• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Conversations: Who's here, Who's not.


A bit of physics, some Norwegian literature and language history, with a sprinkle of nynorsk grammar studies. You know, living the dream.
Norwegian literature and language history, with a sprinkle of nynorsk grammar studies
do you mean


the subjectttt

I was thinking the other day about how I at school was like "yea sure gotta learn about these things people wrote" and then I read one of them this summer and loved it lol
I've been studying cynics.
It's an illustration of my aptitude in word-image association
It's important for me to display I posess at least the mental capacities akin to a 3-year old
do you mean


the subjectttt

I was thinking the other day about how I at school was like "yea sure gotta learn about these things people wrote" and then I read one of them this summer and loved it lol
The very same! Some of it is quite interesting some of it much less so. What did you read?
I think I posted about it back then
It's like the prose or whatever that makes it great
All aboard the language train! Next stop ä ö å!
I didn't know fajita was a word needing to be censored.
It makes me hungry, so maybe it should.
I didn't know fajita was a word needing to be censored.
Mentioning fajitas anywhere only encourages the Mexican takeover of the US. Such an outstanding menu item diminishes hatred of our southern neighbors and must be discouraged.
We seem to be getting an influx of new posters with sufficiently low postcounts that they appear to be also new to CFC. Who are you all? Where are you from? How did you hear about us?

And thank you for joining in! :)
Maybe @ten should post here
Why do you assume that @ten is male. Surely we want to expand the posters to all sex's so that we can get a wide range of opinions and subjects.
Why do you assume that @ten is male. Surely we want to expand the posters to all sex's so that we can get a wide range of opinions and subjects.
It's just a guess based on the fact that 95% of posters here likely male. I could have said he/she to demonstrate my acceptance of whatever passes today as correctness in gender politics. If I know someone is female, I will use the correct pronoun; if I don't, I use he/him and await correction.

I have no power to close the gender gap among CFC posters and if a new poster of undeclared gender takes offense at being labeled as a he at a predominately male forum, then they should take the responsibility to declare themselves so we can get it right. If something is important to a person, it is their job to make it known and not mine to guess, second guess, or dance around the issue.

Now, if you happen to know Ten, then I hope you will let me know that I have made an error and he is really a she. :)
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