Double Your Pleasure

Hello, I really like this patch of yours but i have a small problem..
I didn't wonna change the whole game. I just wanted to ad the Circus maximus. It seemed to work exept i don't have the pcx file necessary in Art\cityview\buildings. So i can built it but i cannot see it on my areal view. What should i do???

Maybe you have answered it above but i didn't feel like looking thrue all those pages...
Originally posted by Ossric
Hello, I really like this patch of yours but i have a small problem..
So i can built it but i cannot see it on my areal view. What should i do???
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Bird's Eye View: None of the added improvements/wonders show up correctly on the Bird's eye view of your cities. Eventually, these might be added, but due to technical difficulties and lack of resources, they are not currently scheduled. UPDATE: As of v.1.29f, Firaxis have implied that this is not even going to be possible with the Play the World expansion, so unless we find a workaround, this may never become part of DyP (or any other mod, for that matter). :-(
Hello, this thread is over 100 pgs. long so this might have been discussed, but whenever I try and play games from b4 the dyp mod, sooner or later an error message comes up. How do I fix this?

Btw Kal-el, Your mod rocks, keep up the good work, maybe you can make a senario for this mod.
Originally posted by Yom
Hello, this thread is over 100 pgs. long so this might have been discussed, but whenever I try and play games from b4 the dyp mod, sooner or later an error message comes up. How do I fix this?

Btw Kal-el, Your mod rocks, keep up the good work, maybe you can make a senario for this mod.
Yom, we are moving the discussions to here but to save you some trouble I'll try to answer your question now.

DyP modifies your Civ3 install so much that you most likely cannot play other mods or the original when it is instaed. You need a mod manager for that, and there are a few. Try looking in the proper forum for those. PtW comes with a builtin mod manager, but that won't help you now.
Join the test team and get the latest newest hottest DyP release currently under test. We're currently testing the new release we have been talking about for some time. It has 44 techs in each era and several new wonders, units, governments, citizens and resources.

The catch: We want you to play it and give us some feedback, ofc. - Errors, imbalances etc.

To join, just
1) register at our new forum home
2) go here and join the Civ3: DyP: Testers group

Well, What are you waiting for? :D
Hey it's been a while.
Just wanted to say your mod is still great.
It's the only game I play anymore. No one else has even come close to matching you Mod.
Keep up the good work.

Thank you for hours of gaming enjoyment.
Edit: I just realized how incredably stupid I was. Ignore my un-edited post.

Here is my new question: I figured out how to get DYP working on PTW, but I still can't get my custom made multiplayer maps to work. Can someone please enlighten me?
Mike23 - You probably need to open the maps in the PtW editor and them save them in the PtW format. Before saving, you should probably check that the Scenario Properties have the 8 new civs selected as playable.

There's probably more - send me an email if it keeps bothering :)

Ps. Check out the patch - A PtW version of DyP is included in that, though it is a low-graphics version. I'm working on a patch to make it as colorful as you're used to, so stay tuned. :scan:
Thanks Isak, now I have a new problem:

During the first few moves of any game that I start, a message comes up on the screen that says "Missing File Art/Units/Ashigaru Spearman/Ashigaru Spearman.ini". That file is missing, but as far as I can tell, that unit isn't even in the game. It isn't in the bix file, and there is no Ashigaru Spearman Folder in any of the three units folders. So I have no idea what might be causing the problem. :confused:

PS: I would be posting all of this stuff on CDG, but I've registered twice, and never received a confirmation e-mail either time. So, I guess I'm stuck here. :(

PPS: BTW, I love the new resources and tech tree. Keep up the good work.:goodjob:
I was just experimenting and I'm now pretty sure that the crash occurs as soon as a player enters their first goody hut. Still don't know the cause though.

Edit: Scratch that. It happens the first time that someone gets a goody hut after they build their first city.
Hi Mike - keeping the thread alive, are you? ;) Actually, I would be a bit sad if this dropped all the way down the list - I guess I'm just being nostalgic.

About the problem - the Ashigaru Spearman, and other units are from the Extras included on the PtW disc, but you don't need to copy them into the DyP folder to make them work. All you have to do is open up your map in the editor and adding in the following in the Scenario Options/Scenario Search Folders box:

..\Extras\Medieval Japan\;Double Your Pleasure

This tells the game to look in the Extras folder first whenever it needs a file, then go on to the DyP folder if the file wasn't found and it will then by default continue to the PtW and finally the regular Civ3 folder to find the file. You only need to add the 'Double Your Pleasure part if your map is in a BIX that is not called Double Your Pleasure.
If this makes no sense, try opening the Double Your Pleasure.BIX in the editor and look in the scenario search box. :)

About joining CDGroup - I really have no idea why that happens? It sounds like maybe you've misspelled your email adress :D but It's possible that there is an error. Try again, and if you fail again, send me an email (adress on the DyP site) and I'll contact the administrator unless I can add you in myself - I might be able to, but I haven't figured it out yet :) ).
You have to get in - we need more people testing v.0.90....

Thanks for the praise - I am sure we will not be able to cram in anymore techs than we have in v.0.90 - well not many more anyway :rolleyes:

Edit: Ooops - forgot something in the Scenario Search Folders line above - it is now correct. Sorry, posting frenzy..:D
Thanks Isak, I did what you said and it worked.[dance]

About CDG, I would except for the fact that I'm out of e-mail addresses. FYI, I'm registered in the memberlist as Mike23 (#35 to join).
:confused: :confused:

Eh? Out of email adresses - how's that.

I'm a bit confused now. So you registered, but didn't supply an email adress and thus can't login cause you never got your password? Is that it or am I going bonkers...? Or both.

Well, you need to have an email to join (security reasons, I suspect) so if you're out of emails, go sign up at Hotmail, Yahoo or whatever all those things are called.... Then I'll figure out how to get that email attached to your Nickname (that part is probably going to be easy - i'll just pester Elucidus 'till he does it for me ;) )

... DyP 0.90 is waiting for you, remember :)
No No No

What I meant is that you can only sign up with an e-mail once. I only have two e-mail addreses, so I can only sign up twice (which I did). If I try to use again, the "A user is already signed up at this e-mail" screen comes up, thus I cannot sign up. I'll try to get another yahoo e-mail though.
3rd times a charm.

Just regestered on CDG under the name DYPfan. Of course I'll still bring this thread to the top from time to time.;)
Originally posted by Kal-el

LOL! You win the best User Name Award! :D
Oh no :( I was just about to sign up again as " I :love: Kal-El ", but he's already won it.... aww, shoot.. :splat:
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