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DaNES II: When the Stars Fall

I know it's a bit late to ask, but Dachs, could Baktria also please have a faction rundown?
From: The High Chancellor of Wu Chao, Sun Zheng, on behalf of His Majesty Son of Heaven Yang Yunfen
To: Soga Umako of the Riben Zhou

The Huangdi sends greetings to the Queen of the East the Land of the Rising Sun, and wishes prosperity and peace upon her domain. In this time of expediency, we move to a simple message: the blessing of Heaven has conferred upon the Huangdi a simple advantage to rule All Under Heaven under his command, and by that Right he has gained that which is stronger. Your Queen, as fate has decided, is left with that which is weaker to rule what befits her station. The Son of Heaven has need of your aid, and by his right he shall take 200 taels of silver per year as Your tribute. We expect this tribute annually unless we give further word of changes in this arrangement

OOC: Birdjaguar, I am using the approximite conversion of 25 taels = 1 talent, so I am asking (re: demanding) 8 talents a year.

To: Chancellor of Wu Chao, Sun Zheng,

From: Soga Umako on behalf of Empress Suiko of Nippon

To rule All Under Heaven and bring blessing to those who are ruled is indeed magnificent and to bear the Mandate of Heaven is a glory for which the Empress Suiko leaves to others like yourself. The western lands of this world are ruled by powerful kings like yourself and those of Yang, Liang and Nanyue, all of whom stand proud and and bless their people. Wu shines as one among them, but from our distant vista that lustrous glow is diminished by your cry for help from those who are your equal and your tyranny over those of us who are less potent and disinclined to venture into the politics of your great lands. We are a weak land and therefore we must cater to those of great power and get by as best we can.

In the past we have looked to the greatness of Wu that we may bask in the radiance of your glory, but perhaps you are not what we believed you to be. If you, the mighty King of Wu, seek the help of Yang and Nanyue to protect you from the barbarians of lands beyond imagination, should we not also look to them? Would you drive us from your warm embrace into the hands of uncertain lovers? Are you so weak that the uncivilized horsemen of the grasslands, who have no cities and subsist on mare's milk and blood threaten your great kingdom?

Are you so poor that you who are wealthy beyond dreams would take all we have to protect your lands and leave us barren of funds and unable to bless our own people? Your power and wealth are beyond the imagination of even those of us who dream the great dreams of our tiny realm. If you need help to protect yourself, then we will help in the best way we can. We can send brave soldiers and courageous captains to protect your borders where you cannot. We can be obedient servants if your house is in peril. Is your rule beset by troubles?

We have long favored Lords of Wu and in your hour of weakness will support your cause.
From: The High Chancellor of Wu Chao, Sun Zheng, on behalf of His Majesty Son of Heaven Yang Yunfen
To: Soga Umako of the Riben Zhou

Queen of the East, these circumstances call not for you to question but to serve. The circumstances and knowledge of All Under Heaven lead his purposes to hold weight beyond your very imagination. To serve today, you must give us what we ask, not what you offer. That is the only word of heaven.
OOC: Why don't I get an arrogant response back Kraz? :p
For my OOC response to that question, refer to what I said IC to Abaddon. ;)

OOC: Two completely different cases; I like to think my diplomacy was crafted much better in completely sidestepping your point :p
From: The High Chancellor of Wu Chao, Sun Zheng, on behalf of His Majesty Son of Heaven Yang Yunfen
To: Soga Umako of the Riben Zhou

Queen of the East, these circumstances call not for you to question but to serve. The circumstances and knowledge of All Under Heaven lead his purposes to hold weight beyond your very imagination. To serve today, you must give us what we ask, not what you offer. That is the only word of heaven.
We do not know the ways of the court of Wu and perhaps speak more freely in our humble halls than is permitted in your throne room. I regret such lapses, but great distances make them most unavoidable.

Circumstances, you say. Your messenger stands in the court of our Empress where those of her council may speak freely and without fear. We have no knowledge of what transpires in your great court. Perhaps those who carry our message wish us ill will and speak words that were not said to gain some favor or edge over another of their station. Did we not say we would support your cause?

You speak harshly that your rule and needs are beyond question, and yet your very cry for help from those around you calls your mandate into question. Those circumstances are of your creation, not ours. I am sure all the great nations around us will join Empress Suiko and bow to your need to stop the tide of barbarians who ravish you lands and steal your wealth.

