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I here submit all new file (version 1.31) with the german translation (except for strategy and pedia text keys).

could someone please implement them for the next version. ALL of them, because some of the older files had mistakes or were not updated for a long time. It was a lot of work (mostly with chars that exist in german but not in english such as ä instead of ae).

i started before this you released 1.31 but dont worry i checked all my files with winmerge for your changes and corrected them in my files.

just to check what i did: you changed following files from 1.3 to 1.31, right?


New txtfiles were

+Unique features
+more_events (not really translated, I postponed it for the moment)

I'd really appreciate if you do it quickly before further patches are released. It's a lot of work every time again. And some of my friends are not really familiar with the english language (and they really want to play it).

if you need someone to translate something into german, feel free to contact me before you release new patches, so the new german textkeys can be implemented immediately.

my email (makes things easier as i dont know how often i login here): moc.liamelgoog@007sennnoj, of course inversed


  • Text Deutsch
    2.3 MB · Views: 74
sure, will do the more_events file and upload it within the next days. Remember there were some names and notes right within the code? if someone can spare time, he can create textkeys. I'm absolutely not familiar with python or xml. so i dont know how to do. but they are easy to find. just switch language to german and look at units, techs, promotions and spells and stuff. except for strategy and pedia I checked all. so if there ist still english, its due to missing textkeys. i think its the same with some events as well. but not sure. (EDIT: wait, I just realized that you maybe won't see the difference english/german if it is similar, right? I' send a complete list within the next few days)

In general: I think its a great piece of work and I'm happy you all continue with it, now, as ffh2-Kael seems to be off duty. but i think more important than creating new stuff (but less fun of course) is making the game more comfortable. there are a lot of things in the game that have no explanation (eg the d'tesh buildings have noch icon bullets in the game, i think, and its not clear what they do before you try). I remember when i built guild of nine for the first time I went mad trying to find where to hire the mercenaries. or it' not explained why you cant build the hero 'risen emperor' when choosing him as the leader. At least i experienced it's not possible, right? As you can't bulit die vaccant mausoleum. Such tings are the things I think need a little bit of tidying up. I can try as soon as I have a little bit of time left after my exams. but you are the experts. I think, I would do things wrong as I don't know all the fine programming. you are the ones that could do it with a blink of eye.
nice - with german lang-file I'll switch to german at next version and keep an eye for errors in the texts. Now I've been playing english but german is a little bit more easy for me :)



PS: but don't hurry - I'm playing Oblivion currently and it'll take some weeks till I switch back to Civ
Just made Baron Halfmourne in my game with the D'Tesh and I noticed that he was not created with the Undead promotion, And i was wondering if that was intentional or just an oversight.

edit: The promotion is sporadically applied or something, like every other turn.
Just made Baron Halfmourne in my game with the D'Tesh and I noticed that he was not created with the Undead promotion, And i was wondering if that was intentional or just an oversight.

Additionally, i dont think the loyalty promotion he grants to followers is functioning properly, it disappears after a turn even if the captured creature is still in the Baron's tile. Assuming that it is supposed to operate similar to Haste anyway.

No hero gains the race of the civ that builds it. It either starts with that race, or none at all.
Just made Baron Halfmourne in my game with the D'Tesh and I noticed that he was not created with the Undead promotion, And i was wondering if that was intentional or just an oversight.

edit: The promotion is sporadically applied or something, like every other turn.

So I'm not the only one having a problem with the baron's promo then?:think:
I think this should really be in the bugs thread though...
Another thing, he picked up the 'Estranged' promo from some haunted lands and a few turns later turned barbarian. I went back a couple turns and it says that he isn't supposed to be able to abandon my civilization due to the werewolf promo.

Edit: Your right krieger, but i dont know how to transfer my posts to other threads
something seems to be wrong with the multiplayer part:

lan browser not showing up any games --> direct ip works for 2 - 5 turns, then a ctd on all clients.

btw: rife 1.23 works on lan
I'm trying to d/l the hotfix in message #1 from and gamefront is saying "The file you are looking for seems to be unavailable at the moment. Please come back later."

Anyone else having this problem?
Gamefront seems to be having problems with quite a few files. I put the Orbis files up recently, and some people seem to be having trouble getting them too.
Their network monkies probably haven't been told yet.
Is there an ETA for 1.40 (or a new version)?

Also, will there be any AI changes in the next version?
The ETA is probably 'when it's done'
And I think I remember seeing somewhere that teaching the AI would be done after 1.4
But don't take my word for it - I'm known to be wrong.
Yo, i totally broke my 1.31 by playing around with it, i was figuring on waiting on 1.4 before doing a clean download, but i thats gonna be months rather than weeks then i'll go get latest version. Any clues Valk?
Yo, i totally broke my 1.31 by playing around with it, i was figuring on waiting on 1.4 before doing a clean download, but i thats gonna be months rather than weeks then i'll go get latest version. Any clues Valk?

By the powers of guessing wildly, I'd say "very months". Go re-download 1.31.
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