Double Your Pleasure

Nice work on the DyP mod pack :). After playing this Mod pack gave me an insperation to make my own Mod pack using what I have gathered from the C&C forums :).
Hi there! sorry to stop posting the past few days, it was carnival here in brazil and i traveled with my gf!
my friend said that the siam guy is almost finished, just wanted to ask if 10 mb is too big!

also i got a question, about the game. has anyone ever had 40 minutes beetwen turns???? i got it today, and wasn't nice... i guess huge map with 24 civs shouldn't be an option...
40 minutes man!

well thanks!
Originally posted by Isak
This is a full scale mod, which will change your Civ3 install (I'm assuming you don't have PtW), but it's worth a try IMHO :D
Worth a try???
This is the best thing to happen to Civ3 since .... since .... ever :cool:
Don't miss out on it. :goodjob:

If you join the Beta Testers in our forum, you'll be playing v. 1.0 this weekend, unless I trip over a large bus and get hit by a comet at the same time :) [/B]
You do have a tendency to predict "in or just after the next weekend". Have you noticed that? But I gather this one might have a higher probability than usual :)
Originally posted by RobO
Worth a try???
This is the best thing to happen to Civ3 since .... since .... ever :cool:
Don't miss out on it. :goodjob:

Well, you know that my 'clan' does have humility running through our veins. In fact, it's only because I've lived 'abroad' for a few years that I could call the mod 'worth a try'. A few years ago, I would have said 'It's not too shabby, all things considered' and that would have been the best compliment in my vocabulary ;)

You do have a tendency to predict "in or just after the next weekend". Have you noticed that? But I gather this one might have a higher probability than usual :)
Yes, In fact It's been ready to go for days now, I'm just holding on to it, to increase my own sense of feeling important :D


10 mb is fine - in fact I think most of the leaderheads made average 15-20 mb, so your friend is actually on the lower end of the scale, MB-wise. But in any case, we'll make the leaderheads an optional addon, to save the poor dial-up modem users from going crazy ;) I'm really looking forward to seeing your friend's work.
Originally posted by Isak
Well, you know that my 'clan' does have humility running through our veins. In fact, it's only because I've lived 'abroad' for a few years that I could call the mod 'worth a try'. A few years ago, I would have said 'It's not too shabby, all things considered' and that would have been the best compliment in my vocabulary ;)
I see. I come from the same clan myself (actually a somwehat more strict sect from the west), but I must have forgotten my roots. I probably lived too long abroad. Apologies.
Yes, In fact It's been ready to go for days now, I'm just holding on to it, to increase my own sense of feeling important :D
OK, Please let it loose now, then :)
I'm sure it can take care of itself.
OH I'll definetly use this mod. But I'll wait a little until after the testing. I'm a sysadmin, therefore I am allergic to beta.

Ok, well maybe I'll setup a 'test' civ3 DyP machine :D

Yup, no PTW. I like Civ3 as SP only.

How does this mod work with other mods like:
less yellow
Those cool new Multi figure units
I imagine unit libraries like Zues's would overwrite what you have done.

SO I should load this mod without others?

There didn't seem to be a FAQ on the DyP website. I read the readme, and some of the forums. I hate looking like a noob ;)
Originally posted by gorilladf
Ok, well maybe I'll setup a 'test' civ3 DyP machine :D

Yup, no PTW. I like Civ3 as SP only.
No problem. We'll be releasing both versions simultaneously.
How does this mod work with other mods like:
less yellow
Those cool new Multi figure units
I imagine unit libraries like Zues's would overwrite what you have done.
Terrain mods are not a problem. And I guess you can exchange some unit graphics easily enough if you can figure out what to overwrite where.
SO I should load this mod without others?
Not sure what you mean. With regular Civ3 DyP wil take over the install. You can't use that one with other mods. But you can install Civ3, patch, copy the install, then install Dyp in one of them. That will allow you to switch by renaming the two Civ3 install directories.
There didn't seem to be a FAQ on the DyP website. I read the readme, and some of the forums. I hate looking like a noob ;)
Sorry. Not enough time :(
I have a reference to a DyP strategy forum at CDG a few posts or pages back.
At least the civilopedia is progressing now.
Ok, I've finally taken the time to test your mod Kal-El.

And the so far the strangest thing of them all... the workers can't do anything but scout in the early game... ;) So i scouted for 15 turns or so, returned home, and added the worker to the city.

And the settler could move one tile before settling...

