Cultural Capital Mod


May 2, 2008
Vienna, Austria
Cultural Capitals
v16 for Brave New World (updated on Jul. 28th, 2013)
Search for Moaf_ or Cultural Capitals in the Modbrowser.
Or download here
Link to old G&K compatible version 15 here
Link to old vanilla compatible version 10 here
(Just extract the downloaded zip file into your MODS folder of Civ5)

This Mod adds the Concept of Cultural Capitals to the game, allowing a player to choose from different Bonuses("Themes") with city- or even empirewide effects. This mod is intended to give more power to players using culture- or builderbased playstyles.

Some ingame Pictures:
Spoiler :


More Information about the Theme, including requirements

Race to Win the Election

Countdown indicating the duration of the Theme

Known Compatibility Issues

Well, first I started this mod as a basis to learn xml- and lua scripting. But as time passed, I realized that the first ideas I had had potential for more - thus this mod was born.

The Rules
This Single Player Mod adds the Concept of Cultural Capitals to the game, allowing a player to choose from a set of "Themes" giving a variety of different bonuses with city- or even empirewide effects. This mod is intended to give more power to players using culture- or builderbased playstyles. The AI fully uses all concepts offered in this mod.
This Mod requires the Brave New World addon since Version 16.
This Mod requires the Gods and Kings addon since Version 10.

============================================= GAMEPLAY========================================== ==
*** Forming the Cultural Committee
The first civilization to build 2 wonders forms the Cultural Committee in its capital and starts the electorial race for the Cultural Capitals for all players. The bonus for having the Cultural Committee in your empire is that it enables you to see the progress of the election of all other players as well as a free Delegate.

*** The Electoral Race
Once someone has formed the Cultural Committee in the world, all players race to win the Cultural Capital election. Every turn you will gain election points depending on your cultural ouput, the number of wonders you have, allied cultural city states, the number of cities you have and other factors.

*** Winning the Cultural Capital
If you have accumulated enough election points, your civilization will win the Cultural Capital in a city - choosen randomly from any of your original cities. Cities with higher culture output/population have a higher chance to be picked. Becoming the owner of the Cultural Capital enables you to choose from different Themes giving various bonuses. The Cultural Capital lasts only for a few turns, in which you can pick your Theme. Depending on the Theme, the bonuses can be temporary or may last for the entire game. Caution: Temporary bonuses lasts only as long the city is Cultural Capital!

*** Continuing the Race
Once the Cultural Capital wears off, the race for it starts again for all players. If you were the lucky one to win last time, you will receive less election points until the next race.All accumulated election points carry over to the next race.

*** Bribing
Once the race is in progress, the Cultural Committee may be bribed. The bribing amount will increase over time. If you have bribed it, you gain a boost to your election point output for a fixed amount of time. After that, you will have to wait some turns until you can bribe again.

If there are problems with the mod, delete all data in your user/my games/civilization5/cache and /moduserdata folder. If there are still problems with it, contact me.

Credits To:
- Whys and Onni for providing Tools and Insights into Civ5 Modding.
- Wutz for the German translations.
- yche2990 for the Chinese translations.
- skodkim for extensive testing.
- rapsynrev and AndreP.
- Gilgamesch for his support.
- And of course all ideas and testers from!

This mod has been updated for Brave New World.
You are welcome to tell me if there are any bugs.​


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Spoiler :

# Balance Changes:
- Theme Labor gives now additionally a free worker.
- Added Stone resource to Geology Museum.

# Misc:
- Fixed Imperial Cathedral to be able to employ an artist specialist.
- Removed in the Exhibition Description the special artist specialist.
- Added German Localization strings
- Fixed bug where several committee winners were possible when more than one player has built more than 2 wonders
- Fixed issues when selecting the gameoption "Complete kills"


# Balance Changes:
- Reduced Think Tank Great Person rate modifier to 25% (from 33%)
- Removed Heal Rate Change from Constrution Hall.
- Theme Belief: Added Shrine as a requirement in the city.

