Completely Dumb Ideas

Sorry if this makes little sense to the non English folk....

New Civ: Yorkshire.
Capital: Leeds (would have to be on same tile as York).
Spawn Date ~ 500CE as: Kingdom of Elmet.

If Democratic: West Riding of Yorkshire
If Communist: Anti-Thatcherite Coal Miners Commune of Up' North
If Monarchy: Kingdom of The North
If Fascist: EDL Junta of Greater Burnley

UB: Greyhound Racetrack - +2 Happiness +1 Gold - 1 Health
UU: Canal Barge: Replaces work boat but cannot leave city tile.

1) Spend no Gold until 1000CE
2) Continue to spend no Gold until 1800CE
3) And spend no Gold for the rest of the game.
New Civ: San Marino
Capital: San Marino
Spawn date: 301 AD
If Democratic: Most Serene Republic of San Marino
If Monarchy: Kingdom of San Marino
If Monarchy + empire: Sammarinese Empire
If Communist: Socialist Republic of San Marino
If Fascist: Fascist San Marino
UP: The Power of Independence, San Marino cannot be destroyed and always survives
UB: Grand and General Council, replaces nothing, because you only have leaders for six-months term, you are constantly in anarchy
UU:Guard of the Rock, replaces rifleman, cannot leave city and cannot attack, +50% while defending a city
UHV1: Establish the Sammarinese Empire to succeed the Roman Empire by 476
UHV2: Make San Marino the city with most wonders and highest population in the map by 1800
UHV3: Win the Eurovision Song Contest by 2020

San Marino all the way!

Oh and thou shalt not forget the mighty nation of Sealand

San Marino was proposed on the last page...
Hey guys! I'm finally back after around 5 months of not being here. Just got back from Japan and slept 18 hours. =O
Welcome back!
After being in Japan, I have some Completely Dumb Ideas to add to Japan.
Heated Toilets - +1 :)
Recycled American Culture - 5 percent of culture is American
Terrible food - +1 unhealthiness
The Power of Japanese Television - + 1 percent tech research\
Freaking monkeys - Units in Japanese jungles lose health
Japanese Josei - +1 happiness
Japanese koi - -1 population growth (Hah, pun on words. Get it? Koi? Koi fish? Being shy?)
Racism - -5 diplomacy with Korea
The Power of Jido Hanbaiki - +2 healthiness and happiness
The Power of Shinzo Abe - +1 diplomacy with the US if George Bush is president
The Power of the Ichiban Yen - WHAT IS THE POINT OF THESE?!
On the topic of Japan ... having visited there I've only even seen Kyouto or Kyouto spelled as Kyoto - I believe this is the correct English spelling.
Terrible food - +1 unhealthiness

Kyouto or Kyouto spelled as Kyoto - I believe this is the correct English spelling.
Kyōto = Kyouto = Kyoto, ō = ou.

Shihōin Yoruichi = Shihouin Yoruichi = Shihoin Yoruichi


That said, I prefer the short o as in Kyoto as well. Just like how I prefer color to colour. Why used two letters when one would suffice already?
But it doesn't suffice. Kyoto would not be pronounced the same as Kyouto. :(

Tokyo isn't written in English as Toukyou. From my limited understanding the pronunciation of to and kyo in Tokyo is the same as in Kyoto - just reversed. If we can't have the emphasis sign (or whatever it's called - excuse my ignorance) on the word in the game then the cities should be written as Kyoto and Tokyo (as they are at their respective locations IRL in English).
Tokyo isn't written in English as Toukyou. From my limited understanding the pronunciation of to and kyo in Tokyo is the same as in Kyoto - just reversed. If we can't have the emphasis sign (or whatever it's called - excuse my ignorance) on the word in the game then the cities should be written as Kyoto and Tokyo (as they are at their respective locations IRL in English).

The actually translation from Japanese Kanji is Kyōto-shi and you have a point, if you are going to have Kyoto spelt with a u then Tokyo needs them added as well. However, I stayed in Japan with a host family and when they write Kyoto and Tokyo in English they do not add the u.

I don't see why we can't have the accent above the o when the German language characters can find their way into the game.
We are limited by what the character encoding allows. Umlauts and French diacritics are in, but I don't think the straight bar for long Japanese vowels is. I can check though.
Tokyo isn't written in English as Toukyou. From my limited understanding the pronunciation of to and kyo in Tokyo is the same as in Kyoto - just reversed. If we can't have the emphasis sign (or whatever it's called - excuse my ignorance) on the word in the game then the cities should be written as Kyoto and Tokyo (as they are at their respective locations IRL in English).

Not quite. The 'kyō' in both is pronounced and written the same, 京. It literally means 'capital', and its on'yomi is 'きょう', where the first character is 'ki', the second is 'yo' [when 'ya', 'yu', or 'yo' are smaller like the above, they get combined with the prior character and replace the prior character's vowel], and the third is 'u'. Thus, 'kyou' or 'kyō'.

The 'to' or 'tou' or 'tō' is different in both. The latter two in the previous sentence are pronounced the same, and mean 'eastern', or 'east, written as 東. The on'yomi for this kanji is 'とう', where the first character is 'to' and the second character is 'u'. In 'Kyoto', the 'to' is written as '都', and it primarily means city when conjoined with 'kyō', but it's a tiny bit more complicated for that. Its on'yomi is 'と', or just 'to'.

Thus, if you were to write 'Tokyo' in hiragana, you'd get ’ときょ’, which is different from if you'd write "Tōkyō', or 'Toukyou', which would be ’とうきょう’.

Similarly, 'Kyoto' would be written as 'きょと’, while 'Kyōto' or 'Kyouto' would be written as ’きょうとう’.

Source: I'm Japanese...? :p
Arigato gozaimasu. :)

My initial request was to have Kyoto, as written here, as the spelling in the game. I'm not Japanese, I speak very little Japanese, I visited the country once. Therefore I am comfortable having Eurocentric emphasis/pronunciation marks dominate the world's city names in DoC.
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