=2). When they made all the x5 changes to CTP, they made road upkeep cost 5 (rr=10). But when you took out the x5 , the road upkeep did not get set back. So in the "civ5routes" file it is still road=5 (rr=10).

Related bug, clearing barbarian encampments is paying about 750 gold (prince). Plain civ was closer to 150 i think. I like it that high because i can clear 2 encampments and buy a settler. But I suspect it should be back closer to 200 gold.

Thanks. The amount of gold you receive is related to the difficulty level. For prince, you get 250 (scaled for era). I dropped that down to 100g across all difficulties. For the roads, I dropped that to 2g, and railroads down to 5g. This will all be present in the version I upload to github later today.
These black marshs really bug me. Is it possible to edit map scripts to remove marsh generation?

Sorry for not being around much but I am really busy atm but when i get my workload sorted this is at the top of things to solve, if someone doesn't beat me to it :)
topic - roads.
In plain civ , roads cost 1 gp, and when you complete a trade route to a city you get back money. So a road to a near town is about 4 hexes and 4 gold, the trade route pays about 7-9 gold depending on size of city and difficulty level.
So if your setting road cost to 2, you may need to change the trade route payoff to still show a profit, the the variables are
civ5globaldefines - TRADE_ROUTE_BASE_GOLD
Updated Github. Added some icons, changed the gold for roads (1) and railroads (3), and adjusted barb camps to give 100g (adjusted for speed). Now it's time to start working on the techs...

And for those that are as interested in art as I am, you can find the files that I'm using here:

BTW did you realize that some of the icons are already used by CCTP;). Seems that someone used it for its own:)
The other point, i will bet its a spice building. I use it as a Gewürzhaus (spicehaus) since one year ago..
To busy to testing newest version.
But i cant wait to play G&K with an overworked CCTP
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