# UI:
- Added cultural committee winner to the history tab.

# Misc:
- Fixed bug when capturing the current Cultural Capital.
- Fixed bug when that let the player choose a theme after forming the committee.


# Misc:
- Fixed database errors.
- Updated German and Chinese localizations.

# Gameplay Changes:
- The first civilization to build 2 wonders forms the Cultural Committee in its capital and starts the electorial race for the Cultural Capitals for all players.
A bonus for having the Cultural Committee in your empire is that it enables you to see the progress of the election of other players.

# Theme Changes:
- Theme of Empowerment: Does not go obsolete anymore. Receive a Statue of Empowerment (=> can pick policy only once).


# Theme Changes:
- Theme of Geology: Added copper and salt, but reduced science yield from 3 to 2.
- Theme of Technology: Reduced Ars Technica science bonus for artists from 2 to 1.
- Theme of Entertainment: Increased gold income from Radio Studio from 15% to 25%.
- Theme of Trade: Trading House gives now +2 food instead of +10%.
- Theme of Labor: Fixed Labor Camp description to correctly state the +200% worker speed.
Generates now great Engineers by +2 per turn (from +1).
- Theme of Ecology: Increased science for Ecological Center from water tiles from 1 to 2.
- Theme of Faith: Imperial Cathedral can now employ an artist specialist.
- Theme of Defense: Palisade Happiness bonus reduced from 2 to 1.
- Added Theme of Investigation: Provides a Detective Bureau (1 free spy and +1 culture).
- Added Theme of Ascendency: Provides temporarily a Beacon of Heavens (+1 faith from all tiles nearby).

# Misc:
- Added now some Artwork and Icons for Cultural Capitals
- Added chinese localization (thanks to yche2990!)

v10 (Changed for Expansion Gods and Kings):

# Gameplay Changes:
Changed now for full integration into the expansion pack Gods and Kings.
(Vanilla is not supported anymore, last supported version for vanilla is version 9)

# Theme Changes:
- Theme of Belief: Added, gives Temple of Worship (+2 faith and happiness)
(credits to skodkim!)
- Theme Horizon: Gives now only one Settler, but improved food bonus
- Theme Ecology: Ecological Center now correctly gives +1 Food on Jungle Features
- Theme Entertainment: Radio Studio Happiness bonus reduced to 5 (from 6)
- Theme Faith: Requirement changed from Policy Organized Religion to Building Temple
Imperial Cathedral now gives +3 culture and +3 faith.
- Theme Exchange: Obsoletes now when Computers researched
- Theme Labor: Obsoletes now when Steam Power researched
- Theme Sacrifice: Population cost now changed to a constant 2.
City must be now at least of size 6. Slightly lowered base production and base culture gain.
- Theme Construction: Construction Hall bonus production changed from 25% to 15%.
- Theme Idols: Memorial culture changed from +25% to +1.
Changed melee production bonus to a 15% production bonus for all units.
- Theme Philosophy: Think Tank great people generation rate reduced to 33% from 50%.
Science bonus reduced to 15% from 25%.
- Theme Controversy: Changed number of cities required from 4 to 5.

# Misc:
- Added German localization (thanks to wuTz for German translations!)
- Small bug fixes here and there


# Gameplay Changes:
- Added new Theme Labor
- Added new Theme Extraction
- Added new Theme Deep Extraction

# Balance Changes:
- Construction Hall: Has now a Base Production of 1.

# Misc:
- Tooltip for effects appear now when using Thals Balance mod.
- Small code base changes for better interop between mods.


# Balance Changes:
- Think Tank: Removed Great Scientist Point
- Construction Hall: Decreased Production Bonuses from 33% to 25%
- Geology Museum: Decreased Culture from Resources to 1, added 1 base culture and can employ an artist specialist.
- Imperial Cathedral: Reduced Happiness from 5 to 4
- Ecological Center: Removed Gold Bonuses

# Misc:
- Bugfixes and Changes in AI Code
- Small UI Changes


# Gameplay Changes:
- Added now an ability to Bribe the Election
- Changed Election Progression
- Added new Theme Geology
- Added new Theme Entertainment
- Removed wonder-requirement to get election points

