Dawn of Civilization General Discussion

I wander if players can ignore the spawning conditions when playing those conditional spawning civilizations.
When playing Byzantium once,I noticed that Rome had collapsed from the beginning, while Greek and Near East were under Persian control (even the religious units I gifted at the beginning were Zoroastrian missionaries.)
Perhaps that Byzantium was not Eastern Roman Empire, but Western Persian Empire
They do. What else would happen? You'd lose the game during autoplay.
Does anyone ever raise the Espionage slider? I never do and I'm wondering if it can be competitive.
I once did a Russia run where I eventually turned the research bar to zero and put all my money on espionage. Hermitage, Lubyanka, State Party and all the espionage building I was producing some 000s esp per turn. It very much shines with an extra-wide playstyle. I was stealing everything from the English, Dutch and Germans. Not suitable for space race victory, but you can easily win historical or even domination this way.
Question for the thread: What's the earliest you've accomplished the Mongols' "12% of the world" goal and how?

I've also realized that Russia's later spawn might change their game significantly depending on how it's implemented, but that might be a bit premature to discuss.
I'm currently playing my first Dawn game as China and loving it. Currently I'm aiming to get the heavy swordsman. Could someone please clarify the tech requirement for me? Steel is supposed to enable him but when I hover over the icon it says that Civil Service is required. So which tech is required? Or are both required? Thanks.
Both are required. Whenever units require more than one technology, the unit only shows up at the "primary" tech requirement in the tech tree, which can be a bit misleading (Trebuchets are another potentially misleading case that I recall - they require both Machinery and Fortification). You can always go by the tooltip / unit civilopedia entry to make sure. Every unit that lists more than one technology requirement always requires all of them.

If the game has an alternative requirement (either X OR Y) the civilopedia should always be explicit about this. However, this is never actually the case for technologies, but sometimes it is for things like religion requirements.
Some UUs have those too. Conquistadors (Spain's Cur), for example, Can be unlocked on Exploration (Normally Curs unlocks at Combined Arms), but they require Firearms.
As for the Trebuchet debacle, there is one easy way out: Just dont research machinery and rush Gunpowder. You skip straight to Bombards. Was this intended? idk lol
I mean by the time you've got Gunpowder you'll probably have traded for Machinery (a good tech in its own right and one that a lot of civs reach quickly) but point taken. I hadn't even realized that was possible.
It's definitely intended that gunpowder is the most rushable tech in that tier.
Since I am the Chinese ruler, I plan not years ahead but centuries ahead. As Copilot told me, it's possible to work tiles that are three tiles away but it couldn't find how. What is the requirement for a city to work tiles that are three tiles away? Thanks!
I believe that's only a feature in other mods, like Fall from Heaven or (I think?) Rise of Mankind. At the scale DoC operates working third ring tiles wouldn't make much sense anyway.
Maybe it could be integrated only as a very late wonder/project or technology effect e.g. deep sea mining, making third ring cities no viable option for most if not all UHVs
Since I am the Chinese ruler, I plan not years ahead but centuries ahead. As Copilot told me, it's possible to work tiles that are three tiles away but it couldn't find how. What is the requirement for a city to work tiles that are three tiles away? Thanks!
I hope this is a joke.
Maybe it could be integrated only as a very late wonder/project or technology effect e.g. deep sea mining, making third ring cities no viable option for most if not all UHVs
I'm not sure what would be the point. even on the big map a city's third ring covers an area almost as big as Iberia, and even bigger outside of Europe.

Is there any city on Earth which is:
1) Sufficiently big to justify working so many tiles,
2) Not sharing its territory with other important cities,
3) Whose size couldn't be more properly represented by giving it more resources?

Giving the player such an option also complicates the user interface - I love playing as the Kuriotates in FfH but my laptop doesn't have the space for selecting the three upper tiles, and I figure that implementing that involved a rework of the city screen for the entire game - a bit much for a single wonder.
8 out of 10 cities in DOC currently cant even fill its BFC, what makes you think the mod can handle a 3 tile wide ring.
This feels like a OP Korea patch.
Leoreth, I have a question about a certain tile. It's a Historical Area of China at the border with Korea. Then it also becomes a Rise of Korea tile at the same time. Previously I built a city there and it flipped to Korea. Is it intended to be both Historical Area of China and Rise of Korea or is this a mixup?


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Leoreth, I have a question about a certain tile. It's a Historical Area of China at the border with Korea. Then it also becomes a Rise of Korea tile at the same time. Previously I built a city there and it flipped to Korea. Is it intended to be both Historical Area of China and Rise of Korea or is this a mixup?
Why not? This question implies a contradiction that does not exist.
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