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Elite Infantry

@CivWarlords - Otto Skorzenny Commandos are part of SS so i think i choosed well Waffen SS (besides we already have model for it).

OK Here's the list after your propositions:

Germany - Waffen SS
USA - Rangers
Poland - Carpatian Rifles
Italy - Bersaglieri
Great Britain - British Commandos
Soviet Union - Soviet Snipers
Australia - Desert Rats
France - French Foreign Legion
Spain - Spanish Legion
Finland - Jaegers
it's for Warlords 2.08, but new version under BTS would be complited soon (1-2 months) and Elite Infantry will appear there :).
I vote for jääkäri (is elite force) the are the best trained and best equipped, and the will most likely know how to ski :lol: How would we only have 50 000 men in the whole army at wartime? It has to be more maybe close to 200 000

Oops! I meant 250 000 men. lol
Yeah. Its not many good ww2 mods for BtS. RtW is good but the lack of UI and bonuses is irritating. I hope this will be the best BtS ww2 mod ever! ;)
Hmmm I would definatly go with Red Guard for for the USSR guys.
i dont think the red guard were elite :)

i would go for snipers, or NKVD that has police abilities

for waffen SS could u use the kind that actually saw action in the field?(camo jacket)
the SS with the trench coat were used for ceremonial and bodyguard purposes, am i wrong?
Yeah red guard wasn't elite imo too.

Waffen ss would have camo jacket. :)
Well it is silly to say Soviet Snipers, are they weren't elite either, nor were there entire sniper divisions.

As for Guard regiments, that title was awarded to regiments which distinguished themselves through heroism and exceptional victories. Without a doubt the most significant title which an entire division could attain. I truly see no alternative if contrasting elite infantry such as Waffen SS or Commandos, then The Guards are the russian equivalent. As a Russian, I really think having divisions named Soviet Snipers sounds utterly ridiculous. But hey its not my mod is it :)
Yeah that make sense. I would bet that couple of days ago i red on wiki about RedGuard and it was written only about theire fight during revolution in 1917.
I agree they fit better than soviet snipers. Thx.
:) at first i wasn´t able to find the red guards in wiki, than i found the same entry you found and than ... (sometimes wiki is at little "strange")
YAY victory! The Guard regiments were re-introduced shortly after the invasion and became somewhat common by '43. The title could be applied to motorized divisions as well
yea i didnt exactly say they shud be called "soviet snipers". but will there be a sniper unit available for all nations then?
Peronally I find it very stupid to have any sort of sniper in the game. Each unit is supposed a brigade or a division, so in any of those snipers would already be incorporated.
Yeah i don't know how this snipper could work :(
Peronally I find it very stupid to have any sort of sniper in the game. Each unit is supposed a brigade or a division, so in any of those snipers would already be incorporated.

what about spys? they dont represent a brigade or division :p
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