# Balance Changes:
- Construction Hall/Trading House/Think Tank yield now +2 Production/+2 Gold/+3 Science after Steam Power/Economics/Scientific Theory was researched
- Removed base Gold bonus from Trading House and reduced food bonus to 10% (down from 15%)
- Reduced Production Bonus from Construction Hall to 33% (down from 40%)
- Reduced Culture Bonus for Ars Technica (from 5 to 2)
- Theme Controversy obsoletes when Electricity researched (instead of Scientific Theory)
- Theme Architecture obsoletes when Industrial Era reached
- Theme Horizon obsoletes when Industrial Era reached
- Theme Loyalty obsoletes when Industrial Era reached
- Theme Empowerment obsoletes when Computers researched
- Theme Defense requires now Construction (instead of Masonry)
- Removed Specialist Artist from Imperial Cathedral, but increased Culture (from 1 to 2)
- Slightly reduced food bonus for Theme Horizon
- Reduced Theme Exhibition Great Artist change rate (from 6 to 3)

# Misc:
- AI picks now themes based on a weighted probability
- AI bribes based on flavors
- Added now a Progress View in the overview
- UI Changes (merged effects and requirements on one page in the themes view)

# Added now a better AI functionality that chooses based on viability, needs and flavors (instead of random)

# Balance Changes:
- Changed Tech-Requirement for Theme Construction to Metal Casting
- Improved Theme Controversy Bonuses
- Changed Building-Requirement for Theme Exchange to have a National Treasury in the Empire and reduced its Bonuses
- Slightly reduced progress cost for elections

# Misc:
- Included Whys' SaveUtils v8.

# RuleChanges:
- You get now Malus Points for the next Election when you win.
- You now get informed which Theme a player has chosen if:
(1) The Player is in the same Team or
(2) You have a DoF with the player.
- Changed election points progression.
# Changed Top Panel:
- Added now the possibility to view Themes any time with L-Click.
- R-Click opens now an Overview.
# Added two new Themes.
# Rebalanced most Themes slightly (Balance will be focused on in a later version).
# Fixed some theme-requirements issues.
# Improved some Visuals.

# Improved mod to work better with other mods
# Added two new Themes
# Some minor Crash fixes
# Added more functionality for Modding the XML-Files

# Fixed crashes regarding saving and loading games
TODO List and Ideas for next version(s):

Spoiler :

  • Important
    - Balance
  • Nice To Have
    - Quests/Awards for impressive achievements throughout the game
  • Ideas
    - CC of Enlightenment: Gain a free priest.
    - CC of Counter-Espionage: Receive a new Agent.
These are the themes of version 0.4. Currently they are most probably imbalanced. So far this is more of a list of feasible themes.

Since it takes a lot of time to update this list manually, I'd advise to check the Themes ingame, or if you need more details, in the xml files

Spoiler :

Effect values in parenthesis (2base, 0.5era, 0.25election) mean that the base value of the effect is 2, increases per era by 0.5 and per election by 0.25.

Cultural Capital of ..

