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Dorians how did they look like?

Ofcourse this is a very old post and all - I bumped on it looking for how a specific peoples of ancient era used to look like. But as a Greek and a Macedonian at that, I can't but protest at the propaganda talked about here. Dorian Greeks were dispersed all over the mainland of Greece, including my Homeland of Macedonia. Also to a large extent to neighboring lands that still exist now, like Hepirus. Not so much Thrace, but I wouldn't exclude that. As for archaeologists, we're dealing with a subject that is 2000 years old, probably much more. They don't dig everywhere. I've been reading that a lot of archaelogical finds happen close to streets and places like those, cause there's alot more digging there obviously. 2k+ years back, the climate could have been drastically different and we have indications it was(like the dwarf elephants and wild feline species remains found in the general Aegean/Greek area), so it is possible that people would live elsewhere than they do nowadays. So if we look close to those areas, ofcourse what we gonna find is that they were sparsely populated. They hardly lived there and maybe there were some isolated farmers and livestock hearders, which if you know anything of Classic and even relativelly recent Greece(most past century though) happened quite often.

Archaeologists are not Gods(some of them like most scientists do have such a syndrome though). They do make mistakes and quite alot of them to begin with, which is why they change their theories quite often in modern times. As for the theory that if you strip a culture from all its defining characterization elements it becomes non existing, I find it laughable. Obviously that can happen with any culture at any given point in time, including nowdays and the cultures of all the people that contributed in this conversation. That does not take away the fact that they did exist and did have ALL those cultural and civilization elements and even more than those.

The invasion part I can't be sure of, but it is possible. Dorians are highly trained and skilled warriors(a new formation of Greek Phalanx and the offensive spear called "Sarissa" are amongst our inventions. And we do have in our ranks possibly the best military strategist of all time, also a great civilization bringer and builder/conceptualizer of cities and other technological innovations in Alexander the Great). So if you haven't made it(I'm still in the process of making some stuff I conceptualized even as long as 20 years ago), it's just a scenario. You can't have facts on era's so long ago that don't have known written records. There is a Nuclear war the ancient people of India described in their written records and people have a hard time believing it existing(and it is written, right?). Also have in mind, Sid Meier's team also made many fictional and what if scenarios(whether it was back at Microprose's time or with Firaxis).

Lastly, arguably, the entire Civ series is made up and is based on ZERO facts. Why? Well mostly because the AI will behave as it was programmed and the leaders will not make decisions like History played out. So even if you knew ALL the historical facts of that era, your scenario still wouldn't be archeologically or historically accurate. Cause that's how the Civ games work. At best they can be close but not exact historical simulations. Under that light, every single Civ game is an aproximation and the only historical facts(as known at the moment each game is made) are the Civilopedia articles.

-Proud Dorian Greek Macedonian
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