Well, I'll see if this mod is fun, or just TOO much :p
Hehe - now where have you been all this time Grey Fox?

Your workers can't initially do a whole lot, unless you start off with The Wheel, in which case they can build roads.

You then need to get Crop Rotation, before you can start Irrigating (which we call 'Farming').

And you'll need Engineering before you can start Mining (which is called Engineering). Note that you can't Mine grassland, but you can mine Forests (think of Lumber Mills) in this mod.

About the settler, it's only the initial 'Tribe' unit, which represents your starting clan that moves that fast. It treats all terrain as roads, and in DyP that means it moves 2 tiles (not 3) ignoring terrain. Any settler units (initially called Clans if you're not a religious Civ, and Shaman if you are a religious civ) will move 'normally'.

So, to quote Yoda Power's sig (and some Sci-Fi movie) "you must un-learn what you have learned". :)

I guess it's been too long since the DyP Strategy Thread has been advertised here, so there it goes again ;)
Yup, I noticed those things.

And no, I havn't missed DyP. It's just that I didn't want to try it out... it just seemed to be TOO much. Something that will make it harder to balance. And I can bet that it's probably not as well balanced as Civ3 is, and you probably agree. :)

But it seems like a whole lot of fun, and I actually downgraded from Deity to Regent now just to try the mod out :crazyeye:

It's a little easy for me on Regent, but I gotta learn the mod before I start playing it for real :D

One thing that is really cool is the Cap on research. I NEVER knew that was possible to do in the editor, although I have never really fooled around with the Government settings in it.

I sortof missed the first message when playing with the Industrious civ I'm playing now (america) but I know they start with Serf's is that the only thing they get?

Anyways, I noticed their where some graphics missing, the Pigs for example. Do you mind if I would make the graphics for it?
there are graphics for the pigs, make sure you are playing with the right version of the mod. "Double you Pleasure with GFX" is the proper scenario to play if you want all the graphics.
Uhm... but I downloaded the mod from your site, and the patch, and that said "load Double your Pleasure.bix"...
Dang it, I downloaded the graphics patch from However, I try to open the new scenario, and ICON_BDLG_Palace_Garden is not there. Can I write this in the Civilopedia text myself, or is it a picture thing? :confused:
ok, I found my problem. I installed in my old Civilization folder... a folder which I can't remove.
heya kal-el i was just wondering how i become a tester for certain again is it through this form or the cd ones? because i registered for both of them....

anyhow i found a few bugs that might help u out...
on multiplayer:

canoes cannot be captured

spies and secret agents cause cant be attacked... and since your opponent cant see them, when they move their troops they cant and "your unit has been attacked" message appears repeatedly

also sometimes when switching techs in MP u can search it in 2 turns even though it would be unreasonable at the time... even lowering ure research to 10% will still allow the researcher to research the tech to 2 turns... especially for early techs such as....
domestication, weaving, urbanization, caste system, dynasticism, boat building....

hopefully this information helps!!!

Thanks a lot for your incredible mod and keep up the great work...
I'm sure that everyone playing your mod appreciates your work as i do!
Thanks for the bug reports. Which version were you using? That 2 turn thing sounds unusual, though.

Don't advertise other sites in your posts. The forum rules forbid you from doing so, but you can post the link in your sig.
Originally posted by RobO
Thanks for the bug reports. Which version were you using? That 2 turn thing sounds unusual, though.
Edited by ???
Don't advertise other sites in your posts. The forum rules forbid you from doing so, but you can post the link in your sig.
I wasn't advertising. I was passing on information.

So, I cannot "advertise" in the post, but I can advertise in my sig?

Boy, you got my temper going :mad:
I'll refrain from commenting further, or from the looks of this I might well get banned.

Who are you, btw?
It says "Last edited by chieftess" so it was chieftess that edited out the link in your post - whatever that was.

I'm interested in starting the DyP mod but I'm not sure how to get started. On the site I viewed pages of information (except for units and improvements) and the tech tree layout. :eek: That's a lot of techs.

I've just finished two chieftain games where I researched (and traded) heavily, and all I got was near the end of the industrial/start of the modern ages. They were standard sized maps, 8 rivals. From the looks of the tech tree, there are at least twice the techs would I manage to advance through the whole tree?

Also would there be more of a bigger lag with all the new techs/improvements/wonders/units? I'm trying to play gotm17 but the lag is killing me at 25 sec in the BC era.
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