  1. Kings:
    ## Requirements:
    - None
    ## Effects:
    - Culture (2.0base, +0.5era)
    - Population (2.0base, +0.25era)
    ## Obsoletes:
    - Never
  2. Idols:
    ## Requirements:
    - None
    ## Effects:
    - Memorial Building (+15XP for all units, +15% melee units, +20% culture)
    ## Obsoletes:
    - Never
  3. Sacrifice:
    ## Requirements:
    - City of Size 4
    - City must produce building/unit
    ## Effects:
    - City loses 3 Population
    - City gains Production (100base, +20election) (scales with game speed)
    - City gains Culture (100base, +25election) (scales with game speed)
    ## Obsoletes:
    - Renaissance
  4. Trophies:
    ## Requirements:
    - Policy Discipline
    ## Effects:
    - Temporary Effect: City gains Culture/Production/Food when enemy unit gets killed within borders
    -> gains 100% from enemy unit strength (scales with game speed)
    ## Obsoletes:
    - Never
  5. Faith:
    ## Requirements:
    - Policy Organized Religion
    ## Effects:
    - Imperial Cathedral (+5 Happiness, +3 Culture)
    ## Obsoletes:
    - Tech Scientific Theory
  6. Architecture:
    ## Requirements:
    - Policy Aristocracy
    - Tech Engineering
    ## Effects:
    - Temporary Effect: +100% Wonderproduction
    - Production (0.5base, +0.5era)
    - Culture (2.0base, +0.5era)
    ## Obsoletes:
    - Never
  7. Horizon:
    ## Requirements:
    - Policy Collective Rule
    ## Effects:
    - 2 Settlers
    - Food (1.0base, +1.0era)
    ## Obsoletes:
    - Never
  8. Construction:
    ## Requirements:
    - Requires a building that can employ Engineers
    ## Effects:
    - Construction Hall Building (+20% production, +20% siegeunits, +1 city heal rate)
    ## Obsoletes:
    - Never
  9. Trade:
    ## Requirements:
    - Requires a building that can employ Merchants
    ## Effects:
    - Trading House Building (+1 Gold from bonus health resources, +2 gold, +15% food kept)
    ## Obsoletes:
    - Never
  10. Philosophy:
    ## Requirements:
    - Tech Education
    ## Effects:
    - Think Tank Building (+50% great people birth, +25% science)
    ## Obsoletes:
    - Never
  11. Controversy:
    ## Requirements:
    - Era Renaissance
    - At least 4 original Cities (scales with mapsize)
    ## Effects:
    - Temporary Effect: Exhibition of Controversy (empirewide effects: +100% unhappiness from no. of cities, +100% great person birth rate, +100% culture)
    ## Obsoletes:
    - Tech Scientific Theory
  12. Defense:
    ## Requirements:
    - Tech Masonry
    ## Effects:
    - Heals City
    - Palisade Building (+6 Defense, +2 Happiness)
    ## Obsoletes:
    - Tech Electricity
  13. Adv. Defense:
    ## Requirements:
    - Tech Electricity
    ## Effects:
    - Heals City
    - Bunker Building (+13.5 Defense, +33% Science)
    ## Obsoletes:
    - Never
  14. Technology:
    ## Requirements:
    - Tech Scientific Theory
    - Oxford University built in empire
    ## Effects:
    - Ars Technica (Artist Specialists +2 gold in empire, +1 Culture and +25% Culture in city)
    ## Obsoletes:
    - Never!
  15. Servitude:
    ## Requirements:
    - Building Military Academy
    - Garrison in City
    ## Effects:
    - +100 Exp for Garrison
    ## Obsoletes:
    - Never
  16. Empowerment:
    ## Requirements:
    - Policy Populism
    ## Effects:
    - Receive a Free Policy
    ## Obsoletes:
    - Never
  17. Benevolence:
    ## Requirements:
    - Policy Protectionism
    - Era Industrial
    ## Effects:
    - Receive a Great Artist
    ## Obsoletes:
    - Never
  18. Exchange:
    ## Requirements:
    - Tech Economics
    - Building Bank
    ## Effects:
    - Temporary Effect: Exchange Market (+100% income from trade routes)
    ## Obsoletes:
    - Never
  19. Ecology:
    ## Requirements:
    - Tech Ecology
    ## Effects:
    - Ecological Center Building (+1Food/+1Gold from forests/jungles, +2food/+2gold from oasis, +1 science from water tiles)
    ## Obsoletes:
    - Never

Looks promising but left click doesn't do anything for me when trying to bring up the themes popup.
I've won several times all left click does is move to the city that won.
Hm.. weird. I just checked myself if i made some errors while cleaning up the code, and it seems to works as intended.

It only works when you click on it when it looks like this:

Did you save/load the game? (because save/loading isnt really tested properly so far)
Hm.. weird. I just checked myself if i made some errors while cleaning up the code, and it seems to works as intended.

It only works when you click on it when it looks like this:

Did you save/load the game? (because save/loading isnt really tested properly so far)

No save loads, I tried left-clicking the box with the nation icon just how that picture is but nothing happens.
Sorry for the late reply...
Do you have any other mods installed?