Might our mutual interests be served if you would invite a formal embassy form our court to yours to that we might learn your ways and have revealed unto us the glory of your court? Such an embassy might lessen the misunderstandings that seem to plague our discourse.
Thank you, and it just seems one faction, the Katoikiai did not receive a definition. Could they receive one please?
Didn't they? Damn.

Katoikiai: the katoikiai are sort of the Greek equivalent of the Chinese buqu: military colonists receiving their land in exchange for service. They form the backbone of your levy army and ensure that it has a higher quality than most. They are mostly Greek, though in the last century the number of Dayuan and Mazsakata military 'colonists' (essentially, pastoralists who fight as horse-archers in the army) has increased. They also serve, militarily, as a group providing 'defense-in-depth' against raiders rather like the thematic soldiers of the OTL Byzantine army. Politically, they tend to oppose wars (or at least wars in which they would get involved), reductions in their pay, land reductions, and (generally) cultural policies that the other Hellenes would oppose.
The Emperor would welcome embassy from Riben and will educate them in the greatest of all traditions under heaven. Your suggestion is the previously unspoken will of the emperor, for by bearing us gift you will have also come to our court.

Take heed, however, that violations of custom of court and that which is expected will not be looked upon kindly by the Emperor or the wisest of his subjects. By bowing at our throne, you will have wisely chosen to consent to our will.
Dachs, do you want current stats sent with orders?
Yes, I would, thank you. :)
The retinue came in slowly from the hunt of the last several days. They came in carrying their kills and singing the praises of their fellows who had performed well. This included the Trohtîn who had face down a charging boar with only a long spear and taken the beast down. It would be roasted as the high point to the feast tonight. As they approached the town servants burst forth to take the animals off to be properly dressed and prepared for the feast. Trohtîn Wiolant and his sons walked off towards the great hall to prepare for the evening.

Trohtîn Wiolant sat in his great hall welcoming the various advisors as they arrived to discuss the future of Walhia. He nodded to his most trusted advisor, his cousin Meinrad, who had come up with a good portion of the plan to be presented today to the council. Meinrad walked over to Wiolant and bowed politely. “Trohtîn, I have listened to conversations and asked pointed questions to get a feel for how this will go over in the council and I think most of the points will go over well as long as we present it the right way.” He said quietly as more advisors filtered in.

“I know we have to be somewhat concerned at the Sidona Bastarna’s reaction to the obvious tactics we are taking, but overall I think we can convince them to see the reasoning if we are prepared for future concessions in their favor. Especially if this does not work out as we imagine it will. The gods will see to it that we are correct. No matter what we need to bring the Yazyga into the Bastarna fold completely if we are going to do anything.” Trohtîn Wiolant finished as the last of the council came in. He motioned for Meinrad to take a seat.

The hall was loud with greetings and the Trohtîn watched as the groups settled into their various factions as they always did. Once all the people had been seated and quieted somewhat the Trohtîn stood. “Welcome as always on this great feasting day. The hunt was good this year and as always we now shall eat what was brought down.” This brought some cheers and laughs as they all remembered the hunt earlier in the day. It had been a wonderful hunt this year with the Trohtîn himself bringing in a sizeable wild boar. He sat back down and the servants brought in the first round of food.

The feast as always went on for a long time. No one was overly concerned; they would simply discuss any issues tomorrow. And this way at least they would all be in a good mood once the issues were being discussed. Trohtîn Wiolant had to keep reminding himself, this was for the good of the Bastarna regardless if they thought it was. They needed to not only keep the idiot natives in their place, but they were also on the swords edge between greatness and civil war. His Bastarna would be behind him in this, so would the Atmona, and the Yazyga for sure because this could only be better for them. The real problem will be the Sidona Bastarna. They will only see a loss of personal control and for no gain. The trick is to tell the story right.

“May Wodan grant me the wisdom to get this done.” The Trohtîn said to himself as he glanced at the assembled leaders of his nation.
Orders sent.
I just ran through every swear I know.

Spent the last 2 hours doing orders, I finish, get ready to send, and my dead battery computer dies. I reboot everything, and then I get the automatic Google-Chrome window restore. I have the private message screens currently up. They're blank white squares.

Forget this merde. I'm sending tomorrow.
database error just ate my orders.. i'll try again in about 20 hours, which I think will be just about on deadline?
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