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Effective proxy wars


Mar 19, 2012
Has the AI become less effective with gifted units in G&K, or is it just my imagination? The reason I ask is that I'm currently in a game where Arabia is my #1 enemy and the Vikings are my only friend, and I've tried and tried to help Harald but he's literally sending my gifted units out to sea and into an unoccupied desert where they loiter and do absolutely nothing. In the meantime, Copenhagen is falling. There are three gatling guns currently wandering around Copenhagen bay, one modern infantry hanging around some meaningless desert, and a cavalry stuck in the distant hills. All of this is happening while Harun has Copenhagen circled with rifles and cannons. Do I have to circle Copenhagen with my own units to block Harun? I don't want to resort to such cheese.
I recently gifted Milan three units to stop it being overpowered by the Russian horde. They stopped the initial onslaught, but then sent the units to the far south of the territory. Russia was to their North and still sending in units. I was like, wtf?:mad:

But I had these kinds of experiences pre-G&K so i dont know if it's better or worse.
Has the AI become less effective with gifted units in G&K, or is it just my imagination? The reason I ask is that I'm currently in a game where Arabia is my #1 enemy and the Vikings are my only friend, and I've tried and tried to help Harald but he's literally sending my gifted units out to sea and into an unoccupied desert where they loiter and do absolutely nothing. In the meantime, Copenhagen is falling. There are three gatling guns currently wandering around Copenhagen bay, one modern infantry hanging around some meaningless desert, and a cavalry stuck in the distant hills. All of this is happening while Harun has Copenhagen circled with rifles and cannons. Do I have to circle Copenhagen with my own units to block Harun? I don't want to resort to such cheese.

It's possible that's just Harald. He's born to lose...

As for the Milan case, city-states appear much more passive than in vanilla - their units hardly leave their borders, and you won't find them marching to war to assist an ally or capturing cities any more. It's my big gripe with the post-G&K game.
Uh I've experienced the opposite. Last major game I played, Lhasa, ally of my enemy, embarked almost all their units and sailed 10 tiles or so and attacked London, which I'd captured. They ended up capturing it, since all my units were far far away engaged in battle. Didn't mind so much because a few rushed units were able to recap it np and it wasn't razeable.

I'm not sure why you would bother to 'save' an AI like that though. Either attack Arabia head-on and defeat his attacking force yourself and liberate/gift any cities Harald lost, or backstab Arabia where their forces aren't and defeat him before Harald is dead, or let him kill Harald then attack him and claim both his and the former civ's cities.
In a recent game as Sweden, I gifted Quebec City a Gatling Gun to help them fend off a French invasion from the west. When the GG got there, it arrived on the northwest edge of their territory and the stupid AI had it head straight north (as if running away). A couple turns later, the French captured the city and Quebec City became a sad footnote in the annals of history :sad:
Good to know my strategy of never gifting a CS units is still the general rule of thumb. :-(
Do you still get sqwat in the way of influence for gifted units?
So I guess I'll stick with cheesy plan A: Circle their capitals with outdated units to block the enemy's advance. Dumb but effective. Oh well.

Copenhagen still lives thanks to spearmen and scouts sitting outside of its city walls. The Viking gatling guns and infantry continue to wander the oceans and deserts.
Good to know my strategy of never gifting a CS units is still the general rule of thumb. :-(
Do you still get sqwat in the way of influence for gifted units?

You actually get less squat than you did before. Now only the first 2-3 units you gift give you influence. It's pretty lame if you ask me.

I'm also with Phil in wanting back our old, lovable, cut-throat, bloodthirsty CS allies. I miss them. =(

Come now man, give the Viking a break. He has ran over his fair share of continents in my games.;)

I had only one game where he did well, and that was a vanilla game where he had a continent to himself (so couldn't declare war on anyone, at least usefully).
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