And what are the settings you play on?

And.. thanks for testing out the mod :)
Sorry for the late reply...
Do you have any other mods installed?

And what are the settings you play on?

And.. thanks for testing out the mod :)

Yep that's the problem its another mod. Do you change something to socialpolicy popup?
Actually i change nothing in other mods and i don't override any vanilla files.
Hm, could also have something to do with the import into vfs property;

I'll check that out;

edit: Oh and can you tell me which mod you use?

edit2: version 0.2 is now live (fixed save/load crashes)
I use Procylon's Call to Power mod.

I get this error msg when I left click your button:

Runtime Error: [string "C:\Users\test\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier'..."]:266: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)

Sorry it cuts off the full filename path.

Looks like in XmlData.lua

function FailsPolicyCheck(player, ccType)
return (ccType.PolicyRequired ~= nil) and (not player:HasPolicy(GameInfo.Policies[ccType.PolicyRequired].ID));

Call to Power changes the policies so that's the conflict.
Should only the capital city be selected as the cultural captial? When I win it seems to be random which one of my cities is selected.
I updated the rules section in the OP. So far it is random, but the cities must fulfill specific requirements to become the cultural capital.
This mod looks intriguing! A couple questions/suggestions:

What are the themes? It might be worth discussing them individually here and listing them with their effects in the first post would make it easier to do so.

One thing that seems problematic is a civ winning the election over and over and - depending on the power of the themes - becoming a runaway civ, so should there be a cooldown to prevent a winner from getting the election two times in a row?

If possible, I'd suggest adding negative points toward the election from puppets. The "build two cities, puppet the world and win by culture" strategy is already quite powerful, and this mod may exacerbate that.

But I'll load this up with my next game and report after playing.:goodjob:
Thanks for posting your great ideas!

What are the themes? It might be worth discussing them individually here and listing them with their effects in the first post would make it easier to do so.
I'll post a list of Themes later on in the OP.

One thing that seems problematic is a civ winning the election over and over and - depending on the power of the themes - becoming a runaway civ, so should there be a cooldown to prevent a winner from getting the election two times in a row?
Yeah, I already thought about that; as it is now, the overflow of the last election gets carried over so other non-winning civs have more time to catch up. But if it is still too powerful I'll definitely implement that. Or better I'll implement it anyways and make it changeable via xml.

If possible, I'd suggest adding negative points toward the election from puppets. The "build two cities, puppet the world and win by culture" strategy is already quite powerful, and this mod may exacerbate that.
Cool idea, I will definitely look into that. :goodjob:
edit: Ah, actually i already give malus points from every city(include puppetted ones)! (Stupid me)

But I'll load this up with my next game and report after playing.:goodjob:
That would be really great! As it is now, I'm sure it is imbalanced as hell, so don't be surprised if you win in 100 turns by Cultural Victory. :crazyeye:

Oh, and by the way I've released v0.3-beta.
- Improved mod to work better with other mods
- Added two new Themes
- Some minor Crash fixes
- Added more functionality for Modding the XML-Files

I hope it's now possible to play it with the ctp mod (but I don't know if it's recommended to do so, since the numbers in the ctp mod seem to be waaay different).

D'oh! I just uploaded a version with debug variables on!
0.4-beta uploaded.
That would be really great! As it is now, I'm sure it is imbalanced as hell, so don't be surprised if you win in 100 turns by Cultural Victory. :crazyeye:

Oh, and by the way I've released v0.3-beta.
- Improved mod to work better with other mods
- Added two new Themes
- Some minor Crash fixes
- Added more functionality for Modding the XML-Files
0.4-beta uploaded.

At first glance the themes do seem *very* OP, at least for the early game. Can there be different themes for each era? That would go a long way towards easier balancing.

Just started a new game playing with Thal's Balance Mods and version .03 of this, and I won the election on turn one:confused: (it could be he adds "dummy" buildings/wonders that are invisible but count as a world wonder by your mod) - but I'll give the .04 release a try.

EDIT: Seems to be working properly in v.04:)
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