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Earth 192x120

Amazing job in Warlords prolly the best map around if u take into account both balance and scale/detail. Should this be released in BtS Its gonna be the map that most of us will play till we get bored of Civ4 or just earth maps!
When BtS arrived from Amazon a couple of weeks ago my PC refused to believe there was a dvd in the drive..so..several tech forums and a different dvd drive later I got started on a BtS version but, I got a bit carried away so it's now an update with; 18 civs vanilla, 18/24 civs warlords, 18/24/32 civs BtS and versions with no fixed civs/start locations :smoke:

Each has a different selection of civs, the 24 civ warlords version is also updated (now for 2.13..save games from the 2.08 version should still work..no major changes) and I've tried to take advantage of the new BtS features like colonies/derivative civs.

I haven't had a chance to play any of them through yet so please let me know how your games go and post screenshots/savegames.

See you online for multiprayer :)
While the mod is loading (and CIV is reloading) I got nuked with error messages -didnt cause a crush however- and later when I select the scenario option my PC explodes - or just give me this final windows error about the application crush.

The error messages on the mod-loading screen are about files in XML that fail to load

I tried to copy paste ur Asset data straight to the original BtS asset - did the same with the dll- but there was no change HELP!
Sorry you're having trouble Enter, it sounds like the xml files in the mod are incompatible with your game version; Which version of BtS are you using? (I've tested the mod with v3.01 and v3.03). I'm a bit worried about you overwriting files in your installation directory, it shouldn't be necessary and could cause problems thereafter. The best way to be sure would be to reinstall BtS and update to the latest patch, then put the mod folders in your ...my documents/my games....folder (this won't interfere with the original game installation).

If you think your game installation is ok then it's possible that you need the latest xml parser from Microsoft (search for 'msxml').
I suggest to add all 34 civs.
How about the Holy Roman Empire start at Prague (or remain at Aachen) & the capital of Ottomans is moved to Ankara?? That Byzantines can be started at Constantinople. :D
Very nice map, great work, congratulations for it!

At any rate, may I humbly request a completely blank version of the map, without any civs on it?
Very nice map. I played in BtS and everything runs smoothly. There is one question: why metals are sparse? I played as Spanish and happend to have copper. It is easy to conquer most of Europe since other nations almost have no access to metal.
Hi Carter, i dont have any problem during instalation with BtS 3.03 :goodjob: , but when i select the version with civs starting in fixed locations, the initials techs of each civilization dont appear discovered and is necesary to investigate it :mad: . I install the mod three times :crazyeye: for to make some comprobations and all with the same results :sad:.
Hello! Great map in theory but I've yet to get past midgame and a CTD. I've tried all 3 versions 32,24, and 18. No avail.

I've a really great rig and the game is all patched up. If you can fix it, I'll give it another whirl. I really looked forward to it.
Hi Carter, i dont have any problem during instalation with BtS 3.03 :goodjob: , but when i select the version with civs starting in fixed locations, the initials techs of each civilization dont appear discovered and is necesary to investigate it :mad: . I install the mod three times :crazyeye: for to make some comprobations and all with the same results :sad:.

The WBS file has no techs specified for any civs, you'll need to add them. See the tutorials forum for the how-to on that.

As for the map, Carter obviously spent a long time on it and it looks beautiful, but playability wise I think it needs 1) the starting techs for each civ; 2) resources placement with an eye to playability rather than realism (rhye's earth map is a great example of a good balance btwn realism and playability); and 3) starting locations need to be tweaked so every civ has a good or at least manageable start. I checked it out in worldbuilder and it seems some civs have terrible starts while others have amazing ones, e.g. Persia starts on desert/plains hills with no food in their fat cross, for instance.

But again, great work so far.
After playing this map than just looking at it through world builder I think there are some issues that need to be fixed:

1)Persian are really messed up. They got no food as the poster above said.
Same goes for greeks.

2)Egypt has no horses and there are no horses near which is an issue since their UU is really early and if they cant get them fast enough it will become obselete

3)Romans have no Iron. Man I played romans on a multiplayer with some buddies of mine in this map and when I went all out for Iron working and found out there was no iron I thought it was some graphics bug or smthing. I think for romans it really important since they are poor Civ choice without their UU.

4)Moscow(Russia's starting city) needs a nerf imho or more barbarians around there- as for barbarians I think same goes for the vikings too.

5)There is NO iron in all continental Europe apart from a single vein in eastern europe.

6)The Maya could use some boost too since their starting place is rather cornered.

7) I think Eastern europe could handle the Holy Romans

8)The most weird area seems to be near east where Babbylonians and Summerians get funny cultural borders its as bad as it is in RL today:p
All in all great map but there are some issues concerning balance.
I love you. (10 chars)
Sorry to spoil the simplicity, but I must say, I've been trying to engineer this for weeks and you've saved me MUCH frustration Carter, I thank you. :D
Hello, i'm french and sorry i speak english very badely...
i love to play with earth's map and i've a problem... i can't download this map for BTS. when i try for downlod it : "default".
Can you help me?
Hi again, Carter. I haven't had a chance to look at the new BtS version, so I have a question: does this include a "clean" map, i.e., one without units or cities already placed, that could work within the regular BtS game without actually loading the mod?

The reason I ask is that I think this would be perfect for a scenario I'm planning, but it's a real pain to have to go through and eliminate all the starting units one by one... not mention reconverting it to the 18 civ limit.
Anyone think when the patch comes out that this map will still work with the new patch? I hope so..... This is a